Reviews from

in the past

Such an incredibly steep drop off in quality from its predecessor. The key to mastering the drip-fed style narrative from the last game is not only leaving the player confused and with a jumbled incomplete puzzle, but also present that story in an enticing way and guess what, provide an ending that’s actually conclusive and leaves the player satisfied. Whack

muito subestimado esse jogo, ele é incrível

Such a horrible sequel. It will never measure up to the story of the first one.

one of the worst sequels i've ever played. horrible performance and grameplay and everything. just a complete waste of time and money.

There's not much to say, i liked the soundtrack.

I'd like extra bacon with my hallways simulator plz

nojo absoluto, jogo pessimo onde só anda pra frente sem preocupações

O inicio de toda indústria de react e de ir na casa dos amigos se cagar de medo com qualquer coisa de terror. A nota é baixa pq para além disso não é grande coisa e pq sou medroso.

I realize that the second entry in the franchise has received a sort of reappraisal amongst Amnesia fans in recent years, but I’m afraid I can’t agree with their praise of the game. I still feel like it is a mere shadow of what its predecessor was able to achieve.

My main issue is that during my playthrough it felt like I was sprinting through the game. Unlike the original entry in the franchise, there are hardly any puzzles (going to two different corners in a level and rotating valves does not count as a puzzle) that will make you stop and think on your next move. The levels are streamlined, which kills the necessity to roam around a maze-like environment, collecting necessary items to make it to the next part and at the same time watching out for enemies that can be lurking in any corner. There are dozens upon dozens of closed doors which make you feel like you’re being led by the devs rather than figuring out the right way on your own.

There is a lot less interactivity compared to ‘The Dark Descent’, where you were able to pick up most items. Here it feels more like you’re in a museum, and only allowed to touch objects absolutely necessary to make your way further. Even many drawers are permanently shut - why?

I appreciate the game taking its time to build tension and only introducing enemies after an hour or so, but when they do appear, they mostly show up in tight spaces where you’re forced to run around them before realizing they take forever to spot you and deal any real damage (which isn’t really an issue anyway, since your character regenerates health automatically). This kills any feeling of tension when traversing through levels, as enemies become a nuisance that can be ignored surprisingly often.

The part I liked best was its story, and I genuinely was curious to see what happens next to Mandus. I was quite satisfied with the ending, and witnessing the bedlam unfold on the streets of London was definitely a memorable sight. There are plenty of diary entries written by the protagonist that should allow players to sympathize with him more, although I feel like the writers had a greater opportunity to turn the events of the game into more of a social commentary (there are some nuggets hidden in some of the notes pointing to this), but in the end opted for a more standard horror story fitting the genre.

This game was a very mixed bag for me honestly.
The atmosphere was incredible as always, as it seems the Amnesia developers have perfected their craft of beautiful yet terrifying environments; this one varies from the first game by introducing a bit more of a modern feel, yet still taking place in the late 19th century. All of the machinery and factory feel of the game is a joy to experience.
The same can be said for the soundtrack, it is extremely immersive and it really sold the deal in some certain areas.

However, the game really falls apart in other areas. The actual gameplay feels like a straight up downgrade, as the inventory is completely removed and you can only interact with your environment to a limited degree... there was usually a single route to take and you very rarely did any backtracking.

Story was also quite disappointing... despite the use of such interesting concepts, the game didn't do much to immerse you in it and I struggled to immerse myself even if I really tried to.

na minha mente de criança esse jogo era melhor, fazer oq

Kinda dumb story that only exists to make a few very cool moments.

Shite. Nonsensical story, boring gameplay, not scary at all and far too easy. There are like 3 "stealth" sections, if you can even call them that, and the pig enemies barely appear. The whole pig motif got old and annoying really fast. The only cool thing about this was that sections when you emerge onto the streets, but it was about 5 minutes long.

Not as good as the first one, but still good

I've been liking the Amnesia games, but I got through this one and still had no clue what was going on. I enjoyed the gameplay, atmosphere was nice, but it went over my head. Maybe I'm just stupid though who knows.

As someone who doesn't get scared too often, this was a very interesting experience. Although I'd say there are games that have had me more 'scared', this one had me quite unsettled a few times and I apprecciate it.

si venis de jugar el amnesia este directamente podes pasar corriendo, se pierde el factor miedo, lo rescatable es la historia y por eso recomiendo probar.
recomiendo probar(mas si venis del primer amnesia)

More amnesia, i prefer dark descent but this is pretty cool.

Great story, mind-numbingly boring gameplay

A compelling story wrapped in an average game, this amnesia installment lacks a lot of the scares, tension, and atmosphere notable in the other games, making it less viscerally engaging. This is particularly disappointing due to the interesting setting and themes that had significant potential, but were ultimately squandered by underwhelming interaction. However, the substance of the plot resulting in enough to think about to make the overall experience positive.

I haven't played this game...

Não OPINO sobre jogo que MALTRATA animais.

bem decepcionante como um todo, principalmente depois de jogar o primeiro amnesia. Tem ideias e conceitos interessantes sobre darwinismo social na história, cenários e ambientação, mas nada ta amarrado direito, tira tudo que dark descent fez de bom e leva junta a imersão e perigo do jogo, exploração vira uma linha reta com uns puzzle bunda.

foi tão ambicioso em focar muito na história e no protagonista como personagem esférico, que a gameplay fico fraca. Os dilemas pessoais e contradições do protagonista são bons, mas antes eu preciso aguentar jogar esse walking simulator. Apesar disso ainda vale a pena joga, ainda mais se vier junto com outro amnesia por so vinte reais

The evils of industrialism and capitalism as framed through the lens of cosmic horror; the fact that we let people believe Outlast is better then this is a fucking crime.

Esse é um caso interessante. Ele não chega a ser um jogo de terror mecanicamente, e sim um Walking Simulator (até porque ele é da mesma dev de Dear Esther). Isso explica o level design linear e a ausência de qualquer mecânica. Sabe oque é engraçado? É que Soma também é um pouco assim (não totalmente) mecanicamente você só anda pra frente, mas você resolve uns puzzles e se esconde de uns bixos no caminho (e se esconder no Soma tá longe de ser um deleite de game design bem feito).

Aqui no AMfP você só tem que achar pra onde ir mesmo (oque não é muito difícil).

Se esse jogo é uma proposta diferente, porque a galera não gosta mt dele? Bom, nesse texto eu pareço estar sendo imparcial com o jogo e bem justo, mas a verdade é q eu achei o jogo bem ruinzinho. Mesmo que você coloque isso na sua cabeça, é difícil tirar o gosto amargo da boca depois de ir pra um puta jogo interessante como o Dark Descent e ir pra esse jogo de andar pra frente (oque por si só não é um defeito).

Porém, o maior problema desse jogo é que ele parece bem incompleto (o que faz sentido, porque originalmente esse jogo ia ser um mod), e nisso, a maior qualidade do jogo, que deveria ser a história e a temática, se perde num "level design preguiçoso" e num "terror inexistente", coisas que um walking simulator nem precisa, mas está gravado na memória do jogador pelo Dark Descent. No fim, a pessoa que joga e não se importa de pesquisar sobre o jogo, acha uma experiência chata.

Por ser um jogo meio rushado, a história sofre muito. Ela tem uns momentos e temas bem interessantes, mas é desfocada, críptica até demais e quando vc finalmente começa a entender, o jogo acaba. Se o jogo tivesse um maior tempo de duração, uma história melhor desenvolvida (e um outro nome?) ele seria quase tão aclamado quanto Soma, como um jogo que mergulha na mentalidade distorcida de um homem que não tem mais nada à amar.