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in the past

Overall: Lost Legacy does nothing new from the established Uncharted formula, but with a great script & characters, gorgeous graphics and tight gameplay, it continues the series with another great entry, even if it is a little short on content.

Pros: One of the best looking PS4 games, same tight gameplay as Uncharted 4, fantastic setting and presentation, outstanding voicework, script is funny and entertaining.

Cons: Short compared to majority of the series, story is fun but adds little to Uncharted series overall.

The Uncharted series is fun as hell and the spin-off is no stranger to fun. Like the characters, the story is fun and gameplay is always fast and fluid.

There's no reason this DLC had to go as hard as it did but it did. Features some of the best set pieces of the whole series, refines Uncharted 4's already amazing combat system, everything just works.

It's just not perfect because of how short it is.

Uncharted 4 condensado sin tener nada que envidiarle. Espectacular visualmente, las mismas mecánicas (me encanta el sigilo mejorado con respecto a la trilogía original), background emocional y ellas dos tienen mucha química.

Might be my favorite Uncharted game. I love Chloe and Nadine. Would love a sequel.

É bizarro como que um jogo standalone pra mim consegue ser o melhor de toda a franquia

A pesar de su villano, es un juego que funciona muy bien por si solo. Chloe y Nadine son dos personajes fabulosos y la aventura es muy disfrutable.

The story may not reach the same heights as its predecessor, but everything else that makes Uncharted 4 great is replicated in The Lost Legacy. The shorter length also means less filler.

Really great lil spin off game. A bit short, but SUPER FUN all the way. AMAZING game all the way too.

Great story, acting, and world. Probably the best playing Uncharted game as well.

Shortfire burst that really suits the game, way less filler than the other entries in the franchise. Open areas felt exciting to explore, story was on par if not better than the rest of Naughty Dog's work. Wish the game had something unique mechanically to set it apart from Uncharted 4, but it was a great last romp for this franchise.

L'obiettivo di un DLC, che sia stand alone o meno, è quello di espandere l'esperienza di gioco di un titolo già fatto e finito, di fornire altro a chi ha apprezzato, in questo caso, Uncharted 4. The Lost Legacy sotto questo punto di vista fa anche molto più di questo. Non fornisce solo un extra, ma mette in scena una storia che può tranquillamente rivaleggiare con il quarto capitolo della saga di Uncharted. Naughty Dog non si trattiene minimamente pur considerando la natura DLC del titolo, e riesce a creare un action adventure mozzafiato, con momenti di tensione, che non si risparmia neanche a ritirare in ballo personaggi chiave della saga principale, approfondendoli. Un vantaggio su cui ha potuto giocare Naughty Dog è, secondo me, il fatto che Uncharted non è mai stato iconico per il suo protagonista, bensì per il suo stile. The Lost Legacy infatti per me dimostra ciò, privandosi di Nathan Drake senza farne sentire particolarmente la mancanza. Ho apprezzato moltissimo la sezione finale sul treno, che ha saputo richiamare perfettamente i momenti più action passati con gli scorsi giochi del franchise. Per quanto riguarda ciò che non ho apprezzato del titolo, i problemi sono i soliti della saga e sono principalmente narrativi. Non c'è un vero e proprio colpo di scena in tutto il gioco e le due protagoniste pur essendo due personaggi negativi (o meglio antieroine) vengono sempre dipinte come l'eroe senza macchia con la battuta pronta, con la solita plot armor che ha contraddistinto ogni singolo personaggio facente parte della fazione dei "buoni" in questa saga. Il boss finale mi è piaciuto, in poco tempo (si sta pur sempre parlando di un DLC) riescono comunque a dargli una buona caratterizzazione, la battaglia contro di esso poi è particolarmente bella. Per chi ha apprezzato U4 è praticamente obbligatorio.

The opening scene is nuts. India is beautifully rendered in this game.

A welcome expansion to Uncharted 4. Chloe is a great character and deserved her own game. The Indian mythology backstory is great, and the gameplay is as tight as ever. The mini open-world section was a cool change of pace, but also not too big to overstay its welcome. I don't remember much of the big action set pieces of this one, but I think I'll replay this one some time soon.

elephant sequence can still bring me close to tears... the opening level too is arguably the most visually arresting sequence i've seen in a video game

somehow better than uncharted 4

best uncharted game story gameplay and characters wise (minus sam drake). make a sequel

Junto com Uncharted 4, este é um dos meus favoritos da franquia. Quero ver mais jogos com a Chloe. Recomendação pessoal.

Just as exciting & heartfelt as Uncharted 4, in a short but sweet package. Seeing Chloe again is a delight, and understanding Nadine in a different light is a treat. Naughty Dog never disappoints.

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Best Uncharted game ever. Love the characters. Love the story. Love the art! They really put effort into this. The movements are so fluid and satisfying and the environment is so indescribable satisfying. The puzzles are interesting and not too difficult. This game is really the best man I don't know what else to say.

I was expecting a throwaway B-tier spin-off, instead I got a fantastic, albeit short, story that competes with the series' best. Proof that the series can continue successfully even without Nathan Drake as the protagonist.

Mais do mesmo.
Não é uma review negativa só que não inovou.

It's a nice combination of shootouts and a story starring two of the best Uncharted characters. The pacing is great, with the shorter length keeping it from outstaying its welcome, and the finale is probably my favorite of the Uncharted game endings.
I'm hoping that going forward, Chloe and Nadine continue to have starring roles (or at least lead a subseries) in the Uncharted games since they seem like more enjoyable protags than Sam or Nate.

El spin-off de la saga que tenia pendiente que a mi sorpresa entra en mi top 3 de Uncharted por detrás del 2 y 4, una aventura super divertida y con el tiempo que tiene que durar con unas protas super carismáticas y un villano bastante bueno.

Chloe and Nadine's chemistry works really well in lost legacy and the plot is what you would expect from uncharted. Trying to find a priceless artifact before the bad guy. In this case, Asav, who is basically the Indian Rafe but not as involved nor memorable. The pacing slows down considerably in the middle of the campaign and does dampen the experience overall, but if you get through it, the final moments are well worth seeing.

The multiplayer is decent too I guess.

Not a DLC but not a full game. Lost Legacy hits a sweet spot in length. Playing as Chole was a good change of pace and Nadine ended up being a fun partner. I appreciated the open world aspect for the first half of the game as it was a good change of pace for the series and that the game was mostly all gameplay with a lot of the character interactions being in game. Of course there are cinematic scenes but for an extended DLC it was nice to have a more pure gameplay with UC4's mechanics. UC4 had some pacing problems in it's story but not here. I was fully satisfied with this game.

Platinum # 66

Cheap spin off with amazing graphics and physics.

The second best game in the series. Chloe is a brilliant protagonist here.