Reviews from

in the past

N++ is a fantastic followup to the classic and difficult ninja platformer, with stylish visuals, a great electronic/techno soundtrack, and more levels than I know what to do with. Sadly, I'm not hardcore enough of a platformer genius to clear every last one of them. If you're into this kind of really challenging, streamlined platforming, you'll probably have a blast with this one.

doesn't expand much on its predecessor and the level designs r lame. music is fye tho

this game turns me into the joker

Extremely solid! The platforming has a beautiful flow and weight to it and there's more than enough content here to keep you busy, but the levels aren't very good beyond being well designed one-room challenges. I feel like it isn't supposed to be more than that, but I prefer my platforming levels to have memorable designs, set-pieces, and aesthetics

Rating 7.5/10 - Pretty Good

Great platforming and soundtrack. It does get repetitive after a while however.

I needed a while to get used and enjoy the momentum-based platforming. But once I did, N++ became a really enjoyable platformer unlike any other game in the genre. Momentum is really what this game is all about, and once you master the mechanics, moving around each level at lightning speed feels amazing.

The game feels a tad too long though. I completed everything including the X-rows in solo and legacy, which amounted to roughly 1435 levels (including some coop and race required for the platinum trophy) and by the time I was done I felt a bit exhausted.

im glad we've moved past this era of platformer

I loved the original N+ but for some reason this release bored me. I can acknowledge that it's a solid title, but I expected a bit more.

The most pure platform experience

This game is stupid and I hate it and I can't stop. The perfect mix of fun and infuriating. Feels like a browser-based/Flash game in all the best ways. One of the few arcade-y experiences that I enjoy these days.

platonic ideal of a 2010s platformer

This is a perfect platformer for me. Incredibly tight controls, an insane amount of content (a lot of it secret!), and awesome soundtrack. There is no story and the graphics are incredibly basic, but there's no need for that here - you're just a ninja trying to collect some gold and get to the exit.

Hours played: 259
Platinumed?: nope, have some Race/Co-op episodes to get through and some miscellaneous trophies
100%?: nope, I'm maybe 50% through the game?

With the flow of my nuts I can beat any level

We making it out math class with this one.

Sin historia, niveles interesantes pero muy x, lo salva el cooperativo que es increible

This is the "run and jump platformer" taken to its logical conclusion, where the fuck do you go from this


...this is it.

A smooth and polished 2D platformer - that's about all you get with N++, but while you're playing it's also all you need.

do you like hard platformers? then you'll love this shit

I love this game, It can fuck off

Extremely difficult but I like the style. However it just has too many bullshit deaths for me to really get into it.

I know a lot of people hold the N series to a high regard, but to me the platforming physics just feel way off; I can only barely get used to it. I do like that it comes with an enormous amount of levels to play through, though

Funni ragdoll, good game, excellent coop.

around when this game launched the level editor had a bug that would wipe your entire save randomly. i emailed the devs about it and they sent me some pins and stickers and shit as an apology so theyre pretty much the nicest best video game developers i know. outside that i really like the game. amazing music and i adore the whole visual package this thing offers.