Reviews from

in the past

Bad PC port. You should be able to change the resolution in-game. I noticed framerate drops on my PC well above the recommended system requirements. The graphics are poor for 8th-gen standards.

I hate the default controls. They don't feel natural at all. The lack of maps in Dark Souls never bothered me because the level design was good enough that I was able to navigate without one. That's not the case here.

I dislike healing items coming from enemy drops and chests. The estus flask system is perfect for this type of game. I don't understand why this and Bloodborne had to fuck it up by making you grind for healing items every time you die. It's torture and punishes you for taking risks. It sounds like there's something closer to Estus later on, but in the first area, I only got limited consumables. Wouldn't the tutorial area benefit the most from not forcing you to grind for healing items if you don't win in the first few tries?

The starting boss (and most enemies) can kill you in two hits and it's really annoying. I don't recall that being the case with the early bosses/enemies in Dark Souls. That had a more gradual/fair difficulty curve to ease you into the experience. Inb4 skill issue.

The loot system also sucks. I got lots of duplicate weapons and armor from chests, which made exploration feel unsatisfying. You should only be getting duplicate equipment from enemies.

The graphics are noticeably bad. From Software's games are disappointing on a technical level, but they have strong art direction to help make up for it. This looks worse than their games in both ways. There are 7th-generation games that are much more impressive visually.

It's a worse version of Dark Souls.

Such a great game. I was hesitant in picking it up but I'm glad I did. Had a blast playing through it with the lance build.

Being someone who is deeply invested in From Software's work in the Soulsbourne genre, you hear a lot of reasons why their games just don't click for people. The one statement that every fan will defend is that "Souls games are unfair". Move in a little closer to read this next part. THIS GAME is unfair.

This game feels like everything that people who don't play Souls games complain about all packed into one game. Truly one of the most bullshit video game experiences I've ever had. But for some reason, I sunk 33 hours into this game. 33 hours of pushing a boulder up a cliff just to watch it roll back down. But at a certain point, when the stars align and when you finally understand. It clicks. The weapons, the timing, the mechanics, they all make sense and the game starts to give. suddenly it feels amazing. That anger and frustration stays now as fuel to kick the boss's ass. To show the game that you're in charge. The experience that you get from this game is Player Vs. Designers and it's unlike anything I have ever played. A game that actively wants you to fail. Fighting against the game and getting your teeth kicked in for 30+ hours. Did I enjoy my time in Nioh and would I recommend it? I really don't know. But did I beat it? No. I conquered it.

Dark Souls do Paraguai, simplesmente genio, serio mesmo, eu tenho raiva de "niponismo" pesado kkkkkk mas esse não da cara muito bom mesmo, sacia a coceirinha de Dark Souls que fica e é muito foda, só não mais foda que o segundo.

I've wanted to finish this game for a while but haven't gotten around to it yet.

Voltei a jogar depois de anos com ajuda do meu namorado nahaha
Não joguem ele pensando que é um dark souls é bem diferente
tinha coisas que eu não sabia antigamente que hoje estão me ajudando a aprender a joga-lo melhor

what's funny to me is that William dies immediately after touching the water, but at the beginning he jumped into the sea from a high-ass prison and somehow survived it

Un "souls-like" sólido, me encanta su combate más frenético y veloz en comparación a la saga Souls, por otro lado siento que su historia no es lo suficientemente interesante para querer continuar con el juego pero el gameplay lo invita a uno a querer seguir.

Pd: Podría tener más variedad de enemigos.

Completed the base Nioh game without any external help on forums/guide videos on youtube. Still playing the DLC.

Update : Quitted as there was a lot of grind in levelling up the main character for missions in DLC.

Pros :

Overall, the game is goooood!
What makes this game unique is the 3 different stances mode - high, mid and low.

This stances mechanic makes the game more fun and enjoyable and gives variety to the combat. You need to switch your stance according to the boss fight - MID/LOW if you need more mobility of dodging/blocking while attacking or HIGH if you need maximum damage. Figuring the best stance for a particular boss is fun! Also the 3 stances are available for all the many different weapons in the game!

Cons :

The game doesn't have a good rewarding parry system like Sekiro has. I never felt the parry mechanic in Nioh. While in-game they do say they have the parry mechanic, but I never felt it. It doesn't even feel like parry exists in the game.

The story was average. I wanted to be invested into the story but was disappointed as the game doesn't go into the stories of the characters that much. Overall, the story is bland.

Lot of grinding in level of the character. Also the bosses can one-hit you. So you need to dodge everything, if one attack from the boss lands on you, you are dead.

The enemy variety is low. The enemy type is too repeated. On submissons you basically play the same bosses which you have beat earlier.

Final Conclusion :

The game is a must play for souls like fans! it has enough to seperate itself and feels unique.

I absolutely slept on this game when I first tried it. It wasn't bad, but I was put off when I realized it was gonna be a lot longer than I bargained for. I think there were other games I wanted to play at that time, 5 years ago.

Later down the line, I ended up playing Final Fantasy Origin: Stranger of Paradise because I'm a huge FF fan and wanted to give it a try. A lot of people were comparing it to Nioh. After I finished that, a friend of mine asked me to play Nioh 2 with him as a way to pass time here and there. It clicked and I realized how great both of these games are. Now, I finally came back to finish this first one, and I love it. I can say this is absolutely the best way to live out a samurai, action-fantasy. Allowing you to build your character to be the ideal samurai/ninja/mage you want.

I'm gonna continue playing this until I get the Platinum trophy. Once that's done, you best believe I'm jumping back into the sequel.

Great gameplay with skill trees that push it well past souls-likes, fun bosses, and overall just a nice comfort game weirdly for me.

You'll be going through a mythologicalized version of Japanese history (the rise of Ieyasu with a bit of personalized story), going through major events and trying to get your guardian spirit back.

Level based so you can replay them on a whim, also very gear based as well, a diablo like loot system that doesn't require too much thinking outside of clearing your inventory of the lesser stuff every once in a while.

Quite a few different types of weapons that each have their own skill tree.

I'd advise you play it with a weapon and also either ninjutsu or onmyo, switching whenever you get your mystic art of said weapon, ninjutsu and onmyo are such important boosts to combat, like sloth (slows enemy hit with it down), or the ninjutsu ability to revive after death.

review portuguese/english

nioh agradou meus olhos a princípio, seu combate com modos de postura foi um diferencial incrível para mim e percebi que era uma alma fora da curva. infelizmente por estar tão fora da curva me perdi em algumas funções do jogo que fica complexo com construção de builds e progressão correta do seu personagem de acordo com a arma que usa, ter pouca experiência me fez recomeçar algumas vezes até aprender e mesmo assim virou algo que não dava para continuar , 20 horas jogadas no pc via epic + 10 ou 15 no ps4 ficou impossivel continuar mas posso julgar como um jogo excelente mesmo não tendo acabado , os contras que achei em relação aos chefes alguns são muito medianos não seguem a mesma qualidade do jogo, o nivel de exploração é bom a nivel souls porem as fases muito das vezes são pequenas .infelizmente meu backlog me chamae não darei continuidade mas super recomendo.

nioh pleased my eyes at first, his combat with posture modes was an incredible differentiator for me and I realized that he was a soul outside the curve. Unfortunately, because I was so out of line, I got lost in some game functions that are complex with building builds and correct progression of your character according to the weapon you use, having little experience made me start over a few times until I learned and even then it became something that I couldn't continue, 20 hours played on the pc via epic + 10 or 15 on the ps4 it was impossible to continue but I can judge it as an excellent game even though it's not over, the cons that I found in relation to the bosses, some are very average, they don't follow the same quality of the game, the level of exploration is good at a souls level, but the stages are often small. unfortunately my backlog calls me and I will not continue but I highly recommend

Se não fosse pela dificuldade, seria meu soulslike top 2. O lado bom da dificuldade mais alta é que te deixa sempre mais atento a tudo e a gameplay em si é muito gostosa, além da história muito boa.

I tried to get good at this game but couldn't pull through and I gave up on it.

Nioh é muito bom, podia ser ''perfeito'', se não fosse a repetição de inimigos exageradas, alguns saltos de dificuldades estranhos, e as vezes um level design nem sempre tão bom, porém toda temática, seu excelente combate, é algo que aprecio muito nesse jogo, o que mesmo com seus defeitos ainda faz ser um dos jogos Souls mais sólidos que joguei.

The game I wish Dark Souls was. I love everything about Nioh, the combat, the setting, the story in all its wonkiness, it's all good. Reminds me of the Onimusha games, 100% worth the buy.

O jogo tem um combate divertido e diferente, mas a repetição de inimigos e dificuldade extremamente fácil acabam com esse jogo pra mim.

This is an incredibly good game, hampered by a few design decisions I can't wrap my head around. Overall, it's a very enjoyable time, though. For context, what I've played of the sequel has marked that game as one of the best games I've ever played.

Esse jogo é uma bosta, não sabiam o que fazer pra deixar o jogo difícil e enfiaram miniboss como bicho do mapa, todo boss tem algo do game design que deixa ele difícil artificialmente, seja ser extremamente veloz e com apenas 1 ponto fraco, ter ataque em área e a arena ser minúscula, boss que você só mata se usar item de colocar fogo na arma, sem falar que as fases são extremamente simples e curtas, jogo ruim, não recomendo.

I don't like Nioh, this game is jank and unfair and not fun.

Uma forma insana de aprender de maneira resumida (ou quebrada) a história do japão

Nioh tava no meu radar já a um tempo e finalmente chegou o momento de eu iniciar ele, nos meus primeiros minutos de jogo eu já senti o peso e a dificuldade que esse jogo iria me proporcionar durante horas e horas de gameplay. Desde já quero deixar claro que sou apaixonado pela estética de samurai e esses rolê toda da ásia, então Nioh me conquistou muito nisso.

Nioh tem uma forma de abordar a história com um jeitão de Assassin's Creed, juntando mitologias com os eventos que ocorreram na vida real, eu acho isso uma maneira muito foda de ''ensinar'' principalmente vindo de um souls-like, já que jogos desse gênero costumam ter a história restrita a itens, artefatos e cinemáticas curtas de bosses, no Nioh isso é totalmente diferente, o jogo é mais centrado nela e o fluxo da história corre de maneira rápida, porém com cuidado pra não lhe deixar perdido no que ta acontecendo.

Sua gameplay foi um dos meus maiores desafios aqui, achei o jogo bem complicado, sua dificuldade eu diria que é até um tanto artificial, ele é muito difícil no início (de uma forma até exagerada), e chega la pro meio e final do jogo ele perde todo aquele impacto de dificuldade, chegando a matar alguns inimigos com dois ou 4 hits, e se buildar direito você acaba levando o boss de umas áreas com poucas porradas.

O que eu fiquei decepcionado é que o jogo não me cativou muito ao ponto de eu querer iniciar as DLCs ou ter um fator replay nele, sei la ele ficou meio cansativo depois de um tempo e acabou me enjoando bem rápido.

Outclassed by the sequel in every way, but still a good foundation.

Outstanding combat with a immense attention to weapon/skill/magic builds and crazy intense boss battles. Challenging but never unfair or cruel!

maybe ill pick it back up again

Pretty alright, but I wish it was shorter. The sub missions don't really add much to it, I wouldn't have done them if I knew that because it made me pretty tired of the otherwise pretty alright level design. Combat system is fun, but by the endgame it kinda becomes a question of whether or not you have big enough numbers on your gear (or enough patience if you don't).

I'm still nowhere near the end but I'm having a ridiculously great time with it.

After Elden Ring, last year I went back and 2022 was the year of The Surge and I played them both back to back and loved them.

This year is the year of Nioh. I'll be lucky if I get to the sequel this year though, this first game seems huge so far.

Fuck yeah, I one shotted the spider queen! That giant on the bridge was a pretty sick fight too, I was able to master partying with him and whittle him down to about 10% health, then the fucker fell off the bridge.