Reviews from

in the past

korrekt fps kampány, pár emlékezetes pillanattal és helyszínnel (náci holdbázis 👌), kicsit inkonzisztens tónusú campy-melodramatikus-idióta sztorival, ami hol működik, hol nem. inkább a hülyeség áll neki jól, mint a nagy m e r e n g é s.

nincs túl sokféle fegyver, viszont ami van, azt jó érzés használni. van egy lézervágó (laserkraftwerk!), amiben sokkal több potenciál lenne szerintem – kicsit alulhasznált, de azért így is fun. a kétkezes fegyverviselés, a fedezékhasználat módja és a nagyon megengedő lopakodós részek pont annyi csavart visznek a standard fps-sablonba, hogy legyen valamiféle sajátos érzete a játéknak. nem minden szcenárióban működik jól, de azért többnyire legalább oké az élmény.

(ebben az "fps valami csavarral" kategóriában az ex-starbreeze/machinegames egyébként elég jó, a chronicles of riddick, the darkness meg a syndicate egyikéről sem lehet mondani, hogy cookie-cutter fps lenne.)

kis csiszolással lehetne ez 8/10 is, de így is van benne épp elég eredetiség, hogy megérje kipróbálni.

(amellett viszont nem tudok elmenni szó nélkül, hogy a pc verzió kibaszott bugos, mókolás nélkül el sem indul, és két kezemen sem tudnám megszámolni, hányszor omlott össze cutscene-ek után, tragédia)

Solid high octane FPS with satisfying squish when you pop a Nazi's head open

Yeah, you kill Nazis with guns in both hands. Story's nothing special.

Primeiro game que eu completei 100% com conquistas.

Amazing story and gunplay, mixes modern shooting mechanics with a classical fps health system.

Un reboot de la serie perfecto, Machinegun te sabe hacer un juego de tiros decente, pero quien me iba a decir que mi parte favorita de un Wolfenstein es la trama y personajes

I played this game much later, but I don't think it's very good... I only completed it because I wanted to play the later games and these games are story-heavy.

This game kicks so much ass. The dual-wield shooting is awesome and the story is great, what more could you ask for in a single-player FPS?

41085786430 DEAD NAZIS

It's a shame that out there, somewhere, there's some poor fool who got through the whole game without ever knowing that you can drop acid with alternate-timeline Jimi Hendrix.

Matas nazis, tu crees que puedes superar eso?

É um bom game mas muito atrás de RtCW e Wolfenstein 2009. Gostei da história mas ela só me prendeu pelos personagens dos outros jogos (que aparentemente ninguém jogou). O background que deram pro Blazkowicz é interessante mas o maluco as vezes parece que tem 2 de QI sendo capturado o tempo todo por coisas bobas. Bizarro.

Gran revival de la franquicia, respeta sus orígenes con un combate vertiginoso pero estratégico a la par que desafiante, además tiene una historia sorprendentemente buena, pero algo lenta en ritmo

ah y podes matar nazis con rifles láser en la Luna.... Gran juego

How am I not suppose to feel bad for the poor germans being genocided by one dude

Making BJ an interesting and deep character is the biggest accomplishment here.

The standard FPS stuff didn't do it for me.

some awful level design, some fantastic voice work and cutscene direction

This game has some of the best use of perspective I've ever seen in an FPS. The sight of these towering Nazi structures all the way to the sky, often amplified by the game's excellent FOV and depth-of-field effects, really sells the power and terror of the new regime.
Besides that, this game has a great story, solid performances and mostly strong gameplay. Some of its narrative and cover-shooting features aren't as well developed (they drive from London to Berlin in like, an hour), but the game is still a srong recommend from me.

So I have a lot of mixed feelings about this game. Overall, it was an interesting experience, I not a big fan of first person shooters but I always wanted to play the Wolfenstein franchise.

I admit, the game has some nice moments, but the whole story was a little bland. I felt the scenes were not connect at all, giving the feeling that everything was being rushed, and for what?

Also, the game crashed a lot of times, for no reason. Big no no

-What if. Mi è piaciuta l'idea di ambientare il gioco in un futuro (che in realtà è un passato) in cui la Germania ha vinto la seconda guerra mondiale e ha portato lo sviluppo scientifico ad un livello incredibile. Non è originalissima come idea generale, ma per certi aspetti invece si e funziona molto bene.
-Cutscene. Se il gioco funziona è anche grazie ad esse. Ho trovato in particolare i dialoghi molto ben scritti, riescono perfettamente a creare suspense al momento giusto e a caratterizzare in poche linee personaggi con tempo su schermo risicato. Il tutto condito da una regia molto intelligente. Il lato cinematografico è sicuramente quello meglio riuscito del gioco.
-Feedback. Wolfenstein The New Order è un videogioco che da subito si presenta come molto violento, crudo e feroce. Il gioco riesce a trasmettere perfettamente la sensazione di odio di Blazkowicz nei confronti dei nazisti.

Non Apprezzato:
-Gameplay. L'ho trovato un po' povero complessivamente. Non ha alcun tipo di particolarità come sparatutto, rimane sempre abbastanza nella norma. Le armi non sono tantissime, la varietà di nemici non è così vasta e la rigiocabilità del gioco si basa su piccoli filmati diversi in base ad una scelta presa all'inizio del gioco. La sensazione è quella di giocare un comunissimo sparatutto fps, se si pensa però che Wolfenstein è il papà del genere ci si aspettava decisamente di più.

Wolfenstein The New Order rilancia la saga storica che ha dato il via al genere degli fps, lo fa bene per quanto riguarda la narrazione, lo fa male per quanto riguarda il gameplay. Il gioco si salva in corner, per quanto mi riguarda, in quanto peccare a livello di gameplay in un gioco di questo tipo è una criticità che da sola pesa enormemente, per fortuna il resto è realizzato abbastanza bene. Non mi sento comunque di consigliarlo. Non è un gioco che rigiocherei, nonostante la poca longevità.

Feels completely off to play on controller: the aiming is just very 'drifty', for lack of a better term. Might give it a whirl on PC if I get the chance.

fun gameplay. but barely can remember the story.

Going in, I knew very little about this game... I fully expected a Doom-like shoot-em-up with fun action and a cheesy 1980's hero but little more. What I ended up with was a much more ambitious title, full of fun compelling characters, a solidly likable Nazi-killing hero and a rather somewhat emotional & intimate narrative set in the genius alternate-history of the Nazis having won WWII.

I didn't even expect stealth to be a part of the game, but that ended up being my main way of playing because it was such a welcome surprise (albeit a little simplistic; so simplistic to the point that enemies literally all stand facing away from each other so that you can successfully crouch up behind them all to slice their throats).

Even looking at the game as a standard shooter, it's got strong enough gunplay that - it alone - still manages to make it one of the freshest FPS games I've played in a while.

This is the definition of finding an unexpected gem!

Overall rating: 8.7/10

I'm not a fan of first person shooters but these new Wolfenstein games somehow found a way to draw me in. There's something about being able to dual wield every gun while sprinting around that is undeniably fun. The perk system is fun to work through although most of the rewards for it don't make much of a noticeable difference in gameplay. There's a surprising amount of variety in the level design and the stealth sequences give me a wanted break from the shooting. Humanizing a character like B.J. Blazkowicz who would be very easy to just make into angry badass is impressive. They tell a surprisingly touching story with a likeable cast of characters. They manage to ground the story amongst the over the top carnage.

Good story, good combat. Wholesome at times. Love the setting, very immersive.

Felt like a bit of a jumpstart for DOOM 2016 in retrospect (which was a jumpstart for Eternal), but still, on just about every front, TNO is fantastic. Great level design, awesome story, memorable characters, great gunplay, and a great soundtrack by a pre-DOOM Mick Gordon.