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in the past

8 horas de jogo bem aproveitadas eu diria, além disso, o jogo tem uma mecânica de luta muito boa, algo que envolve as habilidades e reações do player e deixa a gameplay mais divertida e atrativa;

Em contrapartida a história é um pouco maçante e difícil de compreende-la 100% e alguns puzzles faz você perder muito tempo de gameplay, outro ponto negativo também, e que poderia ter sido melhor aproveitado a trilha sonora baseada em mitologia nórdica no jogo;

Mas é um jogo bom e recomendo.

La verdad muchisimo mejor de lo que esperaba. A nivel jugable no es locura, claramente no es el enfoque principal, pero cumple. Me gusto mucho el combate y las animaciones del mismo. Las peleas se sentian epicas. El boss del perro bestia esa Fenrir debe ser de las cosas mas facheras que vi en el ultimo tiempo, peleas con estilo visual y creatividad marcada suma. Me gustan mucho las peliculas entonces siempre voy a mirar con buen ojo a un pelijuego. Lo disfrute bastante, la verdad la historia me entro por un oido y me salio por el otro, pero a nivel tecnico y jugable me parecio copado. Todo lo de la psicosis me parecio interesante y bien implementado, genera nerviosismo y rompe los huevos para bien.
Basicamente, nivel tecnico increible con jugabilidad normal, donde el combate me gusto mucho y los puzzles no tanto, pero zafan.

Only video games could offer a quality experience like this.

What’s real and what’s the manifestation of Senua’s psychosis.. unraveling the mystery… it’s good stuff.

Having lived with someone experiencing psychosis for years, I think Ninja Theory depicted Senua’s mental illness with care.

The gameplay was as expected (the puzzle solving and combat was satisfying enough), but it’s the storytelling and narrative paired with the presentation that really captivates.

Visually and aurally, it’s a gorgeous. The soundtrack is great, sound design is amazing, and lighting is on point. Her hellish “reality” is well reflected through each bleak and varied environment.

I had a feeling of unease throughout the entirety of the game—extremely anxious, and it’s to Ninja Theory’s credit. I’m in no rush to play the sequel, but this was one hell of an experience.

One of the best games i've played.
Bizarre in a good way, the combat is pretty good but repetitive
Puzzles were OK, i usually don't like them but was cool
The voices... yeah, i'm used to listen ASMR
the voices were more relaxing than annoying lol

there was an specific part where i shat my pants, the darkness is horrifying.

I may have ruined it for myself by doing an impression of the voices saying stuff like "You're shit at Dark Souls" and "Nobody wants to eat your dinner" every time they started up.

Talvez seja por isso que as pessoas temem ver o mundo através dos olhos dela. Porque se você acredita que a realidade de Senua é distorcida, você também deve aceitar que a sua também pode ser.

Cara, que jogo diferente... Uma experiência bem diferente.

An excellent and truly unforgettable journey.

wow so this is how it feels to be a valorant player

ellblade Senua’s Sacrifice es un viaje al interior de la mente. No es un juego de terror, pero tampoco es una historia agradable. Es real, duro y cruel como la vida misma. Con desafíos y sacrificios que son duros, tanto para Senua, como para nosotros.

Viajaremos a su pasado, a como lo enfrentará sus miedos, su oscuridad y su sombra. Con puzles sencillos, que están ahí para demostrar que las personas con enfermedades mentales, hacer lo más sencillo, les cuesta un mundo el superarlo. Un simple gesto como levantarse de la cama, o caminar hasta la cocina. Comer, beber… Respirar. Todo cuesta más y es un reto al que enfrentarse día a día. Ya no digamos la perdida de un ser querido, una persona, que como en este caso, era la luz guía de Senua. Una muleta en la que apoyarse en su caminar.

Los combates contra sus miedos y los norteños, hacen que veamos como es una auténtica guerrera celta. Una guerrera que pone el foco y se concentra en su enemigo para derrotarle. Una danzarina de la espada que no le importa mancharse con la sangre de sus enemigos.
—Aunque por poner una pega, en ocasiones cuando tocaba enfrentarse a los norteños, la cámara iba como loca y se ponía en un ángulo en el que no veía nada y hacía que matasen a Senua…

El apartado sonoro es la parte más importante del juego, las voces, la narradora, sonidos, la atmosfera apabullante, la banda sonora… todo se une para crear esa sensación de vivir con Senua, de sentir su psicosis, su oscuridad, su miedo.

La locución, a pesar de no estar doblada al español, es maravillosa, esa profundidad que da la Sombra y el temblor de la voz de Senua cuando tiene miedo… La calidez con la que habla la narradora o el propio Dillon cuando se dirige a Senua. Ese cuidado y ternura que dejan el corazón calentito.

El viaje de Senua me ha maravillado, tanto por su aspecto visual como en conjunto. Es un viaje para jugarlo con la calma, fijándose en los detalles y prestando atención a las historias de Druth.
Un juego que se disfruta y te deja poso, un juego para entender y quizás comprender a las personas con una enfermedad mental.

Es un juego que se ha creado con cuidado y mucho mimo y que sin duda merece la pena jugar al menos una vez en la vida.

Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is a triumph of interactive art. Not because the visuals are high fidelity, or because the combat system is satisfying (albeit fairly simple), or even because it tells a compelling, intimate narrative. Hellblade is a game that revolves around the subjects of mental health, trauma, self-doubt, paranoia, grief, and loss, to name a few. I say the "game" instead of "narrative" because Hellblade fully utilizes the interactive capabilities of video games to engage and involve you, the person playing, with these themes in ways very few games do.

I'm not talking about anything as basic as being presented a moral quandary or a dialogue decision to make like you might expect from most games. Every puzzle mechanic and set piece is built with intent to reflect aspects of Senua's mental health struggles with psychosis and apophenia. Play the game with headphones (as you should) and the voices will fill your head as they do Senua's - you will even come to rely on some of them at times. There is only one instance in the entire game where text is displayed on-screen (not counting required system text like the main menu, subtitles, etc), and without spoiling anything, it serves the game's themes. Hellblade also breaks typical conventions at times to deliver powerful gameplay moments that require the player to stop and consider what exactly the game is trying to convey.

I won't go into any more detail to avoid spoiling things, but for me the way Ninja Theory pulls these moments off while telling Senua's story elevate Hellblade to one of my favorite games of all time. Try it if you want something that you truly experience instead of just "play".

I don't want to crap on this game because I'm aware of the great things it has done for people with mental illness and all the sorts. I love how short it is and the graphics are incredible to this day.
But this just wasn't fun. The combat was cool but there wasn't much of it. You mostly just walk through hallways and paths and solve minor puzzles. It did not feel engaging all. It's a cool experiment, but just wasn't my cup of tea.

The visuals on this game are insane, and still hold up today. The story is gripping and intense. The combat, while sometimes getting a little repetitive, is still thrilling and sometimes a bit overwhelming when you're being swarmed by enemies all around you. The game is incredibly beautiful but dark and threatening and keeps you on your toes. The voices Senua hears creep me the fuck out constantly. My only issue is with how short the game is, only taking around 8 hours and I spent lots of time wandering around not doing a lot.

Esse jogo é incrível. A proposta dele é linda e muito interessante. Os puzzles te fazem pensar, o combate é como uma dança e é viciante. E incrível como uma empresa indie na época fez algo tão maravilhoso. Foi o jogo que eu mais zerei e pretendo continuar zerando. É meu game de conforto.

La primera vez que jugué Hellblade, fue en su lanzamiento, cuando me enteré sobre todo el transfondo del juego: su acercamiento a la salud mental, el diseño impresionante y los elementos de terror. He vuelto a lo largo del tiempo rigurosamente, es un juego que ha crecido bastante en mi. Con la salida de la segunda entrega, decidí conseguir el ultimo logro que me faltaba y darle una nueva rejugada, y vaya que admiro muchisimo este juego. El diseño de produccion, la direccion, actuaciones, el arte; todo es brillante, con un estilo unico y una jugabilidad que si bien no es destacable, me permito obviar por la historia, la cual me parece una de las mejores historias contadas en el medio.

A história e graficos desse jogo são sacanagem uma das melhores obras que já zerei, sem duvidas

talvez eu tenha esquizofrenia

Game: Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Playtime: 5.5h
Completion: Main

|Tale for the ages|
|Ok| <-----------
|Don't even try to understand it|

Notes: There is a lack of continuity and explanation for
what the main antagonist is after and why it does
what it does. The details of norse mythology are
scattered and difficult to piece together as a whole.

OST/Sound Design:
|Annoying but bearable|
|Unbearable| <-----------

Notes: That's on me, but i hated the constant talking all
throughout the game. This made me feel anxious and
impatient. Sensory overload is how i would summarize

|Bad| <-----------

Notes: The idea is that thia game is like a playable movie and
it does that part right. BUT, everything else is undeniably
bad. Puzzles are made for 3 y.o and combat is so basic
i started questioning if it even added anything to the game.

|Skill Issue|
|Quite the challenge|
|Kinda easy|
|Is this a joke?|
|Walking simulator| <-----------

Notes: Sit back and watch, nothing else to say.

Art direction:
|Beautiful| <-----------
|Nice to look at|

Notes: One of the few good things this game got going
for it. It represents well the depths of troubled
mind and how the world would be seen by the
protagonist's eyes. A dark and sad setting to
accompany a dark and sad journey.

|I could do this over and over and never get tired|
|Pretty satisfying|
|Let's get this over with already| <-----------
|Just let me through, please|

Notes: Bosses are too basic to be enjoyable. They're a
tier above the normal enemies, but not much higher.
Bosses' movesets are too simple and repetitive.
These bosses served their purposes story wise, but
that's it.

Score: 5/10

Conclusion: This is game and i judge it as such. This game
would have been way more enjoyable if it was
a movie instead of a game. This is NOT a game
for you to have fun, instead it was made to
to be appreciated, just like a movie. I DO NOT
recommend for anyone looking for good gameplay.

História muito foda, ver o desenvolvimento da Senua (ficando maluca) é angustiante , o que definitivamente era um desejo dos diretores, a experiência é aprimorada com o trabalho de áudio que é do caralho, transmitindo as vozes da cabeça da personagem. Porém, em algumas ocasiões o game não explica o que quer do jogador, por muitas vezes me peguei perdido voltando de onde eu tinha acabado de sair. Os puzzles, outra parte que eles focaram bastante, são maneirinhos depois que você pega o jeito. No geral, é interesssante, ansioso para jogar a continuação .

A sluggish start but the game picks up steam very quick and had me really invested in the plot and characters. The performances by Nicholas Boulton and Melina Juergens were just phenomenal. The perspective puzzles and combat felt arcade-y at times which I didn't love but got used to. Though the main draw of this game is definitely the story which had just the right amount of mystique to be interesting through the entire runtime and figuring it all out at the end was fun. A really unique and special experience.

Just isn't for me unfortunately. I get what it's trying to do and I respect the artistic vision, but the whole experience got frustrating real quick. Gameplay is extremely basic and slow paced, but the killer for me was just the constant screaming, crying, and nonsensical dialogue from the protagonist. Again, I understand that accompanying this woman with psychosis on her journey is literally the point of the game and so it feels wrong for me to negatively review a game that's built around portraying mental illness, but the audiovisual stuff just ended up annoying and frustrating me more than it did immersing me. There's no 'hook' for me here when nothing in the story matters and it's difficult to follow, while the gameplay just isn't good enough to justify it all. This just isn't an enjoyable experience for me, despite how groundbreaking it might be. I won't be checking out the sequel.

Antes de jogar é importante saber que Hellblade não é exatamente um primor em gameplay, mas sim uma experiência imersiva, talvez se pareça um pouco com um filme interativo? não sei. Isso não torna o jogo ruim, apenas diferente, e se você não estiver com essa ideia na cabeça o jogo não vai funcionar. A história, e o jogo como essa experiência imersiva são muito boas, em alguns momentos senti que o jogo ficava arrastado em alguns puzzles e repetitivo em alguns combates já que não há progressão além da história.

I was blown away by this game when I first played it, and a recent replay in preparation for the sequel solidified my feelings about it, if slightly cooled.

Hellblade is really going for it, and succeeds in a lot of ways. The use of binaural audio for the voices is a wonderful way to make them feel overwhelming and ever present. They are constantly antagonizing Senua, expressing doubt in her quest, talking to each other, but sometimes still concerned for her. During combat they will shout at you to watch out when an enemy off screen is about to attack you. Along with the great visuals and performance from Senua, I found myself often getting very immersed in the oppressively anxious atmosphere that is created.

It goes without saying that this game is also lighter on the gameplay side of things, being very much a narrative experience. However, there is enough combat and puzzles to prevent it feeling like you are just walking forward the entire time. While the puzzles get repetitive and remain the weakest aspect, the combat is fun and both looks and feels cool once you get into the groove of it. While you are generally just hacking and slashing, there is enough flow to it that keeps it engaging.

Overall, I remain fond of Hellblade because of how hard it goes with the audio and visuals. There are few games like it, and while it stumbles in the repetitive puzzle design, it excels at creating a constant nightmare that you must fight your way through.

jogos não são só gráficos

An interesting experiment that not quite make it. The narrative starts very boring and the gameplay is literally just a walking hallway.

However, by the end of the game, the narrative has improved and there a couple of good fights. The gameplay really never improves too much tho, its incredible basic and rudimentary.

This is an experience that lives or dies depending on how you vibe with the mood and story of the game. I personally thought it was OK at best.

Un viaje psicólogo muy bien estudiado con una estética sombría que consigue indagar en lo más profundo de la psicosis. Con temática de mitología nórdica y cultura celta, súper recomendado.
Me recordó por momentos a Alan Wake 2 por el apartado visual

Hellblade 2 has decent visuals, but unfortunately, it falls short in other areas. I began the game with high expectations, only to find myself disappointed as I progressed. The puzzles are overly simplistic and become repetitive really quick, the combat mechanics lack depth, and the storyline, while decent, fails to impress and com out with a disappointing ending. Although gamifying mental health themes is a wild card, credit must be given for the game's atmosphere and aesthetic.