Reviews from

in the past

I’m reviewing this game as it exists in June 2018. I understand, there was some complications during launch and with the end game stuff after initial release, but that is not of my concern. Because as this game exists right now, I personally feel Massive Entertainment, (and Ubisoft) has found a balance between unique non-repetitive farming gameplay that has eluded most developers. For reference, I am about 60 hours in, completed the main story, base of operations is 100%, reached level 30, found all the collectables, and roughly level 20 on both dark zone and underground… and there’s still much to do.

First, the story; an infectious contagion was released and New York City has been decimated, abandoned by the infection. A sleeper agency known as the division, is put in place to bring order back to the city. I’m impressed by the level of detail that is in this game outside of the main story. The collectables; phones, survival guides, drones and echoes are an excellent way to add to the lore and backstory, as they add audio recordings and surveillance footage to the chaos. In fact, most of it is quite immersive and emotional as you come across a phone message from a young woman, who doesn’t know if they will ever see their mother again, coming out of the closet for the first time. The writing in in this game can pull at the heart strings in the middle of some of the chaos.

The game takes place in the winter time, shortly after Christmas. The weather and time are dynamic, switching back and forth from snow, to clear sky, from night to midday. Times Square in the middle of the night is quite the sight but what is even more impressive is the level of detail through the streets as almost no models are reused.
So what drives you to play after you’re done with the story?

Well the end game modes are fun for one, and two, you are constantly intrigued by exploring the Dark Zone; the deeply infected area in the middle of the map where the military as pulled out and all that is left there is mountains of dead bodies and PvP. It has its own level system and is one of the areas where high level drops can occur. Sometimes players will attack you, sometimes they won’t, and sometimes they will pretend to be your alley, attack you as you are about to extract all the gear you were collecting for the last hour and take all your stuff. There’s a nifty balance of anxiety and excitement when you’re in the Dead Zone. And it’s addicting.

There’s also the Survival DLC, which is my favorite game mode. This game mode strips you of all your gear, drops you in the middle of a blizzard and lets you fend for your life. So you need to find guns, armor, and clothing (which in this game there feels like an infinite different clothing options to customize your character) otherwise you will freeze to death. You are also infected and need to craft, an antidote and a flare gun to extra yourself out of the blizzard.

Then there’s the Underground, which is essentially the game’s dungeon mode. Make your way through three or four levels of difficulty defeating enemies and collecting gear.

In additional to all game modes, the Division has hundreds of “challenges” or commendations that you can complete to get keys, to get customizable gear and clothing. And there is thousands, and thousands of customizable stuff in the Division….

Moving on to Division 2, I hope Massive Entertainment has learned from their mistakes

Incredible premise with gameplay that may get boring if you don't get addicted to it.

Já amei muito esse jogo, não nego. Mas faz parte daqueles jogos que poderiam ser mais.

Downgrade enorme, falta do que fazer, mapa gigantesco pra quase nada pra fazer, missões rasas, lore quase inexistente e vida útil resumida a 0.

Bom pra jogar com os amigos, mas poderia entregar mais.


The way The Division portrays New York in next-gen crispness denotes a morbid fascination with social decay, barely hiding the game's true face : It's a right-wing fantasy hellscape attached to a monotone shooter.

Rugged Individualist Fascist Agent Of The State Prepper Mass-Shooter Weirdo: The Game

It's not even fun to play because everything is a bullet sponge, your shots don't feel like they're hitting anything. The loot is like, a bad-looking tacticool sweatshirt. There's better shit out there, folks.


Boring without a friend. I never played it with a friend. Boring and too hard, unfortunately.

نسيت ليش تركت اللعبة

Baut eine der beeindruckendsten post-apokalyptischen Welten auf, bietet leider nur viel 0815 geballer und zu Beginn wenig Endgame content für einen Multiplayer Loot Shooter.
Die Dark Zone war eine coole Idee und sorgte für den ein oder anderen Magic Moment, konnte aber auch nicht langfristig motivieren.

Oof, this one was a pretty bad waste of money on my part. The game is pretty good, but this was the game where I learned that I'm the outcast among my gaming crews, in which I get out-leveled by all of my friends because they mostly play with other friends of theirs, or play at a time that I'm unavailable. Same thing happened with Destiny 2. Probably played this one for about 4 hours before giving up because there are better games to play single-player.

Missed potential at launch. Great game though, would be great if it launched like it.

feels bland and ubisoft-style gunplay's never clicked well with me

Un TPS de Ubisoft que mezcla varios elementos y que lo hace además con bastante acierto. Buen juego.

This was a great game once the DLC had been fully released. Terrible without it.

Maybe it's just because I don't play MMOs but something about The Division didn't click with me. I had a BLAST with the beta, and then played the full release and lost interest VERY quickly. I can't say it's inherently bad, but it was certainly lacking.

biggest positive about this is that it was free on Uplay

Chuds love this game cuz all you do is shoot “looters”.

I really wish I could get into this game but it's crap

It's fun as long as you have people to play with.

ubisoft ruining a great concept once again

Surprisingly good game. Campaign was really fun to co-op through and the story was really cool. What makes this game shine is it's accurate New York open world. The cover shooting is fun at first but gets a bit old towards the end of the campaign. Game has a really fun end game.

uau, divertido por 30 minutos

Moim zdaniem najładniejsze miasto w grach ever. Dla niejednego to będzie zwykły coop do przebiegnięcia w 20 godzin. Dla mnie zwiedzania na ponad 200h. Do tego świetny lore i soczyste strzelanie, które sprawia, że grind z przykrego obowiązku staje się przyjemnością.

Plusy i minusy:
+ cudownie wyglądający i klimatyczny Manhattan w śniegu
- pierwszoplanowa historia jest co najwyżej taka sobie
+ ciekawe lore i znajdźki z echami, które nam go przedstawiają
+ świetne misje w klimatycznych, dopracowanych lokacjach...
- których żeby dojść trzeba najpierw grindować powtarzalne zadania poboczne ze zbieraniem zapasów
+ darkzone
+ po osiągnięciu odpowiedniego poziomu grindowanie lootu sprawia frajdę i ma sens, da się stworzyć kilka naprawdę potężnych buildów
- bardzo długie pierwsze wczytywanie i czasami pojawiający się dodatkowy lag
+ zadziwiająco dobre AI przeciwników, na najwyższych poziomach trudności całkiem nowe zachowania
- w coopie historia świata i jego dopracowanie umyka