Reviews from

in the past

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só fico triste que não da pra ter seu exercito igual nos anteriores. Mas ainda sim muito bom!
(jogar solo, faz algumas fases serem um parto.)

Não consegui zerar ainda, sempre desisto no meio. Acho que perde um pouco da essência dos 2 primeiro mas ainda consegue ser divertido.

Patapon 3 is a beautiful game. Great music and visual aesthetics fill this rhythm-based game with a lot of charm. Unfortunately, at least for me, rpg elements are much more complex than they need to be. For many this is perfect since it adds several layers to the strategy ... but it just seemed too much to me.

Completamente enfocado en el multijugador, haciéndolo extremadamente difícil de jugar en solitario , pero si lo juegas con gente pinta divertido, no se, no lo intenté, pero creo aver oído que tiene una pequeña comunidad que lo emula y juega en multijugador, no me informé de que hay que hacer

Y'know what.
this is pretty fun despite the horrible final dungeon and how you need to replay it 3 times just to get the 3 perks.

games fun tho

Dernier opus de la licence, et qui le restera à moins d'un miracle (et ça me rend très triste). Le jeu est beaucoup plus exigeant que les 2 précédents et certains niveaux nécessitent malheureusement une part de chance pour les passer. J'en garde cependant un excellent souvenir, l'ambiance du jeu est plus mature et la bande son toujours aussi excellente.

Ігролад: ритм-гра об'єднана з партійною рольовою грою, де нам треба прокачувати своїх патапонів та рухатись вздовж великої мапи, яка поділена на рівні. Керування загоном патапонів відбувається за допомогою гри на барабанах, їх у нас чотири: пата □, пон ◯, дон ╳ та чака △. Поєднуючи звуки різних барабанів у комбінації під ритм, дає нам команди для наших патапонів, котрі вони виконують одразу після нашої гри (наприклад: □□□◯ - це рух вперед, ◯◯□◯ - атака, △△□◯ - оборона і т.д.). Чим краще ми попадаємо в ритм, тим краще наші патапони виконують наші вказівки. На рівнях зустрічаються різноманітні вороги та перешкоди для подолання котрих нам треба використовувати різні підходи та тактики.
Прокачка здійснюється за допомогою отримання досвіду нашими патапонами та збирання всіляких речей на рівнях. Один з патапонів - лідер та герой з унікальними можливостями та можливістю міняти клас, прокачка котрого є набагато ширшою. Класів 21, та у кожного є свій розвиток, котрий впливає на інші класи.
Також в грі є мультиплеєр, в якому можна або разом проходити рівні, деякі з яких зроблені виключно під кооперативне походження, або змагатись один проти одного в командах до 4 осіб з кожної сторони.

Візуал: приємна картинка з унікальним дизайном персонажів та оточення.

Сюжет: Простенький, але місцями цікавий. Інколи гравець навіть впливає на нього. Ми граємо за бога, котрий керує останніми вцілілими патапонами після прокляття, котре перетворило всіх у камінь. Наша задача - зняти прокляття та врятувати всіх патапонів.

Звук та музика: грав я в цю гру вже більше 10 років тому, але звуковий супровід цієї гри досі пам'ятається ніби я грав учора. Так як це ритм-гра та третя частина серії, то зроблено тут все на вищому рівні.

Особисто мені ця гра в свій час дуже сподобалась, я її пройшов два рази і навіть після проходження ще грав далі та прокачував своїх патапончиків. Тому, якщо хочете пограти в щось унікальне на PSP, то це ідеальний варіант.

Up there as one of the best Japan Studio titles

+ There's a LOT of depth to this game, from your character classes, to their weapons, to the status effects. It definitely is a fleshed out RPG more than a rhythm game. You can min-max stats, level up anything equippable, change the weather to your advantage, and gain new class skills the more you play. The best part about all of this is that it was never overwhelming, as it's pretty streamlined. And while all of this could be done in previous Patapon titles, it is on a whole other level in this title. It feels like the magnum opus of the series.
+ Uberheroes were a great addition, it was fun mixing and matching the one you play as, as they all have their own unique skills and special attack. They weren't all balanced the same, but it was still worthwhile trying all the different Uberheroes as their skills can transfer to other Uberheroes.
+ The gameplay is extremely addicting, it's the perfect "10 minute game" as the missions are pretty short but I found myself sinking hours in this game per play session since it's really fun to try to get rare drops to slowly better your army.
+ Can genuinely be tough at times. There is still some skill required as you can't just spam the attack chant, some bosses can 1-shot most of your units so you have to know when to defend, retreat, or jump and do this all on beat. I wouldn't say it's as hard as Patapon 2, as Patapon 3 is pretty forgiving if you input the wrong chant, but it still has its moments.
+ Cool soundtrack! The game sometimes plays a track in the background of missions and they are energetic as hell.
+ The bosses and enemies were unique, they pose different challenges and I like how they brought back some bosses from previous installments.

~ Can get VERY grindy, as is tradition in RPG games. Usually for every mission I would unlock later in the game, I would have to go back a few missions to grind for a while until I got either better equipment or new skills.
~ Tondenga Uberhero. He's all you need. He can pretty much solo entire missions if your stagger and crit rate is high enough. He is miles above any other Uberhero which is a double-edged sword, since while it is fun to finally be OP and see enemies get destroyed, it meant I have little reason to try out the other Uberheroes (aside from getting their skills so I can use them on Tondenga). I was using Yarida's Uberhero for the longest and then got stuck, so then I switched over to Tondenga, leveled him up a bit, and never switched to any other uberhero.
~ The leveling up system can be annoying. Essentially, you can level up only once per mission, no matter how underleveled you are. So to level up classes I was really low level on would be a massive chore, even if I took them to endgame missions.

- The mission loop is extremely repetitive, to the point where it never deviates from its formula. Usually you would go to a standard mission, then unlock an arena, then a tower where you have to do 3-5 floors without dying, and repeat this cycle until the end of the game. Granted, every mission was fun, but I wish they switched it up from the same formula

To this day that intro cutscene still gets me fucking hyped.

A super nostalgic buried treasure of mine. Patapon as a franchise is already super overlooked, but even among the fanbase it has this entry is fairly divisive. Me though, 3 is my favourite. This truly unique and creative mix of rhythm, strategy, rpg, looter, trading the vast armies of the first two games for a more intimate and customizable squad of units and the Uberheroes, tons of class options and variety in the loot, a unique and expressive vector-based artstyle, tons of unique enemies and bosses, all of this driven by a banging soundtrack that you’re actively contributing to in every action you take. The story as well is surprisingly resonant. Biggest flaw I can think of is that the difficulty is very clearly balanced for multiplayer, so the single player experience can be a bit overwhelming at times. As a kid though, I kind of just powered through it, seemed to be the case with a lot of my favourite PSP titles. Also, the guillotine level is complete horseshit.

A game that takes me back. It’s a crime that this game didn’t get the remaster treatment like Patapon 1 and 2 did. I really wish Sony would go back to greenlighting more creative, outside the box projects like this as opposed to more super cinematic, over-the-shoulder video game oscar-bait.

I have to start saying that this is actually not my second time playing this game, I have actually played it maybe at least a dozen times already. Even so, just now I've completed it in a full multiplayer run, so I think I can now say that I've experienced all this game has to offer.

With that said, this playthrough with my brother was pretty damn fun. I think a multiplayer run is the way of playing Patapon 3. Sure, you can always play it by yourself if you're lonely most of the time like me, but this game and the hero classes are more balanced to play with other people.

And what can I say about the game? I think it's on par with the first one (for different reasons obviously), and quite above P2.
The heros are more balanced here, and they feel a lot better to play with their hero mode activating only with a specific command rather than the perfect combo in 2 regardless of the command (except for marching).
The skill system gives you the chance to try different builds all the time, and of course most of them won't be optimal, they can still be a fun experience.

The story is the perfect way to end the journey set up in the previous 2 games, I won't go too much into detail here as I don't want to mark this for spoilers, but at least the enemies have a lot going on for them, both the new ones and the returning ones. They are actual characters, reminding me of the zigotons from P1 who had a lot of charm unlike the karmen from P2.

A lot of people don't like this game because it gets rid of the squad from the previous games, but then they go and say that P2 is the best (it's not; the hero there makes any squad completely irrelevant once you get good gear and masks). Because of this, I think that giving you a small number of stronger patapons was a wise move.

Music wise this is the best game in the series, because not only did the themes that appeared in previous games got better quality, the new ones are bangers as well, and the rock versions are the cherry on top of the cake. Thank you, Kenmei Adachi.

Even though it's been 11 years since I first played the game, the ending still gives me this sad but peaceful feeling.
The best game series to ever exist. Thank you, Hiroyuki Kotani for giving me the best gaming experience in my childhood.

Could not finish last stage due to guillotine. It was horrible. Why they made it this way? Dunno. Rest of game was great!

Patapon 3 plays differently to Patapon 1 and 2, going for a more RPG game style as opposed to a strategy game. The game has online fuctionality which is also still alive.

nie przepadam za grami rytmicznymi...

Patapon 3 is my favourite game in the series. The tapering of your army in Patapon 1 and 2 was a unbalanced to me, causing fights to last an upward of 20 - 40 minutes, leaving you with a couple patapons where you don't know if you'll win or die off at the end, causing you to need to restart. That was the main change needed to make the gameplay the most enjoyable, plus everything else got a massive upgrade alongside it, too. The intensity of this game is so well done. This game is visually stunning! I am immensely enamoured by its designs and animation, the music is absolutely unbeatable, there isn't a soundtrack like it. The weapons are cool and compelling, and I actually find the continuation of the story really nice! This game is ENDLESSLY funny, especially in comparison to the first and second games which were lighthearted and pleasant, but didn't exactly have a lot of humour. I find it weird that this game has a "rock" theme, because the soundtrack feels just so right for the series. I think I had mad beginner's luck the first time I played it, because I never realized how difficult it was until I heard others talk about it.

EdgyPon 3 (Naaaaaah)

El cambio entre los otros juegos es bastante grande y aunque la historia aquí se complica un poco en esta tercera entrega, no lo hace peor, de hecho, es una evolución que logra sentirse natural, las mecánicas se pulieron un poco más para poder facilitar la combinación de canciones, varios niveles se alejan del concepto de "vence obstáculos y avanza" para convertirse en alguna clase de enfrentamientos Jugador vs CPU, y esas partes me encantan, no me gusta el hecho de que el multijugador sea tan importante para continuar si es que quieres tener un mejor equipamiento o cosas de ese estilo, por suerte su comunidad ha logrado mantener el multijugador activo por lo que difícilmente tendrás limitaciones si quieres jugar 100% legal, algo que tampoco me gusta es que los minijuegos se fueron por completo, siento perdieron la oportunidad de colocar algunos nuevos, sigue siendo disfrutable, es mucho más directo en los otros juegos haciendo que te centres en la historia y en el multijugador para avanzar en la historia, los DLC's que tiene este juego solamente son retos mucho más complejos que los del juego normal, también agrega enemigos de los juegos pasados con nuevas fases, son entretenidos si logras pasar todos los retos del juego base que no son nada sencillos de pasar en primer lugar, buen juego con un gran cierre para esta historia que es de lo mejor que tuvo la psp, Ojala sony se anime algún día a darle su remasted para las nuevas consolas

didn't finish this game, but was still fun

jsp pq celui la j'ai bcp moins accroche mais reste sympa

A great evil is unsealed, and darkness falls across the land. This is not a journey of conquest, but of salvation. In their darkest moments, you, the Almighty One, embody the soul of an Uberhero, and lead the Patapons to victory once more.

Man, talk about tonal whiplash. I spent the past two games leading these goofy eyeball people to Earthend, and now I'm playing as a character who looks like they could pop a balloon on contact. And y'know what? It works for me! I think it really nails that cool factor they're going for. The art style's a little more well-defined to reflect these changes, as well as the music. The Patapons know how to get down, but the Uberheroes know how to rock out.

This is honestly the most grind-heavy of all the Patapon games, but I don't actually despise that fact. For one thing, in my review of Patapon 2, I suggested a few ways they could help alleviate the grind. I had no idea that both of my suggestions were implemented in this game. You keep non-treasure loot when you fail a stage, and you still keep the EXP earned for enemies you defeated. Even when I'm going into a battle that I don't expect to win, defeat never feels like a major setback. I just sit back, relax, and indulge myself in the enjoyable, one-of-a-kind gameplay of Patapon 3. If you pick up this game, just know you're in it for the long haul.

The game is now focused on just four party members, like the Patagate from Patapon 2. I guess you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone, because I do miss having a whole army of these little guys. These party members each serve a specific role though. Ton, Chin, and Kan can choose from spear, shield, and archer classes, respectively. As you level up each class, you gain evolved classes that serve entirely different purposes. Every class has "set skills" and "class skills". The former, set skills, are great because you earn them at specific levels for each class, and they can be applied to any other class at that point. The latter, class skills, are a reward for sticking to one class and grinding it out for an eternity. Sometimes they carry over to other classes, most of the time they don't, and so I didn't bother. Beyond that, the random equipment drops you collect are what affects your stats the most in the long run. This is one of those games where choosing "optimize" can be a trap in several instances, because you should think harder about your loadout in certain situations.

The uberhero gets his own paragraph due to being a uniquely overpowered case. The UH can choose any of the three main classes from the start, but then you gotta stick with your choice until you reach level 15. Beyond that though, the potential for the UH is through the roof. Set skills play a big part in this, since the UH will eventually have access to all classes with enough grinding. Mixing and matching skills from all classes to make something OP is what set skills are all about. Aside from that, every single class has a unique "uberhero chant", an overpowered skill that occurs every time you hit four perfect beats on its corresponding command. Some create an impenetrable defense, others rain down hell from above. The possibilities are truly endless.

Patapon 3 has its quirks, of course. Every Uberhero has their own unique chant that blends in wonderfully to the music, much better than Patapon 2's loud singing. Summons in this game are far less tedious than in Patapon 1/2, so they're inarguably better, but they're also weirdly abstract in Patapon 3. You ad-lib your way to victory as the game revives/heals all team members and does massive damage to whatever's in front of you. You also lose control of your team in most cases, which can lead to unfair deaths. Speaking of unfair deaths, Hatapon feels like your team's weakest link. As long as your "defense unit" is still alive, Hatapon is invincible, but the moment that defense perishes... He's got no health whatsoever, and when completely defenseless, usually dies in 1-2 hits. Eventually, all my issues compounded upon themselves. I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to beat this game within the next year or so, and so I sought out help. I dove headfirst into Patapon 3's multiplayer community.


The remaining playerbase for Patapon 3 plays on a modded version of the game known as "Dark Covenant X Depths of Infinity", or "DxD" for short. It's decked out with a bunch of new features, bug fixes, more accurate retranslations of skill descriptions, extra quests, and so on. They even added in music from the previous Patapon games, music from outside the Patapon games, and the ability to randomize background music (useful for not going insane via hearing the same exact song repeatedly while grinding).

Playing with four uberheroes is like an entirely different game. A better, more enjoyable game, if I'm being honest. It's a power trip when everyone fires off their uberhero powers at once, but each individual hero is still fairly vulnerable. This is where all the different classes and set skills can synergize with each other, everyone gets to act independently, and you can create your own unstoppable force of nature. I got to play rounds where two people played DPS, and me and the last person simply served to stand back and multiply their firepower. Got carried through some of the harder content that way. All the mechanics just fell into place.

It's not every day that I play a multiplayer game disguised as a single player game. I admire the ambition of Patapon 3, but please do yourself a favor and do not play this game alone, if possible. Google is your friend, and there's a Discord server or two out there that are willing to get you set up to play the game online. I don't really track dates on Backloggd, but I assure you that this game took me about a month to finish, and that probably could've been chopped in half if I played multiplayer from the start. If you're looking for a more genuine Patapon experience, the first two games are definitely a better choice. If you want a Patapon game that you could potentially play forever, you can either play this game, or you could PATA PATA PATA PON your way to your nearest therapist. Pata pata pata pon, pata pata pata pon, pata pon don chaka, pon pon chaka chaka...

Very nostalgic. I never completed it for some reason. I think the final level was too hard.

PURE GREATNESS AND PEAK OF PSP. The series BEST, Patapon 3 puts you in the feet of a warrior taking on Great amount of unique enemies and battlefields In a glorious rythm gameplay with his cute Patapon Crew. The songs here are catchy and really get you into the mood of every battle. To add to that the game simply can be enjoyed anywhere as long as you've got yourself some headphones (if your playing on psp). A clear 5/5

Man, this is quite a game, now Patapon 2 is one of my favorite games, and this game takes a different turn, which i understand because you cant just make the same game 3 times in a row. Now the core gameplay is still the same, with a major change you're now controlling 4 people instead of a army, which i do not like at all. Like what's good of having all these patapons lying around if your only gonna use 4, and plus the concept of controlling a army is way cooler. Another Major change in this game its more of a RPG than just real time strategy oppose to the first 2 games which had very light rpg elements, and i think they handled it pretty well... For the most part. The biggest issue with this game for me personally is the insane amount of grinding you have to do, since this game is not BALANCED AROUND SINGLEPLAYER, which leads into completely random difficulty spikes throughout the game, some missions and dungeons are really easy and some are butt fuck difficult, like where's the consistentsy?. Especially that final dungeon fuck that dungeon. Now the hero has been upgraded to the uberhero and i fucking love it, all the abilities from 2 return but they are cranked up to the max, with some new ones too. And the soundtrack is fucking great easily the best out of the bunch Most of the soundtrack are BANGERS. While this game has MAJOR flaws i'd say its worth playing at least once.

My favorite of this classic series, only 4 pons to control, but had so much damn personality, and a perfect end to a great series.