Reviews from

in the past

Whoa, I can see! I know this was a big part of the AAA Brownaissance of the mid-to-late 2000s, but compared to the remaster of the first game, this is practically vibrant with color. It's nice to be able to tell the difference between enemies and teammates from more than 10 feet away!

Before this month, my only experience with the Gears series was a single evening of Gears 2's Horde Mode at a buddy's house in 2008, so my wife (who had played a few of these with her brother) decided we needed to tackle them together. They're a little nostalgic for her, so she talks about rending grubs in half with a Lancer like I talk about Kokiri Forest. You can imagine my surprise when this sequel to an already gritty/edgy game spends a good chunk of its time being straight up misery porn! Gears 2 is a bit of a downer! When entire cities aren't getting obliterated, innocent people are either losing everything they have or getting kidnapped and tortured for unknown purposes. I normally can't stand dour stuff like this, so the fact that I had such a great time with it is truly a testament to how compelling the gameplay is.

It's a fantastic evolution on its predecessor, going bigger and better with each of its levels and set pieces. There aren't a lot of new weapons, but the Mortar is more than enough to satisfy me. Once I got the hang of eyeballing distances, the Mortar became one of my favorite weapons in any game I've ever played. I remembered someone telling me 16 years ago that there was a level inside a worm, but I was not prepared for "Avoid the Digestive Teeth". There's enough absurdity in here that I was laughing at the game's audacity more often than I was thousand-year-staring at its cruelty, so I guess that's a win? Good game!

But why do they say "Jacinto" like that?? With a hard "Juh"?? Right in front of Dom???

Back when Microsoft actually made good games. This game is peak Xbox, from the online multiplayer to horde mode to the campaign. An all time great game

Best opening cutscene/moral speech in any game keeping it a buck

Take everything good about Gears 1 and crank it up to eleven! More gory executions, more badass weapons, and a more badass campaign. Again, this is the most badass franchise of the 2000s! So needless to say, Campaign is a master class and so is the multiplayer (which I played for years on end). On top of that, they added a horde mode! I could honestly play this game any day, and from 2018-2022 that's exactly what I did. This game is perfect. The entire 1-3 Gears trilogy is.

Gears of War 2 delivers an adrenaline-fueled experience that had me gripped from start to finish. The intense action and compelling story kept me on the edge of my seat throughout my playthrough. While some quality of life improvements could enhance controls and gameplay, this title undeniably stands the test of time and remains a must-play for any gamer.

Played on Series S

I remembered this being better than it was. Thoroughly average shooter.

I've always liked playing the campaigns in this series, but I think the 1st one will be my fav because I played it with Eric. This one had the easy end boss.
I do not like the multiplayer in these games.

Built upon the first game very well. Best campaign IMO. nostalgic multiplayer...

incredible game with a fantastic story, favourite in the series took what gears of war 1 done so well and done it even better

peguei depressão 2 na metade desse jogo, e a missão da minhoca gigante desse jogo me deixou levemente traumatizado quando joguei isso ai

Playing this game will make your dick grow 2 inches

This review contains spoilers

Metal as fuck, you can cut a worms heart out

Best campaign in the entire franchise , only thing keeping it from a perfect 5/5 for me its the final boss fight being a letdown. The multiplayer is still fun and so is the horde mode which I actually prefer over the following versions.

This is a much better game than the first one and I am now actually interested in the series. better art style, better levels, more balanced difficulty, better AI (most of the time, sometimes they refuse to revive you even if you're right in front of them) and a more interesting story. The one thing that I don't like is the chainsaw mechanic, it's super fun but every time you get shot it deactivates it, fair enough, but then it takes like a ton more button presses to rev it up again, even after you've dodge rolled. after playing this I now understand why this series stayed a staple of xbox after the first one.

this is when i got addicted to playing games honestly

Gears 2 is larger in almost all of its aspects. Following the success of the first game, it was inevitable that Epic (in a time before they became primarily a Fortnite content machine) would endeavor to bolster the franchise. Setting the stage for the finale.

Sigue siendo tosquísimo, pero la historia es bestial

Всё же получилось лучше, чем первая часть, но одна проблема осталась: опять под конец немного запахло халтурой. Наверное, это слишком громко сказано, но боссы в конце такие же бедные, а уникальные игровые ситуации сдуваются в конце.
Впрочем, это солидный шутер от третьего лица. Артдирекшн поднял планку, по сравнению с первой частью. Стрелять всё также приятно. Лвл дизайн местами действительно может порадовать.
Музыка всё ещё выполняет роль белого шума и никак не запоминается, кроме темы в меню.
Очень порадовало то, что игра не гнушается показывать чернуху. Нынче крупные проекты таким похвастать почти не могут.
Так или иначе, это добротная игра. Если понравилась первая часть, то вторая обязательна к прохождению.

Все гири мной обожаемы. Вагон и тележка запоминающихся моментов, харизматичные персонажи, пулемёты с бензопилами, кооператив, мясо. Что ещё нужно для счастья?

Gears 2 é um daqueles jogos que melhora o anterior de leve, mas o suficiente pra te deixar satisfeito. Perfeito pra se jogar quando estiver à toa e não quiser nada muito complicado.

A gameplay em si é a mesma do 1, sem grandes mudanças, mas vamos ser sinceros: não precisa mexer no que já funciona bem.

Agora falando de level design, tá aí um passo pra frente. Cada cenário é único, várias variações na gameplay como as seções em veículos, boss fights mais refinadas... Com certeza o fator principal que tornou esse jogo tão divertido.

Fico feliz também em saber que não esqueceram totalmente da história. Poderia ser como o 1, que se resume totalmente a "bó mata os locuste", mas aqui acrescentaram todo um arco pro Dom. Honestamente, queria que tivesse bem mais disso com o resto do elenco, mas já tá melhor que antes.

Apesar do gráfico datado, Gears of War 2 conseguiu continuar o legado do primeiro jogo e ainda melhorar de leve aspectos que deveriam ser melhorados mesmo. Quem gostou do 1, vai gostar desse com certeza. Mais um jogo simplão que não promete muito e não entrega mais do que promete, já tá ótimo.

Story 4.7 | Gameplay 5 | Audio 4 | Visual 3.3 | Details 3.5 | Entertainment 5

Total 4.3

Gears 2 trims the fat and just delivers — all killer, no filler. You’ll have a hard time finding a co-op shooter with better pacing and set pieces, even today.

Thank you epic games for the best gears campaign wise.. definitely a game that shaped me as a person and I will never forget playing this almost everyday just popping heads in MP on jacinto and also horde mode being added which was a blast.

As for the campaign.. it's definitely the best when it comes to plot and is some of the craziest shit I've played ( iykyk ) and is very memorable

Historia penca, jugabilidad god

A smidge more polished gunplay, down to straight up GORGEOUS level design with stunning Moby Dick eldritch horror sequencing and an astounding endgame battle, matches the quality of nowadays exclusives by being completely devoted on visual splendor two decades before, more grounded for a grittier yet bombastic campaign and hordes mode is an enjoyable slaughterhouse of lead and exploded limbs this series pretty much excels at. This one takes the crown for me.

El juego perfecto, la campaña cuenta una historia increíble y emotiva, con misiones una mejor que la otra