Reviews from

in the past

A gameplay é OKzinha, os personagens são muito mais carismáticos que os de Danganronpa e a história era boa até certa parte, quando o merda do roteirista meteu as loucurada de Metalinguagem dele ficou um cu, no geral gostei do jogo até o último ato. A localização PT-BR é excelente, em vários momentos eu ri bastante com as expressões e os caralhos. Diálogos super bacanas, ainda mais levando em consideração que os personagens tem 12 anos.

The game has a good story but the "gameplay" is very lackluster. I enjoyed my time with it but I don't think I'll play it again for a while. Honestly if you have Apple Arcade its probably best to try and play it that way.

Gameplay is really stiff but I do like the character interactions, I think the game is cute. I enjoyed it, don't go in expecting anything groundbreaking.

with creators from danganronpa & zero escape, you'd expect a lot more. the story was so bad. you think you're getting into a life or death game but you get some weird slice of life attempt. felt like danganronpa for children. the bosses are boring, the characters have no depth, uninteresting worlds & settings. i preordered the special edition & immediately resold it after playing, lol

Fun game showing Kodaka and Uchikoshi move away from death games. The story is interesting and feels like a fun road trip with a group of classmates with some cool twists as is typical with both directors. Character designs are really cute and easily recognizable from pokemon sun/moon games. All of this gets weighed down by how shit the game feels to play however most of this likely because it was made for mobile as well. Still a good game overall.

Never laughed harder during a game in my entire life.

it was kinda boring but the character designs were cool

yes this is the first game i finished in 2023
Story is sweet, nothing spectacular but not everything has to be, I enjoyed myself
Gameplay sucks so bad though

only redeeming quality is the art

i absolutely adore this game. every moment of the gameplay was horrid and hilarious in equal measures. my favourite game that i'd never recommend to anybody

you get awesome highs and vomit-inducing lows mixing together for the most mid shit of all time. still better than vlr tho

Genuinely love this game so much. Wish more people would play it instead of just dismissing it due to the style and E10+ age rating...

Well, it's okay. I think a lot of long time fans were a bit disappointed when it came to World's End Club considering the cast of developers from Danganronpa and Zero Escape, so when the actual finished product came out, it was a bit underwhelming. A lot of the characters could be developed more, the gameplay is somewhat simplistic (and a little janky at times due to some of the boss fights being a bit finicky and the platforming controls being a little stiff), and the story feels like a very watered down (and at times, juvenile and very safe) version of Zero Escape with Danganronpa characters that have even less screentime and a whole lot of cutscenes that don't seem to go anywhere. The PC port also could have been handled better (it runs at 1/2 of your monitor refresh rate regardless of settings, and if you try to uncap it to run at anything above 60, the physics break and bug some puzzle platforming segments). But the potential is there; some of the twists are definitely interesting, even if it feels like watered down VLR at times, and the character designs and visuals are generally quite fantastic. I think World's End Club isn't notoriously bad, it just could have been much more, so I look forward to future games by Izanagi Games, and I hope they build off of this experience to create something even more daring than this.

I hated this at first but once I stopped comparing it to Kodaka and Uchikoshi's previous works, I ended up thinking it was just okay. Don't expect it to be anything crazy.

the mgs4 of dungeon crawlers [DEROGATORY]. baby's first infinity game [DEROGATORY BUT COULD HAVE BEEN COOL]

The best game with horrible gameplay ever.

i really enjoyed the story! it was sweet and touching. the kids are wonderful despite falling to tropes occasionally but what game doesn’t feature that when it has an ensemble cast? the platforming leaves much to be desired but it still is a good play.

Despite the incredibly clunky gameplay and lackluster localization this is still a really charming game: the story has a lot of heart and features one of my favorite takes on a classic Uchikoshi twist. Take's character designs are great and the soundtrack is fantastic.

how to be evil: make a game’s demo really fun and interesting but the full game is nothing like it and blows ass

was super excited to play a game directed by both Uchikoshi and Kodaka and the music in this game slaps, the dialogue is cheesy but endearing, the characters are fun, the sun and moon character designer worked on this and it shows, and the story is above average with some minor issues. so you'd think i liked this game right? well uh Unfortunately, it's got straight up some of the worst gameplay and level design i've played in recent memory to the point where it made a short game take me almost a whole year to beat cause i was getting so annoyed and didnt wanna come back to it

over the last few weeks i was stubborn tho and decided i WOULD beat it and so i did! & yeah uh this game kinda sucks. i hate to admit that when it's made by two of my fave directors but the story isn't amazing enough to make up for the fact that the game is clunky w bad design :(

I will LITERALLY pay them money to stick to visual novels

okay FINE kitsu i'll give it a score

Only thing me remember is sheepification and that danged theme song

First introduction to Kodaka and his games, glad I played Danganronpa shortly after this! xD

simple lil story
another i have found memory of because my review of it did well on youtube (for my low standards)

A cornball but endearing, silly visual novel dragged down by the most rudimentary, stiff, unpolished, simple ass puzzle platforming ever, it's a Balan Wonderworld situation where everything looks good BUT the gameplay, I probably shouldn't be surprised by the game's state considering what we have nowadays but wow what happened here? Atleast we got a nice story and art ig.

There are hidden achievements on iOS but I'm gonna pretend I played the switch version instead.

'Hyper-ultra super-duper poe poe amazing' game with surprising turns in plot. However a little confused with the target age demographic as there's swearing but asides from that it feels like it's a story written for a child.