Reviews from

in the past

A delightfully weird short game that does a good job at setting a tone and introducing its surreal world in the span of 20 minutes.

Por fin, un juego que muestra que los call center son cultos del diablo.

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"That night i had a dream that felt like waking from a dream"
Work turning people into mere facsimiles of humanity. As the crashing waves of the killer hit them, without having even lived a day.

Yes I know of a band named Fugazi. Thanks for asking strange, cute and scary game.

I am definitely gonna keep playing this series, especially because this was very short with no wet fat.

100% worth 15 minutes of your time just for the atmosphere. And it's way more than that one silly Pop-culture reference i kinda reduced it to.

I was therefore eternally consumed in liminal spaces by the empty spots beneath the sea below my office

this game and entire series rules each game is like 10-20 minutes long and they are free play them please do it for me

Love what this game does with the camera. In <10 minutes, I was drawn in, excited, scared, and amused, and then it ended. Good stuff.

I think I'm not the target demographic

Somewhere between Rocko's Modern Life and Messiah of Evil, Voice of the Killer is a short and artful horror walking sim set in an office building unraveling into dream-like abstraction. It's the first of a large series of games that I suspect are just going to get better as they go.

At the low low price of free, this one is well worth your time if you want a quick horror atmosphere to dip into for a bit.

a fun bite sized portion of catamites goofy yet insightful writing

It's nice to see something from thecatamites that's neither self-referential nor concerned about video games. Feels like a mature piece of cartoonistry.