Reviews from

in the past

I played this for some reason. It's not so good, Al.

It might surprise you to learn that All 4 One has the longest campaign in the series by play time. It didn't surprise me, however, because this game excels at dragging on. The story takes an interesting approach putting the squad on one planet and having the whole adventure be in once location, but I didn't care enough about the plot by the end of it to give a satisfying ending. The enemies all feel like sponges for most of the weapons, and there's very little reason to use anything but the Critter Strike once it's been upgraded. A mediocre experience that I'm sure is enhanced by playing alongside others, but definitely a spin-off that need not be revisited.

fun but i had no friends to play with sooooo

Abysmal even with friends. Stay far away.

Was okay. Fun story atleast. Lot of fun with friends.

This game feels like the longest in the franchise, and thats not a good thing. The levels drag on and with so little to do, you get bored walking down almost empty hallways craving to do something to do. The most fun part of this game is playing with friends and racing for bolts, as well as the seldom speed challenges the game gives you; yet you will spend more time getting upset with your friends because all bolts are shared. So either you play with a bunch of weapons and destroy every boss with super overpowered upgrades, or yell as your one friend has six weapons no one else has and run out of ammo.

Ratchet & Clank All 4 One (2011): Acabaría cogiéndole gusto a la saga, y sin ser de mis favoritas, sí me parecen juegos muy entretenidos y disfrutables. Este en cambio, más mal que bien, supongo que por el hecho de jugar sólo un juego tan pensado para el cooperativo (5,30)

não tinha absolutamente ninguém pra jogar comigo

Good luck getting three other people to play this with you

All 4 One is for sure the most...different from the others in the Ratchet and Clank catalogue. I don't think it's a bad game at all, far from it in fact. It's well put together, has a very neat concept that introduces some new mechanics, and a co-op Ratchet game is honestly pretty fun! Though that's also where the problems arrive.

If you don't have a friend or two to play this with, then this game can be a slog. You'll be forced to buddy up with an ai partner the whole adventure that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. Combat and co-op puzzles can get boring very quickly as well if it's just you. At least if you have a few friends, the experience is enhanced by typical multiplayer shenanigans. Competing against each other, "accidently" launching each other off cliffs, and just joking about the game itself.

The story is a a bit interesting, following a mystery about the planet the main four are stuck on and how two scientists ruined it all. It's got lot of interesting lore bits if you're a Ratchet and Clank super nerd.

If you don't think you can convince a few friends to play this with you, then I would still recommend playing a level or two and see how you feel about it by then. At that point you can decide for yourself if you wanna keep playing or not. If you do skip it, you're not missing all that much.


Jamás hubiese esperado que esta saga tuviese un juego así, y menos después de los geniales Armados Hasta los Dientes y Atrapados en el Tiempo.

Aquí se abandona la exploración de planetas para hacer un juego cooperativo muy simple y muy mediocre que simplemente consiste en que todos usen la misma arma para causar más daño.

Podrían haber puesto un sistema donde varias armas pudiesen combinarse pero no, eso requeriría esfuerzo y ganas. Ni siquiera el guion ayuda, el ver a estos cuatro carismáticos personajes haciendo equipo no hace que te diviertas puesto que no interactúan entre ellos casi.

Ahhh, my childhood R&C game. I remember having a blast with this game, playing it with my brother. I had just finishes A Crack in Time and wondered how good the next R&C will be. It was horrible, everything that made R&C good was sucked out of this game.

Gameplay: The gameplay felt shallow, with around 2 new weapons only this time (the others being from the past games). You now upgrade guns with bolts rather than using the weapon which was not favorable. I was interested in trying out other characters than Ratchet to play with but I couldn't due to the restricting levelling system forcing you to play as one character throughout the whole game. Puzzles were non-existent. There was not even the interplanetary discovery system, like come on?! The joy of a R&C game is to explore new planets and you are telling us we can't even do that? Additionally, the whole game itself was awfully optimized. The random difficulty spikes were such a pain; the game would storm you with enemies and they would give you no ammo.

Story and plot: The whole game was a drag. The story was bland and always had some boring event that made it unnecessary longer. The new characters introduced are boring and forgettable. Moving to the main plot, it was dumb. Nefarious teaming up with his enemies is a dumb and breaks everything he stands for as an evil, goofy villain with his hatred towards Quark, Ratchet and Clank. The only good thing was Quark becoming president which was hilarious.

Co-op: The only saving grace of this game and the reason I am not giving it a 0.5 is the co-op feature. This game heavily relies on players having someone to play it with them. If you do get someone to play with you, then this game would be really fun. Unfortunately, for many, this was not an option, making us stick to the horrible NPC which would randomly commit suicide. This game could really be a blast with a partner with you.

All 4 One was a major disappointment, seeing it would be the sequel to A Crack in Time. Hopefully Full Frontal Assault will be better.

playing with my brothers was fun but the game itself was zzzz

A slightly different game from what R&C fans are used to get, this time or better said, this game implements something new to the franchise (unfortunately that was the only time they've done that). They implement co-op mode and we can say that the hole game is based on co-op gameplay, either online or offline (3 other players max), it is up to you, or if you are alone, you play it with an AI player as your 2nd player.
You can choose to be Ratchet, Clank, Captain Qwark or Dr. Nefarious, with a tons of weapons and new enemies to beat. The game itself has many various challenges and many both game and combat mechanics designed for cooperative mode, again, something that long-time R&C fans are not used to have.
This time bolts are not only needed to buy weapons, but also for buying weapon upgrades and in the end, elite upgrade, so be careful on how and when you spend it.
The lenght of the game stays almost the same as on other games, about 10 hours, depends on how much good you are.
Camera angle isn't manual, so get ready to have some awkward moments, like jumping to certain death, losing you companion out of sight and similar situations.
The AI companion (if you play the game alone) isn't one of the smartest AI, you are gonna sure have problems with it, sometimes it isn't helpful as it supposed to be, sometimes you're gonna have to do everything by yourself.

All in all, if you are looking for something to play with your friends or family, you are gonna love this, one of the best coop games on the PS3 so far.

Not as bad as I expected based on what I'd heard. It's nothing special, but it's a decent-enough co-op shooter. The worst part is the garbage teammate AI and the weird difficulty spikes where you can just run out of ammo.

It is a easy, fun, and light hearted co-op shooter that really emphasizes cooperative play through its gameplay loop. You have chain combos and boss fights that require simultaneous shooting in order to break their gaurd, and perks and abilities that can be triggered upon simultaneous targeting with you and your buddies. It is a game to hop on with the boys that is not too difficult, nor does it try to tell an outstanding story. It is just fun.

And this was part of me playing catch-up on games I missed back in 2017.

I remember I got to a water area in the game and peaced out after that (it was just me playing as Ratchet and the AI controlling Clank not fun playing this game alone). But I did enjoy the soundtrack especially the theme you hear when you pass a village early on and a lab theme, I went out of my way to try and find those tracks because I liked them.

My least favourite R&C. Why am I doing time trial coop levels?

Adored that game as a kid, although don't really remember much of it

Used to love this game as a kid but I don’t remember sh​it so I can’t rate it

They tried something, it didn't work.

Wish I had friends to play this with lmao

A fun coop experience but nothing too much more

My final game I need to finish in my ps3 physical collection and what a limp winny to go off on a sub-par ratchet & clank spin-off
but it made me realize in this quest to finish all the games I physically own (which is not over yet... but I don't actually plan on finishing it all this year) that combined with the obscene amount of ero games decided to give it a try at (tbf most really short but still) that I have played more games this year than I have in any other year and I have a full-time job its kinda crazy my friend asked how is it possible and if I being getting sleep and a teenager on here tried to bully me for it. it's weird I feel like I burn out and go a few weeks without playing anything and then I finish like 20 games in a row and this happened multiple times and now we are in August honestly I have a lot of theories as to why this happened but I have already been rambling enough maybe I will make a youtube video about it, it would make good click bait but it would come off way too preachy and I hate that so probably not... oh well maybe I am just trying to get it all out of the way before I get a kid lmao

for the game itself it was ooooookkkkkk as a coop game but it really does not have that much going for it. it's the most different ratchet & clank game in the series mostly due to its isometric perspective and pure focus on coop also a lack of good platforming

what really soured me on this game was that my save got corrupted more than halfway through the game and I was so not into the idea of replaying everything that I probably spent more time trying to figure out a way to run a save I found online on my ps3 than the time it would take for me to play through the whole thing again

none of my family would ever play it w me the gimps

Another title where I almost want to go back and play it again with friends to see if I missed anything. I remember being very bored though.

Uuuggh why do the guns work like that

there is absolutely no point playing this solo and I get why it had to be released with the possibility to do so, but this is a co-op experience just as much as it takes two is, so i’m rating it with that in mind; a good amount of gameplay variation, strategising the best weapons to use to take down a target together, varied level design, classic R&C humour. this is a good game! sometimes even a great one. if it had been released as an exclusively cooperative game, I think it would’ve been very differently received.