Reviews from

in the past

A Game & Watch-like minigame with more colors and pixels stylized for maximum cuteness. Fun!

Uma releitura bonitinha e bem feita de um dos esquecidos jogos de Game & Watch. Seria muito legal ter algum tipo de progressão pra me incentivar a jogar mais, mas vale pelo que é.

An incredibly cute little game that is simple in style but can get challenging fast! It's super cute, while exposing how momentum based I am as a player since after 1 egg drops the run may as well end there! Also one of those games where you do better when you don't think about it as you play it.

It's still so cute though!

IMPORTANT NOTE - After being included in the Bundle for Ukraine 2022 Bundle, this game was taken down a couple months later by the creator. If you don't already have this on your computer, you're probably never going to play this.

IS THIS A HUGE LOSS? -, not really. It's just Game and Watch's "Egg" but with an anime wolf girl. The title is a reference to Volk from the Russian cartoon Ну, Погоди!. You'll basically get the jist of this game if you watch a video of it on Youtube.