Reviews from

in the past

The only MMO I've ever invested more than 100 hours into. Mind you when I was probably 10 years old, but that means something I'm sure.

Eu jogava isso quando tinha uns 5/6 anos de idade, não sabia o que era um RPG, ainda mais um MMORPG. Eu pegava qualquer arma do chão e ia matar os bichos, tentar no caso, e morria direto. Tive uns 4 PGs diferentes que nunca saiam do nível 6. Ainda bem que não me interesso por MMORPG, muito tempo gasto kkkkkkkkkkkk

This is what I would have to resort to playing if I was burnt out on Runescape or Flash games when I was about 10 years old. By all metrics, this should have turned me into an unbearable weaboo.

This game kept me from developing a heroin addiction.

I played this all the time as a kid, it probably altered my brain chemistry. The creativity and humor of this game is the main selling point, as is the "lunch break" style feedback loop. Unfortunately time hasn't been kind to this game and it feels a bit flat now, plus the amount of content in the game is quite frankly overwhelming that I can't imagine getting back into it.

Not the best, but I have good memories of this game.

Had a dumb strong free to play character named Blue Eyes White Dark. Yeah, I was the coolest kid in school.

I still think about the time I embarrassed myself during an interview with Adam Bohn.

best browser game of all time i still have my guardian account FIX THE FUCKING PREVIEW IMAGE GGRRAAAAAAAAAHHHHH !!!!!

Pure soul
20 years later they're still updating this game and it's funny to run into the mix of enemies drawn in 2022 and the png frogzards and worms from 2002

Played this as a kid. Pretty fun. Don't get eaten by the black hole lizard.

i’ve had an account for 21 years so you really can’t tell me shit

This game is very soulful. It's also very bad.
If you want soulful and good, go play DragonFable.

This is what my childhood looked like

CHILDHOOD. I remember asking my mom if I could mail money to the company (literally you had to put money inside an envelope and send to the US) so I could get a subscription. of course, she said no

i can distinctly remember begging my parents for an x-guardian subscription. i spelled my character's name wrong

Classic time waster before there were such things as fast Internet connections. Good old times. Recently checked my ancient account and I had a Level 51 Necromancer with a goth appearance. No regrets.

Groundbreaking for the time, but has aged like milk. Far surpassed by Dragonfable & AQW.

O início da Artix Entertainment, é incrível a dedicação pra ter update semanalmente desde 2002.
Muito bom ver as raízes de tudo.

Played this game a ton in middle school. Had a lot of fun with it. Very simple but fun.

as of jan 31 2022 the screenshot they have for this is of AQW

have tried to recover my account a few times to no avail :(

Looks very amateurish and has repetitive gameplay. The subsequent 'Battleon' games were all big improvements.