Reviews from

in the past

A Short And Satisfying Game

I'm not sure I'd call this a true horror game, but it's a pretty good open world survival horror game. This is exactly what I'd imagine an evil Thomas the Train to be. This game is unfortunately extremely short and takes less than 2 hours to finish the game. Normally I wouldn't recommend a game this short, but it is a great game for what it is. I'm hoping that in the future we get a second game that expands on this concept as there are very good elements in this game.

Adding a Nightmare mode added to the replay ability of this game. Nightmare mode is no joke, the atmosphere is significantly darker, Charles is incredibly more aggressive, and will hunt you down faster. There is a lot more strategy that goes into this game mode as you almost have to pre-plan your route to a certain degree. A lot of what you do in this game mode is dictated by Charles and one wrong step spells the end of the run. Having one-life makes it that much harder. After getting my ass kicked 3 times right out of the gate by Charles I finally planned my route and BARELY beat Charles in the end.

Eu consideraria Choo-Choo Charles muitas coisas, mas terror não é uma delas. Dito isso, esse jogo aqui é muito melhor do que aparenta ser.

Nada no jogo é feito de forma excepcional, não um daqueles jogos que vai marcar sua vida, mas com certeza é um dos jogos mais divertidos que joguei nos últimos meses. O mundo aberto dele é simples, tu tem uma ilha consideravelmente grande pra explorar, e mesmo que não tenha um imensidão de conteúdo, eu ainda acho que vale a pena vasculhar pelo menos as construções espalhadas pelo mapa, já que provavelmente vai ter sempre uma quantidade razoável de sucata ali, o que pode te ajudar bastante nas batalhas contra o Charles. E a gameplay gira em torno disso, tu vai explorando o mapa enquanto faz as missões secundárias pra ir deixando seu trem mais forte conforme o jogo avança, e embora não seja extremamente complicado, eu realmente recomendo ter o trem no nível máximo antes da luta final.

A história do jogo é bem meia bomba pra ser sincero, poderia ter um foca maior no passado do Charles, mas para mim ela não chega a ser um ponto negativo, só não é bem desenvolvida. A mesma coisa serve para as músicas, tirando a que toca quando o Charles tá te perseguindo, eu realmente não consigo me lembrar de nenhuma.

No geral, eu recomendo absurdamente pegar esse jogo em uma promoção, apesar de ser bom ele é bastante curto, e não vale o preço cheio de R$60. Sem dúvidas é o tipo de jogo perfeito para se terminar em uma tarde ou uma noite.

Bietet sich für zwischendurch ganz gut an, habe mit 4h Spielzeit das Game auf 100% gespielt

It is impressive that the game was developed by a single developer and I can respect that and the game was fun but the open world was mediocre at best and stealth mechanics are bearly an option and the game is not all too scary.

I enjoyed it, it really feels like you are riding a train through a countryside. The quests are all fetch quests but they all each have unique spins that one could enjoy. Character animation could be better sure but it doesn't effect the gameplay. I love this feeling that there could be danger looming around every corner.


This game is definitely a good way to spend a few hours but all it really has to offer is the concept. The graphics are serviceable and the atmosphere in nightmare mode is utterly brilliant, but the gameplay, animations, story & variety are lacking.

The gameplay consists of fetch quests mainly which I usually don't have a problem with but the problem is that they are just so bare bones and lacking anything that would make it less shallow, such as interesting narrative information. All we get are character's recount of Charles and notes that detail some of the history of the island but in such a vague and uncertain way where it feels as if the developer didn't know if it was correct.

There are stealth segments in the game against Human AI that are just done so poorly. I was seen through a wall twice in my experience and that is the only way to hide so it makes for a frustratingly poorly optimized experience. Through my play through I experienced many clipping bugs which could only be fixed by leaving to the menu. It's not completely game breaking but it can get frustrating.

To this games credit, Nightmare mode is genuinely difficult and required a bit of strategy. It made the game more tense and I actually had a lot of fun figuring out how to survive the encounters. All in all this game is fine and I can see it becoming better if a LOT more work is put in to it by the sole developer. For the love of god I cannot not understand why multiplayer hasn't been added yet, so I would make that top priority if you want to make this game more successful.


O jogo é deveras engraçado

Someone took an idea of Thomas the Tank becoming an evil spider and made a game out of it. Overall, the game is incredibly simple, short, and upfront about what it is. This ain't high art, it's not even a great game. Be prepared to laugh about a giant spider-train chasing you, that's it.

Choo-Choo, Charles is coming

it's good and creative, but it's short, i don't have much to talk

This is the kind of indie horror game I want to see more of. Just a fun, weird, spooky adventure. I just wish it was a bit longer. I would also love to see a sequel.

O conceito da gameplay em si é uma ótima ideia, eu só queria usassem a mesma de uma forma melhor.

If a train leaves one station heading East at 100 MPH and an indie dev leaves another heading West, how long will it take to complete the goofiest horror adventure game of the last few years? About 3 hours, it turns out, but what a fun 3 hours it is. With completely ridiculous NPCs (Pickle Lady, my beloved), a simply rendered yet eerie forest, and a fairly unsettling horrible train monster, Choo-Choo Charles is about as close as you can get to living inside a theme park ride. Even with very simple controls of forward, backward, and brake, rolling your train along the track in search of upgrade resources and another insane-voiced quest-giver is stupidly fun in a very "Disneyland dark ride" fashion.

There is a small amount of jank here and there, the PC version is a needless resource hog, and using your weapons against Charles feels like a mere suggestion (even fully upgraded, nothing seems to deter him other than an invisible in-game timer), but it moves at such a steady pace that you tend to forgive these shortcomings. Add in the fact that dying simply resets you back at your train having lost absolutely zero progress and it's a goofy little romp that can be easily 100%'d in a single sitting.

Choo-Choo Charles also features one of the absolute best "smash to end credits" moments in any video game, period. I actually cheered when the credits rolled as a perfect button to the game's completely ridiculous ending.

Born of memes and having just enough polish, you'll have a good time with this little demon engine.

Якщо вам близький Томас, чому б не спробувати. Це коротка дещо лякяюча жартівна гра в яку цікаво грати та взнати більше про те, що тут коїться.

Finally played this. Fun game but way too short. Ignoring the length, the game itself has some very fun ideas and executes them well enough. Not too big a fan of how the gameplay basically boils down to fetch quests but the combat and driving is easy enough. Ideally a sequel sorts out the missions and gameplay.

Very, very short but has some fun ideas

Bought it because of AstralSpiff's videos on it. Took 2 hours to finish all the side quests, get the collectibles and finish the game. Pretty fun experience, just don't pay full price

Horrible, what originally was a shitpost somehow turned into a full game. The quests (even the main ones) are repetitive as hell. The game is bugged to all hell. Charles is unavoidable on foot and the game spawns him next to you at times. Stealth was horribly done in this game and wasn't even properly tested before being implemented. Enemies will get a peek at you and immediately will start running towards your position to bumfuck you. The final boss fight was bat-shit insane and made no fucking sense + it sucked. Terrible game.

3 horas de puro entretenimento kkkkkkk fodase o nome do jogo é choo choo charles

The game is exactly what it advertises itself to be, nothing more.

Choo-Choo Charles, unlike some gimmick mascot horror games that have come out as of late, does have some things to bring to the table. Its gameplay is largely smooth, its train system is innovative and fun, and in general the game doesn't feel like a slog to play. But there isn't much to sink your teeth into.

It's main baddie, charles, doesn't provide a significant threat for more than thirty minutes. By the time you get enough armor and damage upgrades you can very easily damage him enough to have him leave. And even when he does take you down the scrap loss is so minimal you practically use him showing up as a way to warp back to your train.

Not only that but anything not train related is awkward to play. The stealth system put into place when dealing with human enemies is shoddy at best. With no way for enemies to lose detection they follow you to the ends of the earth. The most optimal way I found to deal with them was to literally run them all the way outside and shoot them with my train's guns. Something that can take minutes at a time to do. Beats trying to get the stealth system to work.

There are side quests that seem reasonably interesting but most are simple fetch quests. The character's feel well acted and decently written. But it doesn't stop the concept from feeling utterly ridiculous. Making you quickly desensitize and skip through dialogue like a speed demon. The map overworld feels similar to an graphically amped up area of Skyrim. The music is dull, feeling like its genuinely trying but frankly feels flat. And finally the nail in the coffin, the models. Many of them ripped directly from asset stores gives the whole experience a cheap bland feel that fights against the games attempts to jar you with its main antagonist.

I wouldn't call Choo Choo Charles a truly horrendous game. And I wouldn't say that you wouldn't enjoy some bits of it. But I don't think its a truly good game and I think there are others that are much more worth your time.

I really like the concept of a train spider; that was the major factor that caught my attention, but yeah, it was not as great as I expected. It was just an okay experience, short and different, and I loved the pickle lady, which was the best of the game. Overall, it is okay but not worth buying.

There's not much to see here beyond its concept but I didn't really expect it to be much more than that. Sometimes you just wanna play a super simple and short game. This game feels very amateur in its execution, but it's clear there was some effort put into it. Unfortunately it falls short of feeling like something fully fledged. It's just a bit repetitive. The worst part by far is the half assed "stealth" and enemies that aggro forever.

This review contains spoilers

- A fun little game, nice and short but not overly priced
- Exciting when you hear Charles coming towards you
- The game feels a bit too easy, but a new update has included some form of hard mode (which includes and achievement I have yet to achieve)
- Side note: I hate when single player games add new hard mode achievements via an update - extra bloat for no real reason as no new content is really added

Das Spiel ist so dumm, dass es wieder cool ist! xD Come on... Es ist cool!