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Открываю рубрику "Гештальт детства"

Друг познакомил меня с этой игрой когда мне было 6-7 лет. Дальше первых 2-3 уровней я никогда не проходил, и вот спустя много лет, обнаруживаю что её издавала Рокстар, и её ВСЁ ЕЩЁ можно купить в их магазине. Желание поиграть в неё появилось после ролика на СтопГейме, и вот я её прошёл... И КАКОЙ ЖЕ ЭТО ПИЗДЕЦ!

Понятно почему я не проходил больше 2-3 уровней, я её кое-как домучивал сейчас.... А ТОГДА МНЕ БЫЛО 6-7 ЛЕТ! Геймплей вполне однобразный, есть локация, чаще всего это какая-то лаборатория, или склад, комплекс, неважно, локации всегда однотонные, но изредка есть и интересные, и даже открытые локации. Весь интерактив на локациях сводится к тому что ты нажимаешь консоль, чтобы открыть дверь, чтобы найти там ещё одну консоль, чтобы открыть ещё дверь, и так повторить до конца уровня.

Резюмируя описание игры может прозвучать как самя скучная и душная хуйня, которую только можно было сделать, отчасти да, отчасти нет. Дело в том что мякотка всей игры кроется в боевой системе, 90% игры вы будете драться с кучей, КУЧЕЙ врагов буквально пробиваясь к концу уровня... и врагов реально ДОХУЯ! Если меня попросят описать игру "Oni" в двух словах, то это будет "Это тот мем с одной женщиной на диване, и четыремя мужиками сзади" идеальней описания бои в этой игре я найти не могу, потому что в середине игры все бои будут проходить минимум двое врагов на одну Коноко (имя главной героини) а в последних уровнях геймплей становится хаотичным, ты уже не понимаешь что происходит, ты жмёшь какие-то кнопки, что-то делаешь, в панике пытаешься попасть по врагу пока камера сходит с ума. И вот пока ты во всём этом хаосе пытаешься добить одного врага, тебе в спину прелетает с ноги от другого, и ты отрпавляешься на чекпоинт.... и тут начинается духота, а всё потому что чекпоинты тут первое: хз как расставлены, иногда ты буквально молишься на чекпоинт, а его всё нет и нет, а иногда он сразу после первых группы врагов.... НО ЕСТЬ НЮАНС! Чекпоинт сохраняет твоё текущее состояние. (ХП, аптечки, и т.д) И вот ты приходишь на босса в конце уровня (а на нём всегда чекпоинт) с хп на одну тычку, без аптечек, будь добр загружайся на предыдущий чекпоинт, который был в середине уровня.... а кат-сцены тут не пропускаемые! И тут начинается та самая душка с заучиванием уровня и попытками раскидать всех врагов при этом не потратив много хп.... честно, я прошёл половину игры на нормальной сложности, но потом поставил лёгкий, но не то чтобы стало легче, максимум аптечки стали падать чаще, и у врагов может хп стало меньше, бьют тебя всё также вроде как. Единственный место где я немного фрустрировал - это на финальном боссе, потому что в одной из его версий (в игре есть две концовки, и в зависимости от того что ты выберешь на предпоследнем уровне, финальный босс будет отличаться) происходит какое-то хаотичное лагающие мессилово (почему-то именно в финале игра лагала пипец, хотя на протяжении всей игры шла в 60 фпс, наверное из-за эффектов атак босса)

Несмотря на откровенно посредственый гейм-дизайн, не совсем удобное управление, местами поставляющее и в некоторых моментах лютую душку - мне игра понравилась! Да, игра крайне посредственная, и вообще продукт своего времени. Сейчас бы я играть не стал, только если вы не эстет ретро-игр конца 90-х начала 00-х, тогда возможно для вас это может быть хидден-гем, ну а для меня это просто игра детства, и я рад что я закрыл этот "детский гештальт"

P.S Жаль что сиквел отменили :(

Feel super conflicted on this one, there's a fair bit to love here with a really cool Street Fighter inspired combat system, lots of enemies to learn the ins and outs of, and a decent arsenal that can offer some pretty gnarly combos with your melee punches and kicks. On a replay, this rating would probably improve as I continue to get better and improve, but here? Now? Distant checkpoints and a pretty limited supply of healing items makes a few levels an absolute chore.

I find the style of "death by a thousand cuts" health management extremely unfun, and although it was cool collecting as many of those heals as I could across the stage, the fact it restores a measly ~20% of your healthbar meant I was rationing them. Which is a shame, because there's a mechanic where if you overcharge your healthpool, you get a Super Saiyan-like mode where you hit really hard and have some overhealth, but very rarely did I ever have the opportunity to even activate it.

Graphically, it's a game from 2001 that looks not the best of the era, but there's some neat foibles (the glass shattering effects and general environmental destruction being chief among them). The two (intro and final cutscene) anime segments are really cool, and cutscenes across the game use JRPG-style portraits of the characters in different emotions which is a nice touch (in lieu of how little emotion the models themselves can portray).

The story? It's there. Extremely tropey, very predictable, and very hammy which strangely makes it enjoyable enough? The ending caught me off guard with how sudden and miserable it was, but it serves its role in the story well enough.

There's nothing particularly innovative in Oni, but what it tries to do it performs decently well enough. The anime-inspired action is definitely a big draw, and if you have a PC copy, I'd recommend the community-made Anniversary Edition which has a few mods that add some Quality of Life and plenty of fixes for modern hardware, plus a mod loader for plenty more Oni action!

6/10 - Ok, ok, don't frog blast the vent core!

The control scheme, even after changing it to something I thought was better, is very clunky and on mission 2 the game didn't seem to continue after the opening. Either I was missing something or I wasn't, but it's removed from the backlog for now.

This is what anime will look lik e in 2001

i like the visual idea, being an anime style, but i just cannot put myself through the gameplay and boring ass level design.

Came back to this game out of curiosity, a lot better than I remember it being, glad I came back to this. Only real criticism I have is the level design can look bland and some late game shenanigans.

Nobody... My 37 year old community college teachers, "Hey you kids watching Japanimation? Awesome"

The game is obviously unfinished and lacks balancing and proper story.
The combat, which is supposed to be the main focus of the game is quite difficult even on "Normal" difficulty, and even though I managed to fight most enemies in close combat without losing much health, the enemies with the guns are very unfair. Sure, you can knock it out, but when there are many of them, you can't sneak past and have to fight them all, they just shred you to pieces, since it takes a long time to kill even one enemy. The player can try using the guns, but will always get damaged and when trying to dodge and shoot one enemy, all others shoot you with high precision. The combo system is interesting and creative, but to me, it seems like enemies are too tanky, and can even handle their necks being snapped.
The story is nothing special either, just a generic plot with predicable twists. The art is mediocre at most, except the cover image, all characters aren't that well made.
This is another relic of the past that may have seemed to be okay when released, has some interesting ideas, but should be properly remade in order to be enjoyed in the current year.

The controls are probably the worst thing about this game... why did they even make it like that?

I played this a lot back in the day with my brother! Fun memories.

I almost thought I was playing a ghost in a shell game lmfao

Very good for a 2001 game.

The best Ghost in the Shell game we're ever gonna get.

chronicles of mitoka kusonagi (no relation to anything)

Has some of my favourite combat in any game but the level design is lackluster, would be a total blast if the environments didn't suck

rockstarın bokstar olduğu zamanlar

One of the best 3D actions I've ever played! Fantastic game for its time. The picture is top! You can fight, you can shoot, and you can even choose between two endings! 

Combat system is actually really damn cool, albeit clunky, but level design is ATROCIOUS. Combine it with extreme difficulty and total lack of checkpoint = you won't have fun at all. Wasted potential, would love to see remake tho

plot is also ass

This game has the worst controls I've ever encountered. It's mind-boggling to me that this game was made by Bungie at the same time they were working on Halo 1, which has pretty good controls. Also this game's voice acting is kinda grating and the combat feels bad.

its a game i come back to every 2 years, its from my childhood and its just a blast

The game is a third-person action game that combines hand-to-hand combat and gunplay into a single, intense experience. It tells the story of Konoko, an elite agent of the Tech Crimes Task Force, whose tough exterior hides a soul haunted by dark secrets in her past

this game is still better than halo 4 no matter how many loveless chumps wanna comment on my shit and tell me bungie didn’t make halo 4. it shouldn’t matter!

Another one my computer never rendered properly yet I played a bunch of regardless.

ive played this but i dont remember it at all ill have to look this up at some point

Good game back at the day but a bit too long for today’s standards as it drags towards the last couple of chapters, interesting to see bungie’s take on anime based games. Their character art during dialog sucks though lol

This was my first PS2 game and I remember almost nothing about it

Clearly heavily inspired by Ghost in the Shell but surprised to find a really good game. It's a bit clunky and takes a minute to get used to but once you do, it just clicks and I had a ton of fun.

Far from perfect, but there is just something about this game I love to pieces. The way Konoko is drawn differently in every single portrait, like 10 different artists worked on this game, the badass early 2000s electronic score, and the near flawless animation in the combat, this game could have been a true bonafide classic if Devil May Cry had come out during development. All this game is missing was something to take inspiration from and I feel like a style meter would have been huge for Oni.

Very empty, frustrating, often quiet levels and a by-the-numbers action story/characters. That said, I love the combat system to bits and I've replayed this game multiple times just to get into it.
It's hardly the level of a fighting game, or even something like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta, but it feels like one of the best translations of the old beat-em-up formula in both combat and difficulty. You constantly feel like you're barely scraping by; every single health pack feels like a blessing and just when you think you're getting the hang of things, the enemies get significantly harder and the spaces between checkpoints feel more and more brutal. I still don't feel particularly good at this game but it's immensely satisfying when you learn to overcome the insane challenges and there's a surprising amount of versatility in how you can beat them.
I also deeply love the clear Otaku influence all over this game. The whole thing is just a big celebration of anime tropes including poor attempts to accurately replicate the traditional manga/anime artstyle and a protagonist that borders on copyright infringement - this could easily have been a licensed Ghost in the Shell game in another timeline.
Flawed as fuck but I really like this a lot despite everything. Has an active modding community!

Oni was a very hyped anime style game back in the day. This game was made by Bungie before getting into the 3D Grand Theft Autos and other games. This game has a lot of potentials but is flawed in a lot of ways that make the game more boring and frustrating than bad. With that said, the only redeeming quality is the good-looking combat animations and challenge.

Right out of the gate you will notice that the controls are complete upside and backward. All the combat moves are on the shoulder buttons. Why in the world they thought of this is beyond me. You actually don’t really use the face buttons all that much. This makes jumping, fighting, and shooting clumsy and cumbersome and you can’t change the controls to something more natural. These are just some of the worst action/adventure controls I have ever used. The actual combat is fine, but executing these moves is a pain. I felt like I was stumbling over myself because I had to think about the controls. These just aren’t natural! Jumping with R1, L2 and L1 are kick and punch, and you pick up items with R3. What?! I felt like I was trying to solve a Rubix cube, not play a game.

Secondly is the exploration factor. The levels are boring. They all look pretty much the same with flat boring textures and the design is confusing and labyrinthine in some levels. There’s no direction and your compass is useless. The bar gets smaller as you get near an objective, but if you are two flights down it will act like you’re standing right next to it. Enemies are stupid and clumsy, boss fights are frustrating, and the game just can’t compensate its own design with the clumsy controls. I can’t tell you how tired I got after just three levels of finding this colored console to open same colored door over and over again.

The story isn’t really worth sticking around the 14 levels either. The anime cutscenes are nice, but you probably won’t even get through this slog of a game. I tried really hard to keep going, but there was never a change of pace. It didn’t help that there is no mid-level saving and the checkpoint placement is unfair. If you quit in the middle of a level you have to start all over. There are just a lot of annoying things with this game, but even if it was flawless you still have the fact that the game is just boring and not very fun.

When it is all said and done only the hardest core of anime fans will stick around until the end. You really had to have played this when it first came out, then come back for nostalgic purposes. The game is just clumsy and boring but has so much potential if only the developers spent more time on the game. As is stands, I really can’t recommend this to anyone.

This game is hard, but I love the melee combat so much. This is a third person sci fi action game with the same melee and grappling controls as the Smackdown games, like you do hurricanranas and shit, it rules. Would have loved if they leaned more into the beat 'em up aspects over the ranged combat. Once you get the hang of it though, it's still really fun!