Reviews from

in the past

Not particularly immersive as it's just an action game that occurs in the background of major LOTR story events. However, it's one of the more fun Lord of the Rings in terms of combat and multiplayer. Particularly good for a session or two with friends.

Not perfect, but I always found it so easy to get roped in and hooked into the fun but brief campaigns.

Look, they failed at stretching LOTR over the Battlefront skeleton, it's undeniable. That said, playing "Hero Matches" in the shire and spamming everyone's OP moves is hilarious.

What the actual fuck was this.

Only ever played it at the same time as my brother

Um que não inova e é apenas um Battlefront de Lotr mas que nesse meio consegue criar sua própria identidade para atrair um jogador novo, é divertido e consegue prender a atenção mais que muito AAA atual.

The vibe has literally never been killed as hard as when my friends and I got to the part where you kill the Hobbits in Hobbiton in the What If? mode

At the very least it was good to know we weren't the sociopaths I thought we were

Astonishing. This is an insult of an lotr game. Combat feels like utter dogshit , there is no blood or gore at all, the enemies just ragdoll once they have been killed. There is a fucking mage class that anyone can just pick and thus there are dozens of mages in a match. WHO THOUGHT THAT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA. If they made the mage class a hero pick I would not even complain about it but there are so many mages in a match that it feels not like lotr what so ever. Then there are the scouts that turn invisible... I do not remember invisible units in the movies but maybe that is just because they were invisible the whole time. Playing as an archer sucks as well as the arrows do nearly no damage, headshots do no extra damage, the arrows do not stick in the enemy, they just vanish and the arrow options you have make no sense as well. Then there is the warrior class that can turn their sword into a flaming sword at any time... I am just gonna stop here and will not ever again waste a tought about this game.

Never played the online so can't speak on that, but it wasn't terrible if memory serves.

I went expecting Lord of the Rings Battlefront so had very inflated expectations. While it is that.. sort of... it doesn't have nearly the depth that Battlefront does. None the less a fun little experience for fans of the Peter Jackson movies.

I fully cleared this game, but it was in the middle of a five year period of my life where I was drinking my personality down to a blank slate so I could build myself again from scratch, so I cannot tell you a single thing about this game.

Campaign is pretty short but has some form of storyline reminiscing the film series and battles held. It's very much like the Lord of the Rings take on Star Wars battlefield the original ones back in the early 00's. Another one of those games that would have been much better if I played 10 years ago with the servers still online. Gameplay is pretty fun and enjoyable still a decent pick up if you have some time to kill

Won't bother giving this one a long review or anything.

I like how faithful this game is to the Peter Jackson films, the Sauron campaign is pretty kino overall and it is cool to slay thousands of orcs.

That is where the praise about this game ends though, the gameplay feels so clunky and stiff to control, the graphics are actually dogshit for a mid gen PS3 game (remember that games like MGS4 came out at this point), the mechanics are not deep in the slightest. It's just a poor man's version of a LOTR Battlefront 2.

If they made a second Conquest game, it would have been awesome though. A shame really.

Takie gówno, że to hit, ale że lotr to było grane dużo

I'm sure it doesn't hold up as well today, but man, I played this just as much as the original Star Wars: Battlefront II back in the day. I absolutely adored both games.

Starwars Battlefront but LOTR-flavored and pretty mid.

Like the Super Smash Bros Brawl of the Battlefront series

The (original) Star Wars Battlefront of LotR. Honestly super fun, it's a shame the multiplayer didn't last long before being shut down. The campaign is a blast, especially with a co-op partner.

Literally lord of the rings battlefront

Literally my entire childhood. Put more hours into this game than any other.

Both campaigns and the multiplayer are a good bit of fun!

Loved it! Basically a Star Wars: Battlefront game in the theme of Lord of the Rings! That's gonna be a solid 4,5/5

Got this game as a present for finishing exams off back in the day. As a huge lotr fan this was such a fun game so many Good memories attached

in desperate need for a remaster, LORD battlefront is a fun time as it’s one of the only games where Gandalf can self destruct in. The alternate history campaign is fun but the AI sucks shit sometimes and every single character talks over each other at once. Stand Fast against the growing tide.

Yeah, it's definitely just battlefront with a Lord of the Rings skin on it. It's still fun though, and has some great couch co-op. The campaign even has some fun levels that weren't included in the movies.

Had TONS of fun when I had sleep overs at my friends house back in the day.

It's Battlefront with a LoTR coat of paint and it works so well. Love bringing this game up because it's criminally overlooked.