Reviews from

in the past

A landmark that transformed the party game scene, rendered retroactively pointless by the best games getting sequels & spiritual successors with better mechanics, visuals, and accessibility options.

You Don't Know Jack - C tier - The standout of the pack in terms of visual style and constantly throwing loud novelties at the player. Stay with this one long enough and eventually you realize it's a lot of flashing lights to distract from shallow game mechanics. It's a trivia game where the real challenge is to parse confusing questions with limited time, that's about it. Wrong Answer and Jack Attack are neat concepts with poor implementation, and the latter means that final scores always give the W to whoever has the fastest reflexes and lowest device ping.
Fibbage XL - B tier - The best of this pack's 3 trivia games. You Don't Know Jack has more style but Fibbage stands the test of time with better game mechanics. Player-submitted trick answers allow an actually social game, rather than trivia devolving into parallel single-player. Not as good as Fibbage 3/4 or Trivia Murder Party.
Drawful - A tier - For my money drawing games are usually the best in the pack, including this one. Drawful uses the same trick-answer mechanic as Fibbage while enabling even more player expression through drawing instead of listening to trivia. Better than Weapons Drawn, worse than Tee K.O. and Champ'd Up, about the same as Drawful 2 & Drawful Animate.
Word Spud - D tier - The biggest gameplay standout that hasn't really been replaced by any newer Jackbox game. I can see why they never returned to it though: It's barely a game and more like a word association stim toy. Can be fun if getting high doesn't impede your reading & typing abilities.
Lie Swatter - F tier - The least interesting trivia game in a pack of 3 trivia games. There is no freeform player input, only answer true/false. It's barely a game and more like a tech demo, testing the server's ability to handle a massive number of players, what would later be better implemented as the audience feature.

A good start, but nowadays there's no real point in getting this one - all the good games got sequels in other party packs

Easily the weakest set of jackbox games, with drawful and fibbage being good but not good enough to carry it. Lie Swatter can be alright and You Don't Know Jack is outclassed by every other jackbox trivia game. Word Spud is possibly the worst game in the series, or at the very least the most boring. Skip this one, the good games have better sequels in later packs.

Finding out your friends and family are unfunny as FUCK is always a brutal realization

Mid but it was the start of something great

play Word Spud once with people, without explaining the rules. trust me.

Great game but completely pointless now. I'm pretty sure most if not all games have been redone with a sequel or a similar game.

i played drawful at a christmas party when i was like seven and i got the game so i could play it with my family
we didn’t play it too much
i like having the box though i think that’s hilarious

Three of these games are trivia show based games

The potato one just hated one of my friends and hit them with the curse every time it was their turn

overall its still jackbox its a grand old time but its def the worst one I've played

The Weakest Party Pack is the first so thats cool i guess. But how could any pack with Word Spud in it be bad?

Fibbage is the only good game

Drawful and Fibbage are good, You Don't Know Jack is alright, Word Spud and Lie Swatter are very meh. Decent party pack, though I would probably recommend getting Drawful 2 and another party pack instead.

- You Don't Know Jack is a fun twist on trivia games. The bad thing is that only 4 people can play.

- Drawful is my personal favorite game in this pack. Nobody is very good at drawing on their phones and tablets with just a finger/stylus, which leads to many hilarious pictures and guesses.

- Word Spud is by far the worst game in this pack. My family and I played it one time and never again. It doesn't have a set goal and is just about adding random words to other random words. No winners or losers and the game itself isn't really interesting.

- Lie Swatter can be pretty fun, but people inevitably end up just tapping randomly on their phones in hopes that they get the correct answer the quickest.

- Fibbage XL is excellent. A Jackbox staple for good reason. Plenty of room to get creative while also being a perfectly challenging trivia game in its own right.

Overall this pack is great and a good way to get into the spirit of Jackbox games. Drawful and Fibbage XL are the best of this pack and are good for livening up just about any casual social gathering.

You don't know Jack: Classic trivia game with an added twist of being able to "screw"over other people and force them to answer
Drawful: Draw a funny picture based on a prompt and everyone else has to guess the prompt.
Word Spud: Construct a story where everyone writes 1 word at a time. Can spin into some wacky things if people aren't lame and just write basic words.
Lie Swatter: Another trivia game only you just decide if its truth or lie.
Fibbage: Trivia once again only everyone throws their own answers in to fool other players.

legit with all the games in the series that have been made since this one word spud carries this pack so hard it may as well be word spud plus 4 bonus extras

It started the packs so im grateful for that but the first ones a real mixed back. There's really no reason to play it since the best ones here have better remakes later on.

#1 Fibbage - A Jackbox classic but better versions exist
#2 Drawful - Pretty good fun but again better versions exist
#3 You Don't Know Jack - An ok trivia game
#4&5 Word Spud & Lie Swatter - Kinda forgettable

El calvo sale de una caja. Creo. No me fijé.

- YOU DON'T KNOW JACK 2015: Un juego de trivia que me ha sorprendido porque (al menos en las pocas que he jugado) no salieron muchas centradas en EEUU. Como juego de trivia pues no está mal, pero la ronda final me parece que arruina la experiencia. Además, en el navegador no se muestran las respuestas, por lo que tienes que estar ciclando entre pantalla y navegador, haciéndolo muy molesto. Finalmente, la mecánica del tornillo es un dolor de webos. 1/5
- Drawful: Un juego de dibujar en el que hay que adivinar qué significa el dibujo de los demás jugadores. Este es el mejor del pack, pero me parece que hay juegos de dibujo más divertidos. 3.5/5

- Fibbage XL: El primer Fibbage. Un juego de trivia en el que tienes que llenar un hueco con una mentira. Muy centrado en EEUU. 1.5/5

- Word Spud: Juego de palabras encadenadas. Te ponen una palabra y tienes que completarla con algo que sea real. No está mal, el problema es que puedes poner cualquier gilipollez y eso lo arruina. 2/5

- Lie Swatter: Otro juego de trivia más. Te ponen un dato y tienes que determinar si es verdad o falso. Podría ser mejor, podría ser peor. 2/5

Puntuación total: 2/5

it could get better and it will get better

It's the first installment which makes it worthwhile, but there are just better packs (i.e. literally every other one).

Probably the weakest of the Jackboxes. When Word Spud is one of the more fun games, things are a bit dire.

This is the only one I don't own, it's pointless