Reviews from

in the past

It's pretty incredible to see "realistic" interpretations of Mythological locations.

Episode 1 - Boring setting and story with annoying enemies and environmental mechanics. A chore to get through. 2/5

Episode 2 - The highlight of the DLC. The setting is intriguing and the side content is fantastic. All the Hades stuff is ham-fisted but interesting if nothing else. 4.5/5

Episode 3 - Middle of the road in terms of story and setting, somewhat forgettable but nothing inherently wrong with it. 3/5

I liked getting to spend more time with Kassandra (Layla I'm... less sure on) and the size of each expansion - from the new additions to combat to the actual new worlds - was impressive.

However I found myself really trudging through a lot of this. The new enemies/powers start to really stretch the combat to its breaking point, the storylines are 'important' to the meta-story but ultimately kinda pointless at a character level, and I found that, after 150 hours, I'd had enough of the gameplay.

What a great character Kassandra is though, shout out to her voice actor.

This was fine? All of it looks very gorgeous and typically fun to roam around and play while the new Isu enemies were a good challenge (the kolossi especially.) I just didn't care about the story whatsoever and the wrap-up at the end confirmed for me that I shouldn't care. Was nice to see some returning faces from the main game though.

a very chunky expansion (i.e. lots of content) to a chunky video game. i think most of it is pretty interesting, and it provides some interesting history on the Isu and moves the present-day plot forward a little bit - although whether it moves in a good direction or not is arguable. at least it wasn't the embarrassment that the first DLC was story-wise! the new locations in this game are pretty visually striking and you meet some pretty cool characters. the gameplay is of course more of the same as the base game.

Es mucho mejor que el juego original

so the last episode came out this week, which meant that I finally got to start this story. Lets go through each episode.

Fields of Elysium: traversing this world sucked. Why are people that arent dead hopping around heaven. didnt like any of this

Torment of Hades: People hanging about in hell added up. Was better than Elysium plus you got to kill the devil so that was good. As was fighting Cerebus.


Overall each episode like halfassedly threw in an element from the main game into it to make it more complex than the first DLC story but it was dumb each time. It was like soap opera level storytelling and even towards the end Kassandra (who, god bless her voice actor, made this game so much better than it otherwise wouldve been) straight up says shes tired of all this dumb bullshit. Kassandra was good as hell once again.

Oh also Juno showed up which I found amusing because had I not played the other games recently I wouldnt have reacted to that at all, like most people playing these games probably.

So finally I got to uninstall this game. I’ll miss Kassandra though, seriously some top tier voice acting. If this game wasnt such a shitshow I might go through and play this again only making her a real piece of shit.