Reviews from

in the past

This DLC is so much better than the other one. It adds 3 new zones to explore and more than 30 hours of gameplay, with new sets of equipment. You get to learn a few things about Greek mythology and can earn extra skill points.

pretty graphics and environments cant save how fucking boring this is, not to mention how fucking unlikeable Layla is

Altought is interesting that Ubisoft gets more into the mythological side of their settings, this DLC was really overblown, is just a series of side objectives stick together with a half-baked story between missions, it has it's moments here and their, especially in the Underwolrd section, but nothing really memorable, the cool part was all the new abilities and equipment the DLC gvies you.

bir oyuna yapılabilecek en iyi dlc si bu olabilir herhalde

(Review from Aug 2020) Interesting side missions through Greek mythology, although Elysium was way too long and Tartaros was underwhelming. Atlantis was neat, and some of the callbacks to earlier Isu were really cool, but also... the game just sort of ends? I’m a little salty that this DLC was basically required to get the “true ending”, since the original ending was a little underwhelming. And I think the simulation explanation worked in the end but was a little fantastical - there’s almost a bit too much showing the mystery beings here

It's a little bit of a silly concept, but I had fun nonetheless

I always enjoy it when Assassin's Creed leans into the sci-fantasy weirdness of its entire ancient aliens schtick, and Fate of Atlantis is a brilliant example of this as our protagonist explores datascape recreations of the parts of precursor society that inspired the myths of ancient Greece. The fields of Elysium, the blasted hellscape of Hades, and finally the shining city of Atlantis are the settings for each of the episodes; the gameplay loop in each one is more of the regular Odyssey gameplay, but the change in setting is enough to keep it fresh and engaging all the way through.

Very conflicted on whether this is worse or equal to the first blade DLC, I'm gonna say worse because I liked Darius in the first blade.

This DLC feels extremely drawn out, and is ultimately disappointing. You get to delve into the mythological side of ancient Greece, but in the AC universe the Greek gods are actually just powerful Isu, which is an interesting idea, but is never really talked about.

Anyways, unlike the first blade DLC using parts of the base game map, this DLC gives us three new smaller scale maps. This would be a welcome idea, but the maps flat out suck. All three of these maps are lifeless, reuse base game assets and new DLC assets egregiously, and most of these maps are extremely vertical to a point where it becomes a major pain to just traverse them. They add these teleportation points meant to ease this pain but it is not enough. A majority of my playtime on this DLC was climbing mountains.

The rest of my time in this DLC was spent doing fetch quests! in all 3 chapters you're just doing fetch quests to fulfill some requirements that allow you to go to the next zone or in Atlantis's case, end the game. It is really quite dull and idk if this is just from fatigue with odyssey in general or if it's the DLC, but I was just trying to get this done. It felt like a chore.

The modern story is somewhat interesting but we get barely any insight on any of it. Like, we just know it's the assassins vs the templars for the staff, which has ultimate power I guess? It never goes any further than that, as the ending feels very anti-climatic and abrupt, but hey I guess it'll continue in AC Valhalla.

Elysium was genuinely one of the most obnoxious open worlds I've ever traveled, the underworld is barren and empty, void of anything interesting, and Atlantis is quite disappointing and generic feeling, should've had more water.

All of the Greek gods had very lame character designs and just boring personalities, I really think more effort should have been put into the gods, they feel so lackluster.

This has just been a bit of a rant and I apologize for not having anything better to say, but yeah, this DLC is lame and disappointing. You're better off just watching a Youtube summary on the story.

If you wanna see my rankings as I go through the series, click here.

This one is tricky to review. The dlc is split into 3 chapters much like previous one, but each has a different structure, narrative thread, set of characters and even takes place on completely different realms. You won’t get a satisfying conclusion when you’re already into the next episode. Maps started shrinking as the episodes went on, much to their benefit as the activities started filling less like filler. My favorite was 2, the underworld one. It seemed to strike a nice balance where all the world activities tied into the main quests and the side-quests. Narratively is also the best one as you’re able to close some threads with the characters that died in the main game.

Now, the overall changes; they started churning out NPCs that don’t have the same 4 face models. All maps are separate from Greece with new stunning art directions. There’s a bigger focus on verticality made more prominent with teleporters at different height levels. This journey focuses on Kassandra mastering the powers of the staff, as such it comes with newer gameplay mechanics. Your existing abilities can now be enhanced with often new satisfying effects; Ares’ madness was a highlight since it allows all the beefy bulk of your assassin damage to be used in combat.

Sadly this dlc also concludes of the modern time plot, which means we have to deal with, ugh, Layla. She goes out of her way to be her most annoying self, it’s beyond me as to why they decided to add interludes where she keeps acting as a brat.

Le Sort de l'Atlantide, ou plutôt le Larbin des Dieux.
Trois chapitres bien différents, qui exploitent chacun les gameplays développés dans le jeu.
1er chapitre une corvée de devoir quasiment tout vidé. 2nd expédié parce que pas envie de m'éterniser. 3ème plus intéressant.
Malgré une carotte pour te faire avancer, le chapitre 3 est vraiment cool dans ce qu'il raconte et fait découvrir au joueur.

J'aime bien la mythologie donc j'ai apprécié de parcourir le DLC, certains personnages auraient pu être approfondis (et d'autres aurait pus être présent). L'histoire était intéressante bien que nos choix n'ai pas beaucoup de conséquences. Les décors étaient vraiment beaux (sauf la deuxième partie ce qui est logique). Juste les parties dans l'histoire présente qui ne sont absolument pas intéressante et rende le personnage de Leila encore plus détestable et insupportable qu'elle ne l'est déjà.

Delightful DLC exploring an already rich mythology whilst adding so much lore to the franchise. Perhaps could have served the game better were it part of the main game but still a great experience.

Would probably rate it higher if the 3 new areas weren’t such a pain in the ass to traverse. I had fun regardless but it really tested my patience sometimes.

Dobrý doplnění příběhu o Atlantídě ktré je rozděleno na 3 epizody, v každé episodě se podíváte do jiné podoby nebe / ráje nebo přímo odvrácené straně neboli pekla. Příběh je dávkovaný pěkně ale zdlouhavé úkoly typu objev x míst je otravné. V celém průběhu se utkáte s několika výtvorama ISU které bude těžké porazit.
"Boj mezi lidmi a isu jsou zbytečné"

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I didn't have the DLCs when I first bought the game but since I saw that prices are continues to increase I thought should get them while they're on discount. so here I am, finished all...
as a story goes it had dumb ideas usually. those portals that beam you up or down was so annoying to find, like you have to turn around to find them or you should climb those big mountains or buildings, exhausting!
as a view and atmosphere I liked the places, they're beautiful in itself...
but I really don't think I'll return Hades' underworld again.

"seems like riches is valued even in the underworld!" - Kassandra
this was so ridicules to me that you put the money to underworld, and even more than real world!!
the other one was the gods and goddesses are always giving the same answers to you no matter what you choose in the options; that means you who created this thinks that even they're more stupider than humans!!
another thing that was stupid is that in Hades' underworld there was water areas in the caves, like cleaner than real world; everywhere is burning, rotting but we should put clean waters to the caves!! there are people who still deals with the plague in underworld, why? suffer more because you were bad person?!
Isu gods are selfish and worst than humans and can't do anything right, not for humans, not for themselves but nope, humans are bad, vile, they're trying to kill them for nothing. they should die again...