Reviews from

in the past

sinceramente me ha costado la vida misma terminar este juego. no sé para que me compré esta edición porque no pienso tocar los dlcs

if you can bear with the performance issues, its a fun ride :D or you could jus mod-fix the performance. Really enjoyed the story, and side quests are great as well.

Abandoned my playthrough to try Tale of Two Wastelands instead. So far it's pretty dope

The second best 3D Fallout game

Never finished but trying to finish from childhood

Having to be compared to New Vegas does this game no favors

meu save de 40h corrompeu vtmnc

tener el juego completo con los dlcs que tienen buenas historias es simplemente bello

Objectively ass, but in a weird way, the jankiness is also what I like most about it.

Mucha gente dice que Fallout 3 es el peor juego del universo y una falta de respeto a los dos primeros Fallout. No estoy de acuerdo, aunque creo que lo entiendo. Como buen juego de Bethesda que es, hay momentos de genialidad y momentos de torpeza. No obstante, en conjunto me parece un producto divertido con el que las horas se pasan volando.

Me da la sensación de que los desarrolladores le tenían mucho respeto a la saga Fallout, aunque no terminasen de entender qué los hacía tan divertidos y venerados. El resultado es un juego que logra trasladar el mundo de Fallout a las tres dimensiones de forma bastante convincente; y aunque mantiene intacta buena parte de la esencia, se nota que fue hecho desde una perspectiva distinta.

Tampoco debemos olvidar que el Fallout original no pretendía ser una creación artística muy sesuda, sino todo lo contrario: un CRPG simple y violento para pasar el rato. Esa esencia sí que ha sabido conservarla el Fallout 3. Lo digo porque el nivel de brutalidad de este juego está en línea con los dos anteriores, al contrario de lo que afirman algunos.

La principal cruz del Fallout 3 es que vive a la sombra de un hermano pequeño mucho más inteligente y carismático que él. Pero esa es otra historia.

Por cierto, sé que es una comparación fácil, pero se nota que este juego está a caballo entre Oblivion y Skyrim. En cierto modo, el meme es verdad: es Oblivion con pistolas.

This was the only game on our TV for like 6 months when it first came out. My god I ravenously consumed this bad boy and loved it through and through. But it has aged poorly, and the ending still sits as one of the dumbest things I've ever come across in video games. Why do Bethesda utterly shit the bed with their main quest lines in these games?

For some reason, It takes me multiple tries to fully get into a Fallout game. It took me like 5 times with Fallout 4, which eventually became one of my favorites, I've yet to fully get into Fallout NV though I have played about 10 hours, and it took me even longer to fully get into Fallout 3. Now that I have played over 80 hours of Fallout 3, I can say that this is pretty fantastic, and one of my favorite Open World games I've played.

Bethesda gets a lot of mostly deserved hate these days due to games like Fallout 76, Starfield, and games they published like Redfall. However, you can not deny, that before Bethesda's down fall, they were the very best at Open World RPGs, and this game, as well as some other titles, prove that. The Open World of Fallout 3 is not only fun to explore, but is Immersive, atmospheric, full of Unique locations, Unique Charcters, and Dangerous. The world Bethesda created, is harsh, hellish, and horrible. The world is full of things, things that only have one goal in mind, and that goal is to make sure you don't make it out of the Wasteland alive. It is quite possibly the most dangerous land to explore in any game, which can be said about almost every Fallout, but due to the great designs and mechanics of the enemies you encounter in the waste, this game feels just so much more brutal. The grey coloring and rough textures, though I really like those, create a depressing, oppressive atmosphere, one that I have yet to see replicated in anything else excluding the original Fallout games. Bethesda, at least to me, understood the Fallout product very well, and it shows in the world the created. In the other Bethesda games I've played, Skyrim, Fallout 4, Oblivion, Morrowind, the pure adventurous wonder they implement in each of these, is unrivaled, and is found here in Fallout 3 as well, with tons of places to explore and scavenge, as well as finding stories that the player allways feels is unique to their experience. Something I want to add really quick, the Towns and Cities you find in the world were all pretty memorable and interesting. Megaton is no doubt the best one, but Rivet City, Little Lamplight, and Big town, are all interesting places with interesting characters and unique themes that I love. Some left a little to be desired, but mostly no complaints, Fantastic job once again in the Open World department from Bethesda.

Besides the areas outside of DC, DC itself, though not as open or fun to explore, was scary, dangerous, and well done. I do wish they would've had the city more open, and though there are problems with the Metro system they make you go though, I thought they were still fun to explore. I just wish they didn't block the player off from exploring freely, hopefully that is something that can fix in a hypothetical Remake.

Moving on to something I wasn't as big a fan of, the Main Campaign. The best part of this game is the side quests. So I avoided doing the Main Quest a lot, just making sure I got stronger, because from past playthroughs the Main Quest has always been a struggle for me. I'm sure playing on Very Hard difficulty has something to do with that, but it's also due to the poor balancing of enemies in the game. Besides the tedious difficulty, the Main Story has one of my favorite beginnings to any game I've played. I agree it's definitely too long, which can be said about all Bethesda openings, but I also believe it was very well done and memorable. However, the rest of the campaign seems extremely rushed and poorly paced. I believe this is due to the struggles of trying to make things work on the hardware they had to work with, as well as the Engine Bethesda uses. I'm pretty certain they wanted this game to be much bigger, especially the Main Story. There are a lot of cool and good moments, but also there is a feeling of "I never got to experience the whole story".

The rushed story, as well as the bugs in the game, makes me think this is the game that is in most need of a Remake. Not a remaster to make it pretty, but a full Remake. Yes this game is great as it is, but playing this and realizing the potential it has for being the very best Fallout game makes me want one even more.

Moving on, the gameplay was good. From the RPG mechanics to the Gunplay and everything in between, I heavily enjoyed it. However, the Gunplay would be kinda shit without the V.A.T.S. carrying it. It's just ok by itself, which can be said about all Fallouts except 4 and 76, but the V.A.T.S. is so incredibly necessary. Besides the lack luster gunplay, the RPG elements are well done, and do seem to have a good amount of "Depth" behind them. My absolute favorite gameplay aspect, something that I touched on earlier, is the scavenging for recourses. I cannot describe how much I enjoy doing this in games. I don't know what it is, but just scavenging around for useful shit in games is so satisfying for me. Fallout 3, might just be the best at this. So much stuff to find, but also a lot fo stuff you can miss that makes it even more satisfying to find. I found it so awesome when you would literally have to pull out a little wooden bin and find some chems or bullets the devs randomly thought to enclude. It takes the Immersion to an entirely different level, and I couldn't get enough of it.

Fallout 3, especially compared to New Vegas and even 4, doesn't give you much choice on in what you can do. I'm pretty sure it has to do with hardware limitations and the amount of quests, but that doesn't change the fact that in Fallout 3, you are either really good, or really evil. Sometimes it doesn't even give you a choice between the two. In NV, I felt I didn't just have two choices, I felt like I could be neutral, I could be good, but go about it 3 different ways, and vice versa with being evil. Now I always just do the morally right things in games anyway, but it would've been so much better to get more options on how to go about missions.

Speaking of things Fallout NV and 4 do better than 3, especially NV, the Dialogue was honestly, at times, bad. Now the dialogue for the NPCs were usually fine, though there was way to many lines that they just randomly through in a "Fuck". The main Dialogue issue is what options they give the player. I swear, you can either be a generic hero, or a cornball psychopath. You can ask other stuff sometimes, but compared to NV, for every 3 Dialogue options in Fallout 3, Fallout NV has 7-8 options on how you can respond. Just disappointing, but it wasn't to bad.

The Soundtrack of Fallout 3, like all the Fallouts, is nothing short of fantastic. From GNR to the music without the radio, it all gives off this unique atmosphere and tone. There are times GNR messes up the tone of the area you're in, so I would just turn it off for those.

As I mentioned earlier, the cast of characters you find around the wasteland, Three Dog of GNR being the best of all of them, improves your experience and tone of the game. From your dad, Amata, the Overseer, Moira Brown, Lucas Simms, Three Dog, Sentinel Lyons, Elder Lyons, Liberty Prime, Doctor Li, Fawkes, Dog Meat, Moriorty, Gob, Nora, Mccreaty, Riley's Rangers, Harold, President Eden, and many more, Bethesda did and always does a pretty great job making memorable and interesting characters.

Now, there were 5 DLC's in the GOTY edition. These include Broken Steel, Mothership Zeta, The Pitt, Operation Anchorage, and Point Lookout. I'm going to give all of these their own little reviews, as well as their own ratings.

Starting off with: Broken Steel

Broken Steel was the first DLC, and that's how I'm going to review these, in the order I beat them. Broken Steel honestly shouldn't have even been DLC. The Game should've just continued on anyway after beating it. That being said, this was a solid DLC, though definitely in the "Fall of Duty" category of Bethesda Fallout DLCs. I do wish there was a bit more to it, but there is a lot of fun action and memorable moments, and it does let you continue the game. All and all, even if it is a bit disappointing, it was still a solid expansion to the base game.

Score: 3.2/5
Letter Grade: B-

The Pitt:
The Pitt was my most anticipated of the bunch, and I was hoping for much more than the end product. It was still good, but again, like a lot of the DLC in this game, it was a bit disappointing. I didn't even mean to start this DLC when I did, but I'm glad I did. It starts off much more interesting than it eventually becomes, but the story throughout is good, but it has the same feel of the Main Story, the feeling that "I feel like I didn't get the full experience". Besides the story, I've gotta give props for the great job Bethesda did on making the area of "The Pitt" in which you explore. It honestly makes my skin crawl, as it is just full of radiation, dying people, disease, slavery, and fire. I know that sounds bad, but that's exactly what they were going for, and they set the DLCs tone, pretty much to perfection. I do wish you could do more, especially after you finish the DLC, and I do wish the characters were more intriguing, but the area they created is very well done, and the story is good enough to keep the player wanting to play it more.

Score: 3.4/5
Letter Grade: B

Operation Anchorage:

The worst DLC by far. It's just straight up mediocre. Not only is it tedious and difficult as hell, they just didn't do the concept of a "VR war Simulation" that well. It could've been so cool with the Brotherhood Outcasts, but the decided to do this weird war simulation instead. You do get some good loot at the end, and it does start out cool, but eventually just becomes tedious, and the leat Fallout feeling DLC.

Score: 2.7/5
Letter Grade: C+

Mothership Zeta:

The DLC I was most pleasantly surprise by. People often say this is the worst Fallout DLC, but I honestly might like it more than Broken Steel. That's not a very high bar, and the rating I'll give Mothership Zeta isn't going to be that high, but still, I was expecting a mediocre mess, but I got a Solid and Unique well done concept. Though yes, it is definitely way to difficult. I came in with about 120, maybe more stimpacks, and I left with, no joke, 0. The aliens are just bullet sponges, and a bit annoying to take down. The best parts about the DLC, are the characters you meet on the ship and exploring the ship. Not just exploring the ship is well done, but the design of the spaceship was nailed by Bethesda. They did a lot better with the Sci-Fi aspect than I thought. It would've been cool if there was more, like maybe stuff you could do with the Aliens, but all and all, I thought it was fun and had good moments(especially the blowing up the ship part) and characters. It also gives you some really good loot.

Score: 3.2/5
Letter Grade: B-

Last but not least: Point Lookout

Talk about "Saving the best for last". I'm so glad this was the last DLC I played. This is by far, and it's not even close, the best Fallout 3 DLC. It is the only DLC in the game that I would consider "Complete". It's a whole new open area to explore, with fun to quests, new interesting characters, and though the loot you get leaves much to be desired, feels like a rewarding experience through and through. I do think the main quest could've been a little better, but I heavily enjoyed this DLC. A great sendoff for my playthrough.

Score: 3.8/5
Letter Grade: B+

After all that, after all I've played, I can say that this is an experience and playthrough that I will not forget. It has it's flaws no doubt, from the bugs to the flaws in the Main Quest, and the lack of "openness" of DC, it has it's problems that I'd love to see fixed. But besides that, the Open World, the Soundtrack, the DLCs, the Characters, the Quest Lines, the Gameplay, the Gunplay, the choices you make, the Tone, the Mood, the Atmosphere, all of that, adds up to one of gamings finest experiences. If you like Open World games, or Video games in general, I'd recommend Fallout 3.

Score: 4.5/5
Letter Grade: A

One of my favorite games of all time and my first entry into the Fallout series. Only below a 5 star because of some issues with game crashes.

bom jogo, infelizmente perde em todos os aspectos para o new vegas, mas nao deixa de ser um fallout

juegazo, mejor que starfield carajo

Jogo extremamente curto, mas foi divertido enquanto durou. Fiz a dlc do brotherhood of Steel, The Pitt e o da nave espacial, porém o jogo decidiu apagar o meu savegame por completo. Muito massa

Se crashea en inicio, tipico, tener que modearlo para jugar tranquilamente baja muchisimo su valoracion

Ролевая система стала слабее первых двух, в целом игра полностью отличается от предшественниц. Остался только лор, и он соблюдается. Я люблю Fallout 3, и честно мне даже сложно искать в ней недостатки, это та игра с которой я начала свой путь в гейминге. Я поставлю 5 звезд за ностальгию и не буду придераться.

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I really enjoyed this game, after years of playing fnv, f4, f76, I thought it was finally time and it was! I really enjoyed it, the story, the side content, it was all really spectacular, even the dlcs were amazing. The only thing I have an issue with is the original ending, it just felt really unsatisfactory and forced, and the fact anything you do other than sacrifice yourself the narrator will criticise you for didn't sit great with me.

Awesome game, I played it right after New Vegas though so it didn't hit as hard. I didn't mind the more linear story.

I spent almost 2 days trying to get this to work and when i did i enjoyed it but fuck the games settings

Worst Fallout game ever released (yes, I am counting 76). Every time you feel the need to play it smash your balls with a meat pounder.

I wholeheartedly believe this game is overhated. Sure it’s not better than New Vegas but if you appreciate it for what it is it’s a solid good game. Since it’s set in Washington DC instead of the Mojave Desert it’s gonna look more depressing but it actually feel more dystopian and fallout-like seeing these huge completly destroyed apartments everywhere you go compared to just a desert where it’s just sand. Also the main missions ain’t that bad and if you hate it just download a mod to skip it or do it later. After all it’s a bethesda game which means everyone does the side missions before the main.

Meu primeiro contato com a série, me apaixonou tanto pela história desse mundo quanto pela estética dele.

seria melhor se os inimigos n fossem tao bullet sponge

If you name your town "Megaton" you are ASKING for it