Reviews from

in the past

Despite being VERY rough around the edges, especially the combat and stability of the game, I actually enjoyed this slightly more than TW2. It feels more like an RPG, like requiring you to research both monsters and herbs to fully utilize their ingredients. The game is much longer and more expansive, plus there's a lot more monsters in this one compared to 2. Even the combat, I came to eventually enjoy. Its janky, but at least its easy. Only thing holding this game back were the crashes.

Yo os juro que lo he intentado, pero entre lo cuesta arriba que se me hacen los controles y lo horroroso que es el doblaje al español, no puedo.

The Witcher as a story is beautiful, but this game is so janky it's not even funny.
Bugs in quests/triggers, lots of time wasted just going back and forth between locations. I wouldn't advise to play it unless you're willing to throw in a few mods and ease the thorns.

Игра продолжает основную сюжетную линию цикла романов польского писателя. По необъяснимым причинам, Геральт оказывается жив, но его преследует странное существо. Ведьмак падает. Закрывая глаза, он видит силуэты знакомых ему людей, которые бежали к нему навстречу.
Попытки вспомнить события пятилетней давности, да и любые другие детали из жизни Белого Волка закончились неудачей, потому что у Геральта случилась амнезия.
На Каэр Морхен под покровом ночи нападет группа неизвестных под предводительством двух магов. В итоге, все секреты ведьмачьего дела - были похищены и унесены разбойниками в неизвестном направлении. Ведьмаки решают отыскать и вернуть украденные свитки. Так как Геральт однажды спас дочь Фольтеста, Весемир говорит Геральту и Трисс отправиться в Темерию
С этого и начинается удивительная история ведьмака Геральта, потерявшего память и пытающегося выяснить своё Предназначение на протяжении ещё пяти глав и одного эпилога.
История, нужно сказать, очень захватывающая и интересная, держащая в напряжении каждую минуту игрового процесса. Есть отличные сюжетные повороты.
Амнезия это один из основных сюжетных ходов, благодаря которому историю Геральта можно начинать с чистого листа, что позволило понимать происходящее не только людям, знакомым с книгами, но и людям, которые запустили игру, вообще ничего не зная об этой вселенной.

Квесты в игре очень интересные, есть как довольно забавные и трагичные. Они длинные и очень много из них запоминаются.
Боевка в игре интересная. В игре есть три боевых стиля. Силовой стиль - против сильных и крепких врагов. Быстрый стиль – против быстрых и ловких врагов. Групповой стиль - против группы врагов. Любая атака начинается с наведения на противника и нажатия ЛКМ. Следующие нажатия должны быть сделаны только после появления на экране пылающего меча. Если попытаться нанести удар раньше или позже, атака будет сорвана, и все придется начинать с самого начала. Каждая успешно проведенная комбинация увеличивает наносимый урон.
Как и любой ведьмак, Геральт обладает способностью использовать знаки ведьмаков.
Алхимия — очень важная часть геймплея. Игрок может создавать различные эликсиры, которые восстанавливают здоровье, позволяют видеть в темноте и т.д. Эликсиры имеют различный уровень токсичности, поэтому выпить очень много эликсиров за раз не выйдет. Также еще в игре есть бомбы и масла. Бомбы полезны против небольшой группы слабых врагов или одиночных сильных боссов. Почти к каждому виду монстров можно подобрать наиболее эффективное масло для меча, увеличивающую уязвимость врага.
Также в игре есть три мини-игры: покер с костями, кулачный бой, пьем до дна. Вот покер с костями мне доставлял больше всего, любил я сыграть пару партеек в него.

Игровой мир Ведьмака строится на основе крупного города Вызимы и его окрестностей. В общей сложности сюда можно включить порядка пяти локаций, каждая из которых опять же поделена на нескольких частей. Все они уникальные и визуально отличаются. Их населяют не только отличающиеся друг от друга монстры и враги, но также и различные персонажи, со значительной частью которых можно взаимодействовать. Также разработчики реализовали динамическую смену дня и ночи и погодных условий. Мир можно назвать живым, потому что все персонажи чем-то занимаются, со многими можно взаимодействовать. Они прячутся от дождя, изнывают от жары, спят в ночное время и бодрствуют днём. Исследовать локации довольно интересно. Везде происходит что-то интересное.

Сейчас, по понятным причинам, графику первого Ведьмака нельзя назвать отличной. Но даже это не мешает игре выдавать в некоторых местах очень красивые пейзажи местности.

Мне очень нравится первая часть ведьмака. В игре очень хороший сюжет и уникальные, харизматичные, и запоминающиеся персонажи. Очень красивые локации, визуальные эффекты, великолепный саундтрек, что вкупе создает невероятную атмосферу, она просто прекрасна. Я очень рекомендую к прохождению эту часть.

bro i wanna ask just one thing,wtf is this gameplay?

ive decided to play all the witcher games because of a friend recommendation,im expecting these games being better than this one

In generale come gioco mi stava piacendo, ma il capitolo 2 me l'ha fatto droppare per l'intricata complessità della missione principale e le miliardi di fetch quest tutte contemporeneamente

Very buggy and outdated. It has some neat concepts, but wrapped in a janky package. The story is very memorable but you have to slog through a horrible game to experience it yourself.

Completed the Neutral route back in 2016.

é um baita jogo a gameplay pode ser um empecilho pra alguns é um jogo que não envelheceu muito bem nesse quesito mas de resto é muito bom a história do jogo e dos personagens e quando digo personagens são todos é bizarro, eu adorei explorar todas as conversas e opções que eu tive em todos os ambientes que transitei durante o jogo, fiquei muito tempo em cada parte do jogo porque não consegui não ver tudo que tinha nelas, eu adorei esse jogo

História ótima, porem jogabilidade MUITO estranha.

Some really high points here. Interesting world to explore, a lot of great characters, and OOZING with atmosphere. Really captures the feel of the first few Witcher books. Dragged down by the aged combat (honestly it feels better than TW2 to me, but it becomes so difficult at some points that I needed to mod myself invincible), the slow walking and backtracking (I also modded my movespeed faster), and the casual sexism that comes up in the character models and the "romance" system. Definitely worth a play for fans of TW3.

"So Close, But Still So Far"

This is one of those games where I feel sort of upset by the fact that I chose to replay it. About four years ago I completed my first playthrough, and while it was a flawed experience, I still found a massive amount of enjoyment in its strange fantasy world, dorky characters, and complex narrative. However, having recently abandoned this game, I see it as one of the most uneven, unpolished gaming experiences that I have ever experienced. Strangely enough, both of these things are true about this first entry in "The Witcher" trilogy...

Starting off with the presentation, it's definitely a bit rough on the eyes at first glance. Textures aren't the sharpest, colors aren't super bright, and character models are gangly and repetitious. The voice acting is definitely intriguing, with some truly great emotional lines in one scene while an NPC can also blare "my balls itch" in the background like it was the first and only take ever recorded. It's a strange balance that gives the game world a lot of charm (even some realism), but it doesn't really scream quality.

The music is absolutely weird and wonderful. You have these genuinely masterful background tracks that capture the mystery of adventure - the complicated, rugged fantasy of the Witcher world. And then you have someone's attempt at thrash metal mixed with folk rock playing with the most random combat encounters? It's utter madness, but again adds charm.

The story is very interesting and has a strong plot, though the layout of this is very unpolished and wacky. You'll have some interesting plotlines which interweave within and around different chapters, but then you'll get sidetracked for a few real-life hours doing some unrelated tasks before continuing what you were doing. There's LOADS of potential for character moments, and even random NPC interactions give you the chance for a belly laugh based off of how random they can feel. It's chaotic but feels somewhat cultural, and really captures some manic energy of Polish humor that I, a random American who just happens to love this universe, can't really describe. It just works, and it keeps you interested until the end.

So, with all of these flawed yet hilarious, charming, and interesting aspects, why didn't I finish this game? Simply put, this likely has some of the worst combat in any game ever made.

Now the structure of combat makes some sense - timing based attacks, agility, potion creation, and proper use of signs. However, it's all sorts of f!cked up. Almost every encounter follows one of two distinct prep phases: Either find the perfect mix of potions to find a way to kill your foe, or literally do nothing and steamroll them. The problem here lies in the fact that the game has an awful difficulty curve, so sometimes prepping potions does nothing while randomly fighting and getting lucky does.

Potion prep takes an awkward amount of time, not so much because of the actual time it takes to make them, but with when you can make them. You must sit at a fireplace, initiate a shot "loading screen", go to the potions tab, click on the one you want to make, craft it, and then repeat until finished. This would be fine if it happened every so often, but the way this game works is that to be successful (especially on a higher difficulty level), you must do this before EVERY encounter if you want to be safe. Even then, you might still lose because some enemies are overpowered.

This is a damn shame considering that combat itself is horribly janky. There is poor feedback for attacks, as animations look stiff and repetitive while the audio commits all sorts of f!uckery with your ear canals. It's DATED, and makes this game seem even older than a 2007 title. This got so bad by the end of the game that I outright got stuck with a certain boss almost 95% of the way through the game.

This could have been remedied by a competent upgrade system, but "The Witcher" is a very limiting RPG combat-wise. You pretty much MUST pick Igni skills if you want to not cringe with combat for 50-ish hours, otherwise have fun running around using crap like "heliotrop". Equipment is limited so there's little chance to pimp your version of Geralt out, so forget that route. Don't bother trying to spec certain sword combat types, since you're bound to have a headache with one mob or another anyways since leveling feels too slow and too limiting.

This is a damn shame because this game's writing allows for some truly tough choices, ones that don't necessarily impact your stats, but ones that impact the world. Friendships can end or face extenuating circumstances, enemies can either be slain or spared, and Geralt can be molded in many different ways. Yet it stays fairly faithful to the books in the fact that Geralt is still his own character, therefore he has his own realm of personality. You simply make choices for him, but you don't change who he naturally has been introduced in 1990 by Andrzej Sapkowski himself. That's the beauty of this universe, but it's a shame that a game like this just teetered too strongly in the direction of awful gameplay. I loved this game so much, at least until I just plainly hated it.

There's a lot to love here, but if you're like me and just can't stand trash combat, stay away. Yet if you can put up with it enough, the engaging narrative and complex world will grip you. CD Projekt Red certainly proved their capabilities with capturing the spirit of "The Witcher", but in 2007 they still had a lot to prove as video game developers. This is one of those game where if a proper remake was made, I would be all over it so long as the heart and soul is still retained. Lucky enough, that's exactly what CDPR has in store for the future of this franchise...

Final Verdict: 6/10 (Above Average)

atmosfera incrível, a melhor que já vi na minha vida

horrible, I played just because the history... to much bugs...

Really good story and writing with some solid if generic worldbuilding, but holy shit is everything else rough. The graphics still look good enough but the character models are pretty bad, to the point that they just give you a card with some naked artwork on it whenever you fuck a girl instead of showing some janky sex scene. Probably a smart move since the animations wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Just like how they can’t handle the combat. I don’t know what the fuck this game’s combat system is trying to do, but it didn’t do it. It’s some weird ass rhythm game with a stance system that never feels like it’s working properly even when you’re doing exactly what the game says to do. I managed to brute force my way through the whole game so apparently getting good at the combat doesn’t even matter in the end.

I’d say the game as a whole is still good with everything else that’s in it, but whenever it has you fight be prepared for either a headache or button mashing.

Cara, eu curti muito a história e o crescimento do jogo em si, mas a gameplay dele é horrorosa, sempre prestes a droppar a todo momento, teve possivelmente a pior bossfight que joguei em um jogo, mas ainda assim foi divertido.

- Fun to just roam around, plan how to kill the next quest and just die while attempting it.
- The writing is better then other RPG's as it is based on books and have a good foundation.
- The combat can be a bit janky to handle, but the surrounding mechanics compensate for it.