Reviews from

in the past

Nette Idee, aber .. einfach nicht komplex genug.
Das Spiel besteht aus den 5 Bildschirmen, die man bereits nach 10 Sekunden gesehen hat.
Mehr kommt nicht dazu.

Man kann nicht mal zum Händler gehen, man muss warten, bis dieser als Kunde kommt.

Das Trankbrauprinzip wirkt anfangs nett, aber abgesehen von den Shortcuts, die man mit Rezepten erstellen kann, muss man jedes Mal die Tränke neu mischen um irgendwo hinzukommen. Und das nervt bereits nach einer Stunde.

Geld ist zu beinahe nichts gut. Und .. dann stellt sich schnell die Frage, warum man den ganzen Mist eigentlich macht.

Der Garten ist nicht ausbaubar. Das meiste Alchemiezeug ist nicht ausbaubar. Die Maschine, die man bauen kann, benötigt so aufwändige Tränke, dass man da überhaupt keine Lust drauf hat.

Feilschen ist 5x lustig und dann X Stunden nervig, je nachdem, wie lang man es durchhält.

Wäre das ganze Spiel eine Minispiel in einem RPG und würde damit einem größeren Zweck dienen, würde das gut funktionieren.
Aber so.. ist es leider sehr schnell, sehr langweilig.

fun game, gets boring really fast and also weirdly hard, but i can't help but love the little potion making mechanics and labelings and stuff.

Potion Craft propose d'incarner un alchimiste : pour fabriquer des potions aux effets divers, il faut se déplacer grâce à des ingrédients sur une carte. La récompense suprême, qui clôt la campagne, étant bien sûr de réaliser la pierre philosophale grâce à des assemblages complexes.

Les plus :
- Une esthétique ravissante qui sied parfaitement au fond du jeu. Le sound design est lui aussi soigné, des musiques aux bruits d'écrasement des ingrédients dans le creuset. C'est le point fort du jeu, qui mérite le détour
- On peut enregistrer ses potions, pas besoin de les refaire du départ dès qu'on en a besoin. Mais il faut avoir les ingrédients nécessaires pour les reproduire.
- Un petit prix : les 20 euros d'origine ne le valent pas, mais les réductions régulières sur Steam le ramènent régulièrement sous les 10 euros.

Les moins :
- La quête principale, malgré les possibilités de déplacement plus agile sur la carte qui s'offrent au joueur à mesure qu'il progresse, est longue et fastidieuse : on comprend vite qu'il faudra réaliser des assemblages de plus en plus laborieux. Je sais comment finir le jeu, mais... flemme !
- Flemme car la fabrication des potions suppose de bouger la souris dans tous les sens pour écraser les ingrédients, remuer le chaudron pour se déplacer sur la carte et le chauffer pour incorporer des effets dans la potion. Mal au poignet, à force.
- La gestion du commerce est rudimentaire. La négociation des prix des potions vendues et des ingrédients achetés au marchands s'opère par un jeu de réflexes... bof.

Han seleccionado el estilo artístico más feo existente, pero un juego con una jugabilidad curiosa.

Tendrás que moverte por el caldero para descubrir opciones, hacerlas, y contentar a los clientes.

- Interesting concept of making potions and being a merchant and shop owner for potions.
- While some of the mechanics can get a bit deep with the map-potion explorations, it just feels repetitive by the ending of it or grindy with the alchemy machine.

The game was pretty great in the beginning. The way of exploring the map/types of potions using different paths created by various types of ingredients felt refreshing and fun. Running a small potion shop and fulfilling various requests of the people was relaxing and satisfying. But then the map opened up, and exploration and discovery became difficult in an annoying way. The gameplay loop became a grind fest with barely any significant upgrades to help with any of that. I reached the first milestone and finished the Nigredo which again felt useless and unsatisfying.

I feel like the concept is solid and this game could have been amazing with some minor changes to the loop, a decent narrative, and some quality-of-life improvements.

I'd recommend trying out the game for yourself if you get it on a sale.

i do think that customers straight up telling you they want to commit gruesome acts of murder and terrorism is pretty funny in a way. sir, this is a wendy's.

Tedious but clever concept !

In theory this game is right up my alley, but I just found myself bored with the gameplay loop fairly quickly. I thought maybe it was one of those games that starts out tedious and then as you progress you'll get skills or items to help speed things along, but no. It's tedium all the way down.

C'est sympa 2 heure, pas plus.

Me patiently awaiting new content despite not having completed the content currently in the game. Honestly this game preys on my desire for things to be convenient, and I am a weak human, with weak willpower, and once more content is in the game I'll probably feel better about it.

The gameplay is very simple - every morning some grass-ants grow in our secret garden, and visitors come to our shop with different needs and requests. Our task is to listen to everyone, figure out how to help their troubles and mix such a concoction by rubbing the necessary herbs in a mortar. It is advisable not to confuse a love potion with a sleep potion, although sometimes you really want to. For this simple trade we get a little gold, with it we buy improvements to the shop, more and more fancy herbs and mushrooms from the herbalist or mushroom picker, all this stuff goes further into potions, for which we get more and more gold and so on until we get tired of it.

Super cool and chill, but doesn't capture my interest to continue more

A descoberta de poções gira em torno de uma mecânica que até que é inteligente mas não é divertida, o port do switch poderia ser mais bem feito, ainda mais pra o preço que dificilmente abaixa e quando abaixa é pouco. Jogo não me prendeu

Es literalmente el juego de pociones mas famoso que hay.

Quiero decir, si le preguntas a alguien por un juego de pociones, la mayoria diran este. Se hizo famoso, y con razon.

El estilo grafico es interesante cuanto menos y la jugabilidad es "tetrisiana", si eso tiene sentido.

A pretty fun game that I liked playing, but will probably never actually finish.

There isn't much story, which I suppose is to be expected. The map mechanic is fun but very repetitive, especially on a controller.

I'd probably recommend this if you're looking for a cozy, low-stakes game with great art.

cool, but repetitive and gets stale

Cool concept, but tedious and not so fun.

This game gave me carpel tunnel

the gameplay loop is fun, it's very tactile, but not enough for me to want to wrestle with how much more complicated it becomes after a certain point

i'm seconding all of the reviews that say potion craft simply just gets kind of tedious and unrewarding, although i think the actual gameplay loop is amazing and there's simply no other game like it. i greatly enjoyed the early parts of this game.

potion craft has a system for buying and selling materials: materials will be on sale at random points, so you're incentivized to only buy certain materials, especially in bulk, when they're on sale-- especially because the cost of repairing larger upgrades is quite steep. but that means that you're ALWAYS low on materials to make potions with, and when making potions in later chapters becomes EXTREMELY cost-heavy, it just becomes... more frustrating than fun.

potion craft could've been amazing but is held back by that one simple mechanic. it's really sad, because the art style and early gameplay loop is so unique and fun, but it's bogged down pretty early by what i described. :(

mmm yeah it was fun at first, but im the kind of person that despises wasting things, and with a low amount of ingredients gained every day, experimenting with potions that get harder and more complex was a big nono.