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in the past

Without a doubt the best in the series in terms of gameplay and aesthetic, but not perfect when it comes to the story. Most of it is really good. It's just the finale that does one absolutely great thing and one that is pretty bad. Overall, still a great way to end this series.

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de verdad es el peak de danganronpa, me llegaron a gustar todos los personajes, además sale Tenko Chabashira personaje perteneciente a la saga danganronpa y Tsumugi siendo la mastermind más chula. ADEMÁS SALE MIU IRUMA HOLA SOY YO. (Mierdón que murieran los mejores personajes de verdad, por mí himiko podría haberse suicidado y no me importaría), pero bueno hasta la jugabilidad está chula y eso de que le puedas pegar a las cosas, peak.

Worse out of the three, also n@zi symbolism for no reason. Ew

i know anime isnt real moron

i love danganronpa it fucking sucks

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I honestly think the majority of the characters were either boring or annoying this time around. none of them really stuck out to me as memorable characters aside from Kokichi who i happened to hate with a burning passion and Keebo who is pretty cool.
the story was generally alright. I liked the last class trial and the little plot twist about "Ultimate Real Fiction" and 53 games; i thought it was interesting. though i gotta admit i fell asleep three times before i found it interesting lol.
The gameplay mechanics are really cool in my opinion. I like the idea of lying in a class trial, i love the debate scrums, and the mass panic debates are something fresh. I do not like the psyche taxi tho cuz everytime i do it i feel like it asks obvious questions which we just answered in the discussion and it makes the whole segment feel pointless.
all in all: a pretty ok game but disappointing for someone who just got off the high of danganronpa 2

ô joguinho mais ruim da diaba viu

best ending possible for the franchise

honestly? for a game i dont hear about that much compared to the others this one was really enjoyable. dock half a star for danganronpaisms but overall probably the most competent of the series

i don't have any more rhymes for -ife but this is marginally better than the other two

At first I hated the ending, but when I replayed it I kind of began to appreciate it. I hope it stays that way so there never has to be another Danganronpa game again

Great game with amazing twists and unpopular opinion: I liked the ending??? The gameplay was the best and Kaido is easily my fav character out of the whole trilogy!

its cool ig i dont rlly fw the ending though

El fin final y definitivo de Danganronpa.
Y aunque sea un final raro que a lo mejor no gusta a muchos, a mí me funciona bien. No necesito más.
Tiene todo lo que necesitaba: Personajes variopintos con historias curiosas, tramas interesantes y dramáticas, musicote tecno to guapo, y moraleja de esperanza.
Si bien los personajes no son tan emblemáticos como lo fueron los de los 2 juegos anteriores, siguen llegándome al corazón con su determinación.

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If you told me before playing this game that it would have good meta-commentary on media (particularly true crime) consumption and how the lines between reality and fiction can affect people on those two sides regardless I would've looked at you like you just threw a baby off a cliff

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"Even if this is fiction, even if we're all fictional, the pain in my heart is real! The sadness I feel when I lose the people I love is real!"

boring and predictable this is pure fucking ass. the incest guy is cute though.

Now, this is a proper series climax! And I climax too! Publix Instagram pool which one of us had the best climax? Nah it's me so let's get into this game. It goes from a pale copy to a parody of the series within the first 30 minutes. Now, there are officially more teddy bears than I have fingers. We don't need motives Monokuma, I have a decent one for every spawn of yours. Speaking off, deaths have become grittier, haven't they? I know it's like that gif of Spongebob and Patrick riding a rollercoaster, but still. Kodaka can't stray too far from the recipe if he wants the meal to be recognizable.

Thank the heavens Shuichi is likeable, else we would have a really big problem here! Luckily, he fulfills his role well in spite of the naysayers. He has more personality than he let on at the start, kinda like Chiaki? Regardless my two scrunklies are Himiko and Kaito. I cannot live without them, but can they live with me? Nop, they're fictional wink wink. Massive crush on Angie and Tsumugi, also I guess Keebo, but I wasn't interested in girls before V3, huh in Danganronpa universe atleast. That's a lie I'm not forgetting Mahiru, she's still here in fact... as Tenko (ignore this foolish statement lest you crave lack of media literacy).

These minigames be a little nutty. Scrum Debate and Psyche Taxi are iconic enough to vouch for the rest. Imagine like, pulling up to the function to argue with a mf like Kokichi Oma lmao I'd drive bitches in my head too. Look, Kokichi is a figment of our imagination that's why I won't say anything more concerning this sorry ass individual. I loved when he said "I am not in danger Skyler, I am the danger!!" though. Kokichi is what we all would be if our major milestone into the adult life was graduating elementary school and not highschool.

That's a great way to end the trilogy ngl. Dangan always has fire endings. Kodaka hasn't brought this heat outside of Akudama Drive lately. V3's UI is fantastic, so are sprites, but the CGs look sabotaged ahah, different artist, you did good work, but it's just not very Dangan with its offputting (compliment) and wacky visual identity. Look, I know these games like Dangan and OMORI choose to be edgy and that's a popular word for kids aged 12 to 17, but these two series deserve more. A romance between a toxic male and a strong independant woman being as poignant and deep as it is speaks volumes. Kaede, Shuichi, Kaito... ungodly amount of rizz.

Une tres bonne surprise ce jeu qui est parvenu à me faire froid dans le dos et pourtant c'est un visual novel !

Apesar de ser o maior jogo, com melhorias na gameplay e visuais, é o jogo mais fraco da triologia. Mas é muito bom mesmo assim