Reviews from

in the past

Beat on Easy because I was at a point in my life where I just wanted to shoot Nazis with ease and didn't have to worry about them gaining the upper hand. Remembering what the climate was like for FPS games in 2014 is wild because Wolfenstein feels like it had to have been the best FPS of the year but IIRC, no one talked about it until months after it came out.

Wolfenstein is a weird-ass series that no one cares about even though a majority of its entries have been (supposedly) decent. I liked this one enough to play through the entire thing but I couldn't see myself doing another run. Fun Hollywood plot, solid shooting, plenty of inventive weapons.

An amazing blend of b-series sci-fi with heartfull and tender emotional human interactions. It's a difficult balance to make and Wolfenstein: The New Order does it gracefully. Gameplay is fun, story is good, voice acting and music are stellar. The thing is... the engine is crap, like Rage, everything feels a bit too clunky and junky, imagine if this game was in a better engine... :(

Took me a while to get into this game at first, and it did not disappoint. Story mode was intense, its gameplay insane, its music top notched, probably one of the best game franchises out there (before Youngblood I mean)

História e ambientação perfeitamente lunáticas, e ainda assim consegue ter tons tenebrosos em alguns momentos (como é de se imaginar caso os nazistas tivessem ganho a Segunda Guerra). Gameplay tem charme único, muito estilizado e muito divertido, talvez a experiência de FPS single-player mais interessante, você é uma maquina de destruição e ainda assim não soa over-powered. É legal porque o jogo assume que você ta lá pra mandar bala e ver o circo pegar fogo (já que o circo é uma merda mesmo), e é essa oportunidade que ele entrega. A meia estrela a mais vai porque me senti motivado a jogar o jogo de novo mesmo ele sendo idêntico na gameplay apesar das mini-mudanças na história dependendo de uma escolha no prólogo.

man who's hatred of nazis is so powerful that him being MIA leads to the allies losing WWII

A hell of a fun time! Story and characters were surprisingly great as well!


It's a very good shooter but at times the story tries way too hard to be serious and gritty instead of embracing its goofier parts

Fantastic shooter that has a very gripping and engaging narrative that humanized BJ in a way that I never thought possible.

Such a fun game, great game if you’re looking to just mess about and not focus on anything too story driven

Sex scenes, thats all I care about.

The New Order is kind of a miracle game. A reboot of a classic franchise that not only manages to live up to it's own legacy but also surpass it in so many areas, all while still maintaining it's unmistakable identity as a Wolfenstein game.

Shooting Nazi bastards has always been the core of the series but The New Order really goes the extra mile when it comes to setting up it's antagonist, depicting them with the level of evil and cruelty that would normally be reserved for a Saturday morning cartoon villan all while still maintaining a real sense of grounded tension that keeps things from flying off the rails.

And I think that this describes the game in it's entirety. The gameplay, the story, the characters all walk along a knifes edge with a realistic, grounded story about humans surviving in the face of unspeakable evil on one side, and over the top schlocky grindhouse violence on the other. But the truly amazing thing about this game is that it somehow manages to walk that razors edge all the way to the end without ever managing to tip to far onto either side (aside from arguably the moon level I suppose). The game can have a tense and shocking level take place in a concentration camp and end it by firing rockets out of a giant robot and it all feels like a natural part of the world.

And of course all this comes mostly in part thanks to the writing that I cannot sing enough praises for. It's an ensemble cast staring in a story that is primarily about the characters themselves and it's fascinating how even in a cast of characters this big, each and every one of them manages to share an equal amount of screen time and be memorable in their very own ways. This is without even mentioning the writing for B.J. Blazkowicz, who I genuinely believe in this game is one of the best written characters in the history of the medium. Somehow turning one of the most famous silent protagonists of all time and bringing him down the level of empathetic and tragic not despite, but because of the preposterous amounts of carnage you experience as a player.

And it's at this point I realize that I've gotten this far without even talking about the GAMEPLAY in this VIDEO GAME. It's a faithful adaptation of the old school shooter design with more weapons' than a truck can carry and more blood than a dozen slaughterhouses. There are a handful of stealth sections and the game manages to pull them off surprisingly well with each and every encounter feeling like a natural extension of every gameplay mechanic. If I did have one gripe however it would be that I think some of the level design and art direction can have a bad habit of blending in with one another making some locations feel more dull than other.

Again though any complaint I can through at this game feels kind of like a mute point in the face of everything I think this game does well. And It does just about everything well! I might even call this one of the best shooters of this generation! I've played through it 3 times at this point and am planning on an eventual 4th playthrough. It really is just a damn fine game, and if you haven't played it yet I can't recommend it highly enough.

this game looks and plays like dogshit on my computer which runs red dead 2 at mid settings smoothly so lol no fuck you

"A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is imprisoned lightning, and her name...Mother of Exiles. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, the tempest-tost--to me.

Titanic monuments of limestone and concrete tower across a skyline conglomerated and oppressed by a fascist state; aching in place, desperate to be freed from the control of power. Massive facilities imbued with technological decor and futuristic design clash against human intuition and knowledge. Inhuman creatures scream whilst the prison of their forbidden flesh embeds itself deeper into their ego, breaking natural law.

Wolfenstein: The New Order hums and whirs through vignettes warning of fascist and imperialist states, projecting a future of homogeneity and unavoidable violence. Each singular level provides additional introspection to a world that can only be described as catastrophically horrifying. Many pieces of alt-history media struggle to genuinely elucidate possible changes in the timeline, oftentimes just "flipping" the script and performing a role reversal. Wolfenstein does anything but--in just fourteen years, the Nazis have managed to alter the state of human civilization as a whole, eradicating any trace or semblance of individualism or humanity. All odds are stacked against a ragtag group of deviant individuals, all deformed or "imperfect" in the face of the Nazi ideology.

Revolution is born out of the ashes of oppression--gusty bravado pierces through the armor of Nazi soldiers and supersoldaten in the form of bullets and lazers, making the world a more human place one cold body at a time. Yearning, hesitant strings pluck throughout the background, providing warmth to a cold and disconnected dystopia. This is a world where hope and happiness should be absent--and indeed they are--but these deviant, radical insurgency cells provide a degree of hope and optimism to a world shuttered by hatred and violence.

If I weren't completely bored to tears by corridor shooters anymore I would probably love this game.

The dark and emotional story of this game is some of the best I've seen from an FPS, personally. Its flashy setting is handled really well when turned into gameplay, and the gun mechanics make killing Nazi's extremely fun/satisfying. There are plenty of unique aspects of the gameplay that make it very entertaining, and those cut scenes are mwah mwah very nice.

- Throwing a knife in someone's foot is more fatal than 4 bullets to the chest.
- Only runs in capped 60 fps
- Small bugs, random weird physics
- Not a huge fan of the mechanics of constantly picking up health and ammo. (This and the bugs are very minuscule issues though, I recommend the game to anyone)

Amazing, somehow a perfect mix of serious and silly with wonderful level variety.

Had a blast playing this. Stealth felt good unlike in the sequel.

Always fun to kill some Nazis.

An effective narrative coupled with mostly enjoyable encounters and decent setpieces. Great for a brief romp, but not much more.

good shooter but it'd be better if it had less of a narrative focus

Nazis? What is this Indiana Jones? Nah but seriously, The Beatles are in this game, but it's unknown if John was shot in this timeline

a good narrative! An enjoyable game! I forgot to type this when I finished it so Ive forgotten things by now!

This is how you take your schlock seriously. Not with fake guilt or thematic cleverness applied to familiar mechanics. But with big-ass guns to shoot Nazis who’ve taken over the world.

And what a world it is. The New Order commits to its fiction through its spaces. Levels expand beyond mere shooting galleries and offer relief from the usual mayhem by articulating a monstrous alternate history. Perhaps most surprising, the women in its world are strikingly diverse, believable, even adult.

This is not a game that transcends its genre – it fulfills it. This Wolfenstein knows itself, and its confidence shows.

I'm a little iffy on the huge leap in difficulty between normal enemies and armored ones, but there's so much to like here. The story is intentionally ridiculous in a good way, and will likely get you a lot more invested in the characters than you were expecting. It's just a fun, cool, rollercoaster ride.

Shit story, shit level design

Absolutely phenomenal shooter campaign, with some really fun combat and surprisingly well written characters. By the end of it I was feeling pretty emotionally tired, but I certainly think it earned its ending. Really really recommend this one if you're looking for a classic feeling shooter, with solid level design.

Came for the nazi shooting, stayed for the surprisingly interesting philosophical discussion on religion and why men do wrong, start to check out when they drag out the end game and have the horrible final boss fight