Reviews from

in the past

YOU DON’T KNOW JACK 2015: é uma versão bem competente, mas o fato de ter que desbloquear os episódios sempre estraga um pouquinho quando vai jogar com pessoas novas.
Fibbage XL: infelizmente hoje é só um protótipo para os próximos jogos que viriam.
Drawful: é bem divertido e funciona bem, por mais que os prompts não sejam ótimos sempre.
Word Spud: não joguei ainda.
Lie Swatter: chato e não vale a pena.

a great party game collection that's bad when compared to any of the other jackbox packs. game selection is pretty middle of the road and the lack of a family filter limits its power at family gatherings

You Don't Know Jack is pretty alright, got lots of content too.
Fibbage is good but got new versions on sequels.
Drawful is great but you can get the sequel on its own for really cheap prices sometimes.
Lie Swatter is awful and extremely boring.
Word Spud is laughably bad.

Just play the sequels.

Good when it came out, but is now the most irrelevant Jackbox Pack. The 3 best games (Drawful, Fibbage, YDKJ) all have better iterations in future packs.

- Drawful (5) - Drawing game where players have to create false answers and try to figure out the real prompt.
- You Don't Know Jack 2015 (3
) - Trivia game with fast-paced presentation.
- Fibbage XL (3) - Trivia game where players create false answers and try to guess the real answer.
- Word Spud (1
) - Experimental word-cloud making game. Doesn't usually end up being very good.
- Lie Swatter (1*) - Overly simplistic true/false trivia game.

Decent when it came out originally. Completely and totally skippable nowadays given the sequels.

worst one, only game worth playing is drawful

Fibbage XL > You Don't Know Jack > Word Spud > Lie Swatter > Drawful

The jackbox party pack is the ultimate collection of party games everyone can play. Even non gamers. All you need is a phone or internet device. Even my mom is an avid player. Its easy to get a large group to play and can even make the dullest family gatherings fun.

For one you have You Dont Know Jack which is the best trivia game ever. It will make you feel dumb but you will be having a laugh the whole time. Excellent humorous game show and i love the commercials at the end.

Fibbage is really good too. Theres a reason why they brought it back so much.

Loads if people like Drawful. Honestly i hate it cause i cant draw for shit on my phone. Yes i know thats kinda the point.

Word spud is pretty good too. Lie swatter is whatever. Overall its an excellent collection of games for a small price. We are up to jackbox 8 now and i think pack 1 is still my most played version.

i just wanted to play mario party man

This is an incredibly important game that basically started a genre all its own. The use of phones as controllers was brilliant, and allowed more people to get into these party games and for a greater variety of gameplay on offer. While only 3 of the 5 games in this pack were good (Jackbox, Fibbage and Drawful) those three are more than enough. Fibbage and Drawful especially, those two are hall of famers. Trying to fool others while not being fooled yourself is just a perfect conceit. <3

Ultimately with any Jackbox pack, you will have fun with at least a couple of the game included.
Unfortunately, Pack 1 gets outshined in most everything else by the following packs, so I'd recommend getting those unless you plan on getting every pack.

So, last night on impulse I felt the need to vent about some cruel and unusual joke this game pulled on me in my dumb little achievement hunting activities like the dumb little completionist I am. Never could my hubris have conceived what was in store for me upon me deciding that Winventory, the achievement you get for getting the Wrong Answer of the Game prize for all 50 different episodes of You Don't Know Jack 2015, should be saved for my last achievement as a sort of thematic fit for it exactly when I had all but one of them. I needed someone else to help me with the other two I couldn't get due to their high player requirements anyways, so what harm could a little break do? Quite a lot, actually, as once I came back with someone to assist me with what I needed, I noticed the game's settings have returned to their defaults and upon further inspection, saw to my abject horror that all of my save data with my progress over the past numerous hours I spent grinding further towards had vanished without a trace. All completely gone.

In my distress, I tried everything I could see to try and get my data back, but to no avail. The (assumedly) 10+ hours I spent wading through each episode to unlock their prize and the episode after it were all wasted. The only option for me at that point was to just buckle up and do the grind all over again. And so I did. I spent another 10+ hours getting back to where I was before, and this time I didn't hesitate getting that last one. (I had already gotten those other 2 by then so I had nothing holding me back from having it as my last achievement this time, thankfully) What was rightfully mine was finally relented to me, at the cost of... pretty much all of my patience for that night. What a sick joke. Makes me go through a second round just because I got picky with my obtainment ordering. I've practically never seen a game be this unintentionally malicious before.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my funny little story here. I just really needed to put it out there since it was just the most absurd shit of all time. Oh, uh, also... if I should say something about the actual game itself, it would be that Lie Swatter and Word Spud are the most hilariously nothing games ever and the rest are just kinda fine, I guess. The sequels have much more entertaining and interesting games so you're much better off with those.

Everything here has been done better in future packs but hey everything starts somewhere.

Drawful, Fibbage, and YDKJ are inspired. We don't talk about the other two.

the only skipable game in the jackbox series, imo

I hurt my throat playing this with friends

This May be the Weakest Party Pack, but that doesn't mean it's bad.

for the most part, every game here is still fun to play, albeit with some Downsides and 3/5 games have better versions in future Jackbox's

You Don't Know Jack 2015: I was never really a huge YDKJ fan as I find the trivia to be way too bizarre and almost esoteric. There's games Jackbox have done later on that have made this work, but in YDKJ it's not that fun.

Drawful: Kind of an obvious "spin" on Pictionary with elements from the peer Fibbage. I think the sequel is better but for what it is, it's good.

Word Spud: Just not that fun or engaging.

Lie Swatter: Just more esoteric trivia framed in a really weird way.

Fibbage XL: The real star of the show here IMO, takes the trivia format and has a ton of fun with it guided by a "stranger than fiction" vibe.

It's pretty fun with other people but

1) You really need atleast 4 people to have a good time.

2) Only a select few of the games are fun.

3) It's kind of expensive because it has so many dlc packs.

I haven't played all the games here so I can't really say anything about them individually but there doesn't really seem to be a reason to pick this one up except for maaayyybe You Don't Know Jack.

Fibbage and Drawful already have better sequels so there isn't really a point in going back here; Lie Swatter and Word Spud look awful.

the weakest one of the series but it has a YDKJ so its good

Would be a 10/10 were it not for Word Spud.

literally the worst thing I have ever spent money on in my life

Whole not super great on its own, it did kick start the rest of this pretty great ongoing franchise.
Drawful is forever a classic, for a trivia game You Don’t Know Jack is surprisingly creative, and Fibbage is an incredibly interesting concept. I didn’t care much for the other two games, but this pack was alright.

Word spud and Drawful are the 2 that I love the most! would play again for just those 2 alone.

These definitely got better as they went.