Reviews from

in the past

-Easy one of my top 5 games.

Incredible and horrible at the same time!

Jokes aside, its a pretty good game, I think that the instances work pretty well, the music and graphics are cool, and the combat system is challenging and well done!

Nioh is like if Dark Souls and Ninja Gaiden had a baby – it's super satisfying to master the combat, but it's also brutally unforgiving. The loot system is addictive, and there's a ton of builds to mess with. The Japanese folklore setting is cool, but the story gets confusing fast, and the level design is kinda uninspired. If you like that hardcore challenge with a side of awesome samurai action, check it out. If not...maybe try something a little easier.

Joguei depois do Nioh 2, talvez por isso tenha achado muito repetitivo, embora tenha aproveitado bastante da gameplay dele

So, this game was my first ever interaction with a soulslike, although its not really a souls game, its more like a crossover between Ninja Gaiden X Dark Souls with tons of loot and very loot-based like Diablo.
At first i didn't like it and left it only to pick it up 2-3 years later and i actually liked it.
Man oh man, i have a love-hate relationship with this game. Sometimes i'd be like: "man this game is badass!" and sometimes: "man this game sucks big time!"
Its definitely a great game, loved the style, the atmosphere, the gameplay, how its based on historic battles and real people.
Very fast paced, and very loot based from a point onwards. So the platinum is quite easy, like a 5/10 difficulty. But the 100% is a different breed. You need to complete every mission in this game on the Way of the Demon difficulty which is pretty much NG+2.
The game has 5 difficulties:
-Way of the Samurai
-Way of the Strong
-Way of the Demon
-Way of the Wise
-Way of the Nioh
Some of the missions are very hard, I had to go to WotNioh to farm gear and amrita to have a chance at the harder WotDemon missions.
What i hate about Nioh is... some missions are just bad, repetitive and unfair. It might sound like skill issue but idk, when you die in any souls game you know it was your fault 99% of the times. In Nioh.... sometimes shit happens:)))
All in all, great game, way harder than any souls game.

Un juego hecho para los amantes de los samurais y los souls

So I guess I finished the story, kinda, but then there was this fight against two bosses on an ice map that just crushed me unceremoniously and I decided that would be that. Even though I had bought the DLC beforehand... I am weak. There was something in the base game that I liked, some nice cutscenes, some good OSTs. But a challenge presenting itself seemingly after the story had concluded just fell flat imho.

Um jogo tipo souls só que chato e bem ruim pra jogar no teclado e mouse. PORQUE A MINHA KATANA NÃO DA DANO NENHUM EM NINGUEM

Es el souls like con los peores niveles que he visto. El port a PC es una vergüenza

Woah what an absolute ride nioh is !
There is a certain unfairness to compare nioh to fromsoftwares souls games. It is indeed a soulslike with unforgiving combat , boss fights etc.
I would say the storytelling is better in ways though being based on real world history and japanese folklore does make it quite easy.
The music design is top notch and the boss music actually matches the sweaty nature of the battles.
The combat is crispy too and if you use the full kit available to you, all enemies have their own counterplay (sloth talismans are a bit overpowered but then balance isnt exactly the name of the game in this genre).
The character designs , yokai designs, weapon arts , guardian designs everything is visually stunning and the game feels the right amount of gamey and realistic.

Ofcourse there are a few problems, some enemy placements are ridiculous and some bosses have the ability to just say screw you randomly. The leveling and loot systems are not very well explained and can result in a lot of pain and many people may give up the game because of it (if you are undergeared , you are screwed , matters more than player level in fact)

Ofcourse the issues are minor and i had an absolute blast, i could literally not put the controller down for days on end. I fully recommend this game and as long as you are willing to remove your dark souls glasses and treat it as its own thing , i am certain there is a lot of fun and intrigue to be derived from nioh !

I really wanted to enjoy this one but the gameplay did not feel super satisfying and ended up feeling punishing for the sake of it rather than hard but fair.

I enjoyed moments but Nioh didn't click for me the way I wanted it to. Still worth a shot if you want to scratch that souls itch

Nioh is fun, and frustrating, with spectacular bosses and way, way too much loot.

Inserting the supernatural into historical fiction as the explanation for historical events is really funny. See also Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Slayer

As for the gameplay, the ki meter is a great twist on the soulslike stamina bar. Counters and ki bar depletion finishers feel great.

A minha relação com Nioh após zerar é de amor e ódio. Amor pelo seu sistema de combate e batalhas contra chefes, ódio pela repetição extrema de inimigos, sua dificuldade frustrante e pouco recompensadora em certos momentos, e suas missões secundárias que reaproveitam elementos já utilizados. O saldo é de um jogo que poderia ser mais curto, mais seletivo em seu conteúdo e menos punitivo em muitos momentos. Apesar de tudo isso, o seu sistema de combate complexo e responsivo consegue carregar a experiência até um fim satisfatório.

✨️: 7,5

Ou tudo te explode ou você explode tudo

Yeah, I don't know man :D Actually it was pretty cool but my gosh, it has such a shit story :D I liked the setting ok and the gameplay was fun I guess. Unfortunately, I found it very repetitive very quickly, but I understand why people like it. For me, it's another one of those games that tries to be a bit like Souls, but emulates it mainly in gameplay without paying attention to the other aspects like worldbuilding and lore.

Get ready for one of the biggest challenges you've ever experienced in a video game, because this game is something else.
The mechanics work, it is kind of fun in the beginning and when you learn the correct way to play it. However, the extreme difficulty and also the lack of variety of some levels can infuriate you and you might just don't stop wondering "when this game is going to end?".

My first game of the genre, I simply loved it, it was the one that brought me to the souls franchise.

A very beautiful game and a game I will definitely finish when I have the chance. It's difficult (inspired by the Souls games) so it's not something you can finish in one go. It takes plenty of patience, something I didn't have when I was playing it.

gotta finish at some point

I tried, but I'm just not having fun with the combat system. It bothers me how I need dozens of hits to kill every enemy, and most of them can off me in two hits. Apparently, it gets easier (way) down the line, but I don't have the patience to wait. So many other games to play! I'm not going to rate the game because it feels unfair since this is mostly a me-problem.

Très très bon soulslike je trouve