Reviews from

in the past

One of the games that broke all game paradigms and transformed everything we can play today, it was a special milestone for games, and one that made me happy most of the time playing.

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37k saatim var sadece pandemide aralıksız 2 sene oynadım
görevler güzel hikaye biraz bayıcı açık dünya veledleri tatmin eder veledseniz yapıştırın mta bitik dağılın.

you always been there for me, man.

Classique, très bon jeu pour l'époque

Después de gta 4, es mi favorito de toda la saga de gta

O jogo que é a cara do ps2, um clássico muito bem feito e que se mantém sólido até hoje

Atemporal, jogo divertido com muita coisa pra fazer e história massa d+

San Andreas is Rockstar saying you can have your cake and eat it too, but then makes it as hard as possible to play it at its best.
If you ignore the latest "remaster" you have a masterpiece every gamer should play.

i used to play this game with my brother when i was little. i don't think i'm ever coming back to it unless there's a remake but it's an absolute masterpiece.

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see you around. officer.

j'y ai tellement joué que j'en faisais des cauchemars , un des meilleurs gta

Well as a kid I didn't know that this story is just insane!

La libertad de este juego no tiene precio

Tem muito valor nostálgico, mas acaba sendo bem superestimado quando o assunto é qual o melhor jogo da franquia.
Tem muitas mecânicas prum jogo da época e é divertido de se jogar se você deixar de lado as expectativas que se põe nos jogos modernos. É um clássico

I can’t remember what age I was at the time but this was actually the first video game I ever played, no doubt some top-tier parenting right there…

It's truly astronomical how much bigger San Andreas is to vice city. How do you improve what is already fixed? I remember when this came out it shocked everyone on how godly this iteration of the series is. There is so much explore and do. Incredibly difficult for Rockstar to top this game. I've completed, 3, vice city and this one on Xbox. At 480p and slight increases to performance, they are its best. Honestly, I wouldn't even touch the remastered versions.

qualquer coisa melhor que gta v, esse jogo nunca vai perder o carinho que eu tenho por ele, a rockstar fez um ótimo trabalho

I've not once completed a single story mission but god this is a fun sandbox to play in with cheats.

melhor jogo que já joguei na vida
meus traumas a missão do trem pq o smoke é míope e a escola de avião

Guys, the train mission meme has a whole game attached to it and its also pretty good

Excelente. Seguramente hasta su época era el mejor mundo abierto de todos. La historia es genial y todo el mapa era sensacional. No le doy un 10 (o 5 estrellas) porque no me parece una obra maestra ni el mejor de la saga, pero igualmente es un gran juego

Excellent. Surely until its time it was the best open world of all. The story is great and the entire map was sensational. I don't give it a 10 (or 5 stars) because I don't think it's a masterpiece or the best in the series, but it's still a great game.

A great game, but I don't have much desire to go back to it because the size is too daunting. I appreciate the smaller GTA games more.