Reviews from

in the past

Overall a very enjoyable fps game, but it has a lot of issues as well.

It tries a bit too hard to be a mix between a story based FPS game and a "mow everyone down" FPS game. both parts are good, but together they don't mesh super well, and the sections have been basically completely separated from each other.

The best Machine Games gets to delivering on it's mix of classic shooter gameplay and stealth immersive elements. The New Order's plot is simple but engaging and it's a genuine blast the whole way through.

This game honestly really really surprised me. Not only with its quality and creativity, but with just how much damn heart it has. I usually steer away from pure first person shooter campaigns, as I generally feel like they're lacking more depth and nuance that you get out of RPGs or even adventure games. Wolfenstein: The New Order doesn't reinvent the wheel when it comes to gameplay philosophy, in fact it's kind of the opposite, but it places that classically designed gameplay loop into the context of a game with a great story, well rounded characters and modern production value.

Unfortunately this game starts off on the wrong foot, with a relatively generic opening scene. It introduces the villain and a couple of the side characters as well as the basic mechanics, but on the whole it feels vastly out of place from the rest of the game. I was ready to put it down and write the game off as a base level FPS campaign, but I pushed through that first couple sections and was treated with a wonderful surprise.

There's a moment pretty early on in which you're introduced to the central area of the game, a place that acts as a base to return to throughout the story and introduces you to a whole host of characters that flesh out the cast. This completely recontextualizes your actions and motivation for the rest of the game, and made me connect to the world a lot more.

It's at this point where the game also takes a turn in terms of story creativity, introducing more science fiction type elements that kept me even more engaged when mixed with the historical rewrite of the Nazis winning WWII. The character Set brings with him a whole host of lore expansion that I found to be super fascinating, and wish it had been delved into a little more- or at least wish I was given the opportunity to do side quests and such related to it so I could learn more. The game handles its lore in a great way, laying newspaper article clippings around the environment. This feels so much more natural than random notes I.E. The Last of Us or audiologs in Bioshock (both of which I still LOVE), so I liked that.

The game has great pacing in terms of environments, jumping around incredibly varied locales and set pieces that mean each chapter has their own unique feel. Unfortunately this comes with the side effect of the progression of the story feeling rather convenient at times, with characters like Anya and Caroline just spewing expository dialogue while they tell you exactly where when and how you're going to do your next mission. This is pretty ridiculous when you consider that the Kreisau Circle is going up against essentially the rest of the planet, so it feels a bit underwhelming that they can just figure out how to get into the most secure locations on the planet just by decoding audio or something.

Surprisingly enough, while it's certainly solid and doesn't have any glaring issues, the First Person Shooter gameplay was actually my least favorite aspect of the game. It's fun to run around the unique levels that the game jumps between through the campaign, but I just found myself not caring too much for the gunplay itself. I did enjoy dual-wielding two of the same weapon at the same time, as well as the introduction of the laserkraftwerk, which reminded me a lot of Half-Life. Honestly a lot of this game reminds me of the Half-Life franchise, in terms of pacing, mechanics and level design- though that's a compliment- they learned from the best of the best.

In the end, while I might not LOVE the combat and felt like the progression was convenient at times, the game's strengths lie in the absolutely wonderful cast of supporting characters with incredible performances, it's unique concept of rewritten history, and the variety of locations and set pieces that you blast your way through. It's a dumb, explosion filled romp in some places, but damn does it sure have heart.

It's great to kill nazis but I'm not much of a shooter guy.

The gameplay and story are generally good. However the difficulty randomly spikes making certain sections near impossible to complete. Additionally there are several points that are very unclear on what you're actually meant to do and I've had to use a guide to work out the exact objective or method of which is required to progress.

i honestly don't know why i made myself finish this game, other than annoyance at abandoning so many other games. this game is fun for 2 hours and then it's boring as shit. don't let the "omg u kill nazis1! epic" talk fool you into thinking this game is worth playing for too long, bc that hook does not justify the hours you put in

I had really low hopes for this game. I love Wolfenstein 3d, being 10 and playing the shareware version in my basement was my introduction to First Person Shooters. The atmosphere of that game sticks with me until this day and I would never think I could love a Wolfenstein game more than that, but somehow this masterpiece happens.

This game has no right to be as fun as it is. I think it's important to say I think this is due to me playing it on Über, which in my opinion transforms this into a whole different experience. What would've been a pretty great FPS with a fun revenge story turns into a Brutally Difficult tactical arcade shooter where you can't just run and gun you are force to survey an area before running in guns blazing and require 10-20-30 runs through sections till you know the location of every enemy, exactly how many shots you need to drop him, and exactly what gun you are going to use to do it. It makes you feel like an absolute master at the end of a level when you are rewarded with the next section of the game excited what scenario the game holds for you next and threw curve ball after curve ball at you to force you to max out every skill so you can stealth, duel wield, and blow your way through every level.

The story is great, if you needed any more reasons to hate nazis the opening of this game makes you personally want to topple the regime they set up around you. This is alternate history done properly and gives an amazing sense of a resistance army building up through the game and seriously the fight keeps getting bigger and bigger as you make it to the final sequences, it feels like you've had an impact on the world they build. The characters that they surround you with are so enjoyable and it's one of the first times in a game I went out of my way to talk to characters to get to know them more.

This was a flawless execution that made me realize what a single player FPS experience should be something you can't replicate online.

One of my favorite shooters. It's so satisfying, a great blend of seriousness and ridiculousness. I have some issues with the concentration camp sequence, but I've had such a blast playing through this multiple times that the good outweighs the bad here. Kill all bigots, and do so with two shotguns at once.

You go round blasting Nazi’s into pieces with shotguns or filling them with bullets from machine guns. The story is pretty good, although basic, but the focus here is brutal, extremely fun FPS combat, and this game does that brilliantly.

every enemy is a bulletsponge, BJ is whiny, and the game erased all my progress. cool

whenever the new order lets me dual fist assault rifles with rocket launchers it owns. whenever it wants me to stealth kill anyone it sucks ass. folks, this game has too much stealth killing

No aguanto el monólogo interno del personaje, por el final del juego creo que mi cerebro decidió obviarlo

Los bosses son super zzzzzzzzz

Do not let the sanctified inner monologues and nice camera work fool you ; B.J. Blazkowicz is an empty shell.

It's OK shooting. For a bit. Quality jumps around... not really a fan of much in this game.

fuck them nazis me and the gamers hate nazis

Un shooter perfecto a mi parecer, lo he disfrutado de lo lindo.

Who doesn't want to kill Nazis. There is something very satisfying about shooting and stabbing but despite there being stealth sections there seems to be a surprising lack of thought put behind it. The story is dull and the boss is predictable. Nothing really interesting.

"Death at the gates again. Howling my name. Can't greet you today. I have a war to win."

One of the only FPS styled games left that I enjoy. The combat and story was pretty solid, and killing Nazis was fucking epic. Will play more of this franchise in the future.

I got to akimbo shotguns, I don't need much more

The guns are heavy and pack a punch. You kill nazis and eat dog food. What more do you need?

It's the best of these new Wolfenstein games, hands down.

It has the best level design with almost every level having various ways of making it to the goal, the story is the most consistent, the characters are the most likable they've been so far, and the gunplay OHHHH it's so good.

It's sad that the later games got so shit but this one is really damn great.

A lot of fun at points, but almost everything this tried got implemented into Doom 16 and was 100 times better for it.

Futuristic Inglorious Bastards.

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This is one of the only popular current gen games that i think is genuinely dreadful.