Reviews from

in the past

Never once did a story mission just drove around and executed cops. Fun for that though.

Actually a good game considering the PS2 hardware. A storyline for both Autobots and Deceptions means there's a good variety of transformers to play as. Locations are reused often but most are sizeable and fun to explore and destroy.

Letteralmente ho percepito la sensazione di aver subito un furto dopo aver iniziato questo gioco, i soldi spesi e le poche ore di gioco sono tutte cose che non torneranno più e questo è un motivo in più per detestare fino alla morte sto gioco tremendo.

Holy shit why is the movement speed fucking intolerable

score looks low but it's still an unironically fun game, just maybe a little bit on the unpolished side

Pues un Juego que tenia buen recuerdo y bueno lo he disfrutado pero creo que es por nostalgia porque como juego es malillo xD

If you're going to play this, play it in a VC with some friends, stream it and have a laugh. This game isn't spectacular but there is fun to be had but otherwise its a semi lackluster movie tie in game that's pretty easy and rather short.

I would also like to say that the DS versions along with the PSP version of this game are completely different than the console games so they probably shouldn't be considered all part of the same entry. Though it does seem at least the DS versions do have seperate entries.

Ya si la película era mala, imaginate el juego.

É legal se transmorfar em carro e sair causando caos por aí, não joguei nada da história, que eu me lembre.

i swear the autobot path literally cannot be cleared, there's a tow truck enemy early on that you cannot damage by any means, and when i used cheats as a kid to skip to the megatron fight i couldnt damage him either. decepticon path plays perfectly normally though, like they only tested that side.

La verdad es que es un juego de mi infancia. Está algo caduco y los controles son algo otropédicos, pero sigue siendo un juego al que le tengo mucho cariño. Mundo abierto de destrucción y Transformers, no pido nada más.

the closest we ever getting an open world transformers game I fear. As good as movie tie in games get, this is definitely one of the better ones. Gameplay is really good for a 2007 game and the graphics have aged well. Not as much of a masterpiece as it felt when playing it during my childhood but still a very entertaining game all things considered.

It's decent. I was more impressed by the transforming animations than the game itself, which is pretty much all that this has going for it.

It would be a 5/5 if the G1 Megatron skin transformed into a flying gun.

I liked Transforming and causing millions of dollars in property damage. Kinda funny since it was made by one of the more wholesome devs. You know, the ones that do the Lego games? Yeah those guys.

But also like, Fuck Activision.

Gostava de destruir as cidades e causar o caos

No trophies, no good. Seriously though, this game is quite lacking. It's open world but there isn't much to explore or do. Combat's lame because you always have to pick some shit up and throw it the enemies and your guns do shit all. Love the Transformers series so that saves this game.

Optimus: Megatron te detendré con un poder mas grande que el de la chispa suprema TE DETENDRE CON LOS ARBOLES

Es un juego realmente terrible muchas veces la pase genuinamente mal por que la campaña autobot se vuelve muy frustrante y es la campaña con la que te intentan en enseñarte a jugar COMO DEMONIOS HACES QUE EL TUTORIAL SEA MAS INCOMDO DE JUGAR QUE EL DEMAS JUEGO, la campaña decepticon se vuelve muyyy repetitiva peor que rutina de pez en una pecera bueno amenos el pez se entretiene mas en su rutina que tu jugando esta cosa, el combate es la cosa mas simple y aburrida del mundo disparar nunca sirve contra los jefes solo contra los drones todos x y vehículos en la campaña autobot casi ni lo use, en la decepticion si que enseguida digo es solo aburrida pero no castrante como la autobot, en serio este juego deja muy mal a los autobots literalmente solo en la decepticon vez como ayudas a tus aliados en la otra solo te ponen una disertación de power point toda asquerosa, a la hora de manejar el modo vechiculo (osea los autos) si chocas retroceder es muy complicado y pierdes muchos tiempo lo que adivina este juego te pone limite de tiempo PARA CASI TODO son contadas las misiones sin puto tiempo rompiendo las pelotas, otra cosa son los arboles choca con uno y adiós a retroceder o avanzar pero PERO si los tomas PEGAS UNOS GOLPES QUE QUITAN MUCHA VIDA en serio es asombroso lo resistentes que son los arboles simplemente te deja perplejo, el ost esta muy muy genérico existe una que otra buena pero realmente prefiero poner ost de otros juegos/musica en general que ponerle mucha atención, me sorprende la verdad que es bastante fluido el manejo aéreo de los decepticons no esta taaan mal realmente diría decente hasta bueno, lo unico que logro este juego es mucha comedia involuntaria como enemigos que explotaban de la nada gente que caia del suelo enemigos que se iban a la mierda de la nada cosa que no mentire me sacaba mucha risa, en graficos esta bien pero dios....
megatron se ve horrible igual que optimus

gameplay legal mas um pouco enjoativa

mundo aberto que nao tem nada pra explorar

só era legal ficar se explodindo naquele bagulhinho la q se eu não to loco te jogava altao, e escalar uns predio, tirando isso bem fodase

The first video game I bought with my own money

Alright, so this one I barely played as a kid. I can't remember it too well, but I'm pretty sure that I played this one before Oblivion... Maybe? I can't remember.

I could make a better movie game

Incredibly short game ruined by how short it is.

Has an alternate ending for the decepticon campaign, which is pretty neat.

Good graphics for the early PS3 as well.