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Wszyscy na około trąbią, że to słaba gra. Dla mnie z jakiegoś powodu rozjeżdżanie zombie sprawia masę przyjemności.

I know this game is absolitely stupid, its buggy, graphically its a bit on the grim side.... But its just so stupidly fun. Its honestly just a blast popping on for a few hours, shooting and smashing everything in sight. Sure its not a game you should probably play for hours on end but its great for when you just need something really dumb to play.

it's fine, pretty much exactly as you expect. simple and fun to play after finishing silent hill 3 but can't see myself putting in crazy hours

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Fun little game with a surprising amount of content.

Zombie Driver (HD) is an Indie game in which you mow down hordes of hungry zombies while driving fancy cars. In terms of story, it is just the usual classic; a chemical accident from a failed experiment of the government turned everyone into zombies and now apocalypse is happening all around the world.

There are various modes to choose from in this game. This gives the game a lot of variation and keeps you entertained. I was expecting to do the same stuff over and over again until it bored me into a zombie, and although in a way, it is the same principle all over, the different modes offer a lot of fun and keep the game interesting to play.

You got the story mode in which you complete different missions like rescue survivors, kill a lot of zombies or even kill a boss. You can collect different powerups and new weapons to help you in your efforts. The story missions are tense and because many are timed, you need to think fast and feel the pressure. The missions are just fine and offer a good feeling of progression. This is mainly of the nice counters and checklists on your screen to keep track of your current progress.

Second, Zombie Driver (HD) offers a racing mode. At first, it seemed lame and unnecessary, but when playing, it was a hell lot of fun. You collect different powerups to blow your opponents to shreds while racing for the finish. You want to achieve the gold time of course, so you better get moving. The tracks are well designed and the balance for the AI is fair. The adrenaline rush for such a simple game is surprising and I liked it very much. Especially because I hate and despise racing game personally.

The third mode is endless survival in which you can earn gold medals for staying alive long enough. I personally liked this one the most. The action is nonstop, you desperately search for weapons, health pickups and ammo, and try to use the terrain to your advantage.

The graphics in Zombie Driver (HD) are nice for such a simple game and the animations and effects are well done. The ray from electricity weapons, the fire, explosions, the gore, it all looks very well. Especially in the HD remake. I also really like the interface graphics, the theme of the menus and the nice medal icons that let you know: “You did it bro”.

The sound effects are cool.The slams of your car into other cars or zombies, the gunfire, nothing to complain about there. The music is awesome. It rocks some fine tunes and, like always for me, it adds to the experience when the tracks are just fine (or perfect) to listen too.

The controls are fluent. This is almost a requirement for a game like this, but my experience as a gamer taught me that there is some vile and unresponsive crap out there, even when you do not expect it. The cars handle well, the weapons aim fine and there is just nothing to complain about in that regard.

Although the principle of Zombie Driver (HD) has been done many times, most times it was an individual game for each of the modes that this game offers. In Zombie Driver (HD) you get a whole lot of content, tons of stuff to do and some fun achievements to focus on, making the game even better. For me, this meant that I saw every inch, mode and weapon in the game, and I got the most out of it.

I really enjoyed this game and would surely recommend it.

was playing this game for the trophies, but it was actually funny to play it.

Zombie Driver is a game I can sell to you on the title alone. Does driving around in a GTA1 and 2 esque overhead perspective killing hoards of zombies, either by running them down or shooting them, sound fun? If yes, go play it! If not... what's wrong with you?

I say that partially as a joke, but also because Zombie Driver is really that simple to recommend. It's an overhead driving game where you're given control of a wide amount of vehicles, a handful of swappable weapons strapped onto the roofs of said vehicles, and asked to go to town on the waves of zombies roaming the street. Occasionally you might need to escort some survivors, or be put in control of a different, mission exclusive vehicle, but it's the same song and dance across basically the whole game.

It's stupid simple and gets repetitive as all hell if you play for more than 15 minutes at a time... but goddamn if this isn't just the good arcade style fun I've needed to cheer myself up while dealing with a bad sickness recently. Really fun time overall; it's not gonna blow minds, but sometimes a game's just all it needs to be, and Zombie Driver definitely is.

A short game about driving around and killing zombies without pretensions of being anything else. It's neat.

After playing through Shenmue, which for all off its positives is a very meandering experience, I needed a palate cleanser. Zombie Driver HD did not disappoint. It’s a simple driving game that doesn’t bite off more flesh than it can chew.

If you’ve ever played a top-down racing game or one of the first two Grand Theft Auto games, you should feel right at home here. Each mission of the campaign tasks you with racing around the city and taking care of objectives like rescuing survivors or blowing up zombie spawn points. Most missions are fairly short – in the five to fifteen minute range – and despite a decided lack of variety in both the objectives and environments I never found myself feeling bored.

The game absolutely delivers on the zombie front, as well. The entire city is crawling with the living dead. Driving straight through the swarms of undead is the most basic way to handle them, though doing so will whittle away at your vehicle’s health. I quickly realized I’d have to use all the weapons at my disposal, as well as advanced techniques like drifting and sideswiping, to kill the hordes faster while preserving health and racking up cash-earning combos.

The story is also hilarious in a low-key way. While the writing won’t win any awards, it does do a nice job of gradually revealing what’s really going on in the city without bashing the player over the head with reams of plot. The voice actor for the General also does a great job of playing it straight.

All in all, Zombie Driver HD is a fun way to spend an afternoon or two. Nothing more, nothing less. Sometimes that’s enough. I look forward to trying Exor Studios’ next game, X-Morph: Defense, which I suspect will be a bit more innovative than this one.

In a weird way, I can and also cannot recommend this game to anyone. To simply put, Zombie Driver is as arcade as it gets when it comes to videogames, and it features a wide selection of missions, limited weapons, some cars, a few game modes and everything you need to have fun for like 3-4 hours.

The problem is, that after 5-6 missions in, you literally played everything this game has to offer. Missions are always simple, short and does not come with varied objectives, despite offering side ones. These objectives are:
- Rescue X amount of people
- Destroy this
- Kill this
- Do this, but you cannot use your vehicle, we give you a tank or something.

This completely casual mayhem has it's very fun parts, and extremely satisfying combat, but it lacks in literally every other aspect. If you want to have fun, check it out, but you will 100% be burnt out about this game after a few missions in.

Possibly the most Xbox Live game ever made.

Reminded me a lot of the couple hours I spent with Carmageddon Max Damage though being top-down with the camera swerving all over got pretty nauseating quick. I can see myself coming back to this in short bursts.