Reviews from

in the past

A nice adaptation of the Trackmania franchise for consoles.

It did not take long for me to realize this game just wasn't for me.

Tried this on VR and nearly puked - brilliant

There was one good server with long canyon stunt tracks and I played it for hundreds of hours. Nyooooom. I hope other people that played this got to play on that server cos it shows the game off in its best light.

es divertido, ojalá más juegos optasen por combinar gráficos hiperrealistas con físicas ultra arcade y absurdas como este juego

I only play trackmania for the campaign and the track builder, and this does both well. The campaign specifically is fantastic - the final 20 stages can be extremely challenging (be warned!) but getting gold in all of them was very rewarding. It's got a brilliant aesthetic/artstyle too, definitely my favourite Trackmania in terms of that.

The multiplayer is pretty much dead, and I've heard from a lot of people that this game essentially ignored what fans wanted on that front, so if that's what you're interested, you'd probably be better off on another Trackmania game.

I wasn't a fan of the valley steering at first, but I was essentially forced to get used to it to get golds later on, and once I did, it ended up being probably my favourite environment. My main issue with the game - you need to play through all environments to unlock the next set of tracks. I ended up enjoying this, but if you really don't like one of the environments or just wanted to play one of them, there's no option to avoid that. Also, with 200 tracks in the campaign, the quality and fairness does fluctuate occasionally. Not enough to ruin the experience or anything, but enough to be noticeable.

The 'classic' (AKA keyboard/mouse optimised) track builder is hidden in the settings somewhere, and it makes track building enjoyable in this game.

Ultimately not the type of racing game I’m looking for but nevertheless okay

I remember constructing a coaster with a very large drop

Fun with friends, miserable alone.

Watching the game procedurally generate you a brand new track and then spending hours eking every last millisecond out of it is an absolute joy. This game nails the balance between accessibility for general players while still giving that tense, racing-game feel.

Streamlined trackmania. Not bad, though, what I love about trackmania most is the community aspect. This one felt a tad lonely.

Trackmania Turbo is my first real experience with a proper racing game. A game that starts out easy enough, but will bring you to your limits by the time you reach the final set of tracks.

Achieving gold medals in some of the black tracks was really challenging for me, and by the time I was done with all 200 tracks, I felt exhausted.

Having to get used to a different car every 10 tracks was also a bit unecessary. I would have welcomed if you could progress the campaign on each environment independently.

5 Star rating is solely for the mode where the AI generates a track for you at random and then you take turns with your friends racing through it. Whoever won the last race goes first, as they will have the most blind run and then every player after learns from watching until the final person goes and they already have an understanding of the course before they race. Genuinely one of my favourite multiplayer experiences ever.

Fun little game though a biiiit janky

Great arcade style racing stuff, even though I can't help straining myself to beat some of those higher time trials. Having some music inclusion from Ed Banger and Monstercat is also quite dope.

Insanely fun, not quite as impressive as the peak of the Trials series but I still really enjoy this. Really itching my racing games itch.
Nothing more fun than getting a chance to obliterate ax7weeman's on leaderboards too!


Funny af and the online tracks are cool, but that stupid pass thing is insane, ubisoft once more killed something that could be good for years

car go brnnb rnbnrnbbnrn bnr bnn br

It's trackmania but advanced. The racing feels more riggid compared to earlier entries and the create mode is not as fun to create unless you aim to just make the final product good. Its decent, I just highly prefer the one on Wii.

I just tried the VR tracks and, while a bit nice, wasn't the kind of stuff I was looking for.

I can't wait for the new TrackMania to come to console. This was fun from what I played of it.

final physical game i needed to finish on my ps4 collection and this was a hard one it took me weeks this game is harder than any Souls game or whatever other bs made to be hard just a game that demands a lot of u to get to the end but also rewards skill yah never touching this one again I think I am like in the top 20 out of like 10k players in my regional area just from finishing it

Beyond infuriating and yet still enjoyable

Challenge the time, make a mistake, try again the same level until you get a gold medal.