Reviews from

in the past

This is the worst game I've ever played, period. I've never been more bored, angry, and disgusted at a game in my life. Literally everything that could be wrong with a game is on display here. I can't think of a single redeeming quality about Felix the Reaper.

1. The art style is atrocious. It actually makes me cringe looking at it. And not because there's some violence in the game's cutscenes. The models are just genuinely gross to look at. I have no idea how a group of people could work on making these models for so long and think that they were making something nice to look at. The only decent one is Felix. All of the side characters are gross.

2. The music is unbearably bad, which is unfortunate because the game was meant to take a bunch of local unknown composers and put their work on display in the game. So it makes me sad to say that about two tracks are even listenable, and the rest are horrible. At least the game lets you pick whatever music track you want on each level, so I wasn't forced to listen to awful music, but you can probably imagine I went slowly insane listening to the same 1-2 tracks over and over and over again while playing this game.

3. The gameplay is AWFUL, both in design and the actual loop itself. First of all, the puzzle design is absolutely horrid. With the environment design and camera present, the levels are extremely unclear on how to be solved. Secondly, for some fucking reason, you move UNGODLY SLOW, so doing ANYTHING is a slog, and when you're trying to solve a puzzle, having to deal with the awful movement is genuinely infuriating. Imagine my shock when I found out there was a TIME TRIAL MODE that is REQUIRED if you want all of the achievements, when maneuvering around the level is so bad in the first place. The game also lets you make moves that shouldn't be allowed, move all the way to the spot that you can't reach, and then tell you you can't reach it, instead of just NOT doing any of that, all while having Felix do the slowest and most obnoxious animations the entire time, so even just doing trial and error is fucking awful.

This game was so bad that I just used a walkthrough to get through the second half of the game because I just couldn't take it anymore. And then, when I was trying to get the last two achievements, I found out that it was ACTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO GET THEM, because the game does not provide you with the necessary resources to unlock the last few time trials, a bug that existed in the game for YEARS. I think it has finally been fixed more recently, but I played the game on Game Pass, when it was free, and the achievements had a 0.00% completion rate because of this bug. So, even after all the suffering I went through, I couldn't get all of the achievements, and lord knows I am not gonna pay to get those last two NOW.

Long story short, I have no idea how a modern game like this exists. A failure at every single level - gameplay, design, art, music - nothing is redeemable. Never play this game.

hey now, I liked this game, also can I call music cute? it was cute

I'm too dumb to beat it and it's not that fun

Oh Felix the Reaper, you may be one of the most unpleasant rhythm puzzle game I have played as of now, at least you were kind of wonderful piece of art.

I only played through the first 3 levels but that's because I personally didn't enjoy the game enough to keep going. Don't get me wrong its not a bad game in the slightest i'm just not a particular fan of these type of logic-based puzzles, hence why I got it for free and I didn't buy it.. However if you do like difficult, logic-based puzzles then this game is a great buy, the soundtrack is really good regardless and the graphics are really nice to look at.

Clunky controls, but an interesting game concept that was fun to begin with then tedious and infuriating by the end. There's still 2 achievements on xbox 1 that no one has ever got...... Says something about our willingness to try and get them as a community.

Playable, fun, enjoyable, but too short, there´s no real plot and even though they knew a lot about Death´s history they didn´t implement it into the gameplay, kinda sad, could have been a lot better, however I still enjoy such complex puzzles with just a few mechanics, will follow their new games

borderline definition of fine, got kinda of close to beating it the game but just didn't feel the need to complete it.

Honestly the puzzles of this game weren't bad. But for some reason the artstyle really put me off and physically disgusted me on a visceral level somehow

Cute art style but the game is not for me

Me gustan mucho el estilo visual y la música, pero creo que hay cosas que podría hacer bastante mejor.

Olha, faltou umas 4 fases, mas eu vou marcar completo sim, porque o Game Pass comeu meu save e eu não iria começar do zero faltando tão pouco pro final. Foi uma vitória moral.

Você controla esse personagem que é um ceifador, que está apaixonado e buscando uma chance de encontrar a sua amada, que trabalha pro outro departamento. Enquanto isso ele vai dançando por ai garantindo que os humanos tenham as mortes no momento certo, fazendo seu trabalho.
O pano de fundo e argumento do jogo é legal, engraçadinho,fofo.

É um puzzle e no aspecto de puzzle é ok. Você controla o Felix, que só pode andar onde tem sombras. Então o desafio está em controlar as sombras, manipular objetos para projetar mais sombras e com isso cumprir o objetivo da fase (que, quase sempre, consiste em pegar um objeto de um ponto e levar a outro). Não foi uma mecânica que me fisgou muito não, mas é ok, jogava uma ou duas fases por dia e ia fazer outra coisa.

Eu tenho um problema com o argumento do jogo ser sobre esse ceifador dançarino e isso não ter muita relação com o resto. É engraçadinho ver ele dançando e os prompts relacionados a música que aparecem na tela, com alguma piadinha. Mas a música do jogo é ruim e não condiz com o que ele ta lançando. Faltou uma coesão para juntar o tema ai.

Uma coisa legal, é uma pequena enciclopédia que existe no jogo contando sobre a história da morte como símbolo na história humana.

Enfim, é um puzzle ok, que peca em variedade e ritmo, com uma história bonitinha, mas BEM rasa, é só um saborzinho de leve ali, mal da pra chamar de história. Acho que vale numa promoção, ou no Game Pass. Mas não é nada muito além de um passa tempo.