Reviews from

in the past

The original go-to cowboy simulator with all the same problems that GTA has. Awful controls, brain dead repetitive time wasting missions, story progression that feels aimless at times, but it's okay because the music is really good and it really makes you feel like a cowboy™ -IGN.

Perhaps my favorite game of all time. We all know how incredible it is. No need to add more.

the prototype for modern rockstar. gta 4 was still very much following the same rules put in place by 3. RDR was when they started trying out new ideas that would be consolidated with GTA 5.
better story than 4 but with worse characters the mission design still aint nothing all that special but it feels a lot more immersive than 4.

I wish I could have gone into this game knowing nothing about any of the twists because it would have been even more engaging than it already was.

Not a good idea to play this game while comparing it to the sequel because it honestly saps the fun out of it because of the limitations that this game has compared to its successor. On its own it is quite a lot of fun with meaningful story despite some questionable pacing. Hope you like herding cows.

Rockstar cemented itself by making games where you are allowed to follow your more wild instincts and pursue criminal careers, Red Dead Redemption however asks a simple question, when all of that is done can the protagonist change for the better? And if he tries, will a far more brutal and wild society than the one we live in allow it?
Regardless of that though, Red Dead still leaves you the choice to lapse back into it or play it straight through its gameplay.

a perfect western game
created the foundation for the greatest of all time
people don't forget, nothing gets forgiven

As is usually the case for most Rockstar games, the game's outlook and worldview is pretty damn cynical and grim in this game. People die really easily from a bullet to the head. Justice doesn't come for innocent people, and the only ones who survive are scumbags and evil men... until they're backstabbed or killed by their enemies themselves.

Now this game has an impressive variety of evil characters. Marshals and deputies who care more for talking political ideals than protect their citizens, graver robbers, lying drunks, cheating frauds, angry gamblers, tyrannical dictators who rape women, revolutionary socialists who also rape women, corrupt government officials, companies who make games trashing white culture but dabble in white colonialist and capitalist practices themselves... oh, sorry. I guess that last one wasn't from the game.

And what's really interesting about the main character is that even though he can see through the facade of all of these people, he doesn't do anything to stop them. His own problems are more important to him than even some innocent people's lives. The extent of his insight are some snarky comments. Sure, he isn't racist. He isn't bigoted towards women. He can tell right from wrong in his old age, but he still acts in the interest of all the evil people listed in the paragraph above. Because he wants to get back to his own family. John Marston is a bad person, no matter how honorable you play him.

I really like John Marston as a character. He is a pretty good example of how even people with a good sense of morals can still facilitate evil in light of their own self-interest. He even does less than what he can do without putting his own interests in danger. And it's not unrealistic either; he's a tired man wronged by everyone since birth and he's impatient to quickly put the bad life behind and go back to his own family. And that leads him to killing native Americans, burning innocent people's houses, etc. His callousness causes innocent girls to die for nothing, and him not caring about other people's plight more than his own.

TL;DR the story got me thinking quite a bit. It's a good story.

The gameplay and everything else is fine. It is what you've bargained for when you pick up this kind of game. I'm sure it was more impressive back in 2010 than now, but it's not really bad right now either. It's good.

Some minor complaints are how much the game wastes your time making you riding horses on trips when there's absolutely no reason to. Some rides are nice when laced with interesting conversations, (conversation with Abraham Reyes about revolutionary heroes come to mind) but usually the rides between missions are super boring because of how big the map is.

And the environment... is a bit more scant than I would've liked. I mean GTA V and IV had the same limitations on seventh gen consoles but idk... maybe foliage is more intensive on hardware than buildings.

All in all, the story is the best part of this game. And I thoroughly enjoyed that.

"my name is john marston!!"
•beatbox insano de gaita•

Dark, atmospheric, janky, and full of memorable characters that would only be further elevated by its sequel.

Maravilhosa demais, foda, incrível, foda. Esse jogo é muito incrível

Fuck! I forgot I also played this one!

Uhm...Yeah I didn't get to finish it, but I want to! The game is pretty fun for what I got to play and it is more than just GTA but with cowboys....It also has horses!

One of the only games to make me cry

Ben de dahil birçok kişi Red Dead Redemption serisiyle ikinci oyun sayesinde tanıştı. İlk oyunun ikinci oyun kadar tanınmamasının en büyük sebebi 2010'da Xbox 360 ve PS3 için piyasaya çıktıktan sonra bilgisayar platformuna çıkış yapmamasıydı. Hâl böyle olunca birçok oyuncu zaten ilk oyunun öncesini anlatması sebebiyle seriye ikinci oyundan giriş yaptı ve ilk oyunu oynayamadı. Ben de seriye ikinci oyunla giriş yapanlardan biriyim. İkinci oyunu oynadıktan sonra çok beğenmiş ve hikâyenin devamını merak etmiştim, bu yüzden geç de olsa ilk oyunu oynadım ve bitirdim. Oyunun hikâyesini ilk oyun kadar derin bulmasam da Red Dead Redemption'ın zamanının ötesinde bir oyun olduğunu ve günümüzde dahi bana kendini oynattırabildiğini rahatlıkla söyleyebilirim.

Oyun ikinci oyunun bittiği tarihten 4 sene sonra, yani 1911'de (büyük bir kısmı 1911'de geçiyor demek daha doğru olur) geçiyor. Oyun ikinci oyunda da bulunan New Austin'de ve Meksika'nın bir kısmını harita olarak kullanıyor. Oynanış olarak oyunun doğal olarak eskidiğini ve oynanış konusunda birtakım şeylerin fazlasıyla göze battığını söyleyebilirim ancak oyunun kötü yaşlanmadığını düşünüyorum. Özellikle vuruş hissi gibi birkaç konuda oyun bana beklediğimden fazlasını verdi diyebilirim. Onun dışında her ne kadar ana karakter John Marston'ı sevsem de hikâyedeki diğer karakterlerin ilgi çekici olmadığı oyuna getirebileceğim eleştirilerin başında geliyor.

Red Dead Redemption'ın her ne kadar hikâyedeki bazı noktalarda eksiklikleri olsa ve oynanıştaki bazı konularda eskidiği görülse de bu iyi yaşlanmış bir oyun ve vahşi batı temasının en iyi oyun uyarlamalarından biri.

I love this game but I didn't personally like it as much as Red Dead Redemption 2

the perfect western game, replayed it after playing through RDR2. the gameplay/combat is way more snappy and satisfying than the prequel, switching weapons is faster, enemies have less health overall, turning off auto aim is actually feasible and cover is not necessary to fully enjoy the gunplay, the hit reactions that the weapons provide plus the sound design is also superior, this is the undeniable better game when it comes to bring an solid third-person shooter experience. only thing that I think it's better on RDR2 is the Dead Eye mechanic, it's somewhat stiff to use here.

the atmopshere and music is also outstanding, basically the perfect representation of an spaghetti western.

the dialogue and voice-acting is also pretty fantastic, Rob Wiethoff as John Marston kills it on every delivery, the ending is one of my favorites in gaming, the message behind it is tragic and mature, I can't think of an better way to end this franchise and this story.

this game also suffers from the classic Rockstar's outdated mission design though, prepare to face countless hours of horse riding and herding cows while following NPCs and go to point A to B with nothing new to offer, it's not worse than RDR2 though as the second half of the storyline is basically just shootouts and action, at least is more fun.

overall an fantastic game even today, close contender for the best game Rockstar put out on their history of incredible titles.

Great after playing its prequel

Играл на Xbox One по программе обратной совместимости, проходя сюжетные миссии и некоторые сайд-квесты.
Итак, текстуры предметов, находящихся метрах в 20-30 от игрока, детализируются на ходу. За всё время игры (15 часов) встретил около десяти багов с трясущимися телами и т.д.

Игра полностью на английском языке (пройти с субтитрами её можно на пиратке на прошитой xbox 360 или ps3). Сюжет крепкий, геймплей сочный. Графика и анимация для 2010-го года на высоте, а для меня они и сейчас смотрятся неплохо. Но вот миссии однообразны дотошно: скачи и стреляй либо из укрытия, либо верхом на лошади.

Пятерку, даже с минусом, поставить не могу, к сожалению, поскольку считаю игру переоценённой. Вторая часть на несколько голов выше оригинала, хоть и тоже грешна на разнообразие заданий

Not as amazing as the sequel but still a remarkable game.

O famigerado GTA do velho-oeste. Red Dead Redemption é fascinante.

O mundo de RDR é bastante vivo e imersivo, com muitos NPCs interativos e também uma fauna variada, principalmente as diversas raças (com atributos únicos) e cores (caramelo, preto, mesclado, cinza, etc) de cavalo.

Foi aqui que a Rockstar introduziu os encontros aleatórios que vemos hoje em GTA V e em sua sequência RDR 2. Outro elemento que gosto bastante são os diversos jogos como Liar's dice, Blackjack, e meu favorito: Poker. Os jornais impressos com notícias das coisas que acontecem no mundo dão um ar mais realista substituindo os plantões das rádios do mundo de GTA.

Como um grande fã dos longas western de Sergio Leone e Clint Eastwood, jogos como esse são um prato cheio. A inspiração mora desde o enredo até a trilha sonora, e sonoplastias como o clássico wilhelm scream.

Uma das melhores partes do jogo é com certeza quando se chega no México pela primeira vez ao som de José González. Inesquecível!

A física e as movimentações são bem suaves e envelheceram bem. Minha única reclamação é quando ocorre uma queda do personagem de algum lugar alto: muitas vezes não tem animação de colisão e o dano de queda ocorre mesmo em alturas muito baixas.

John Marston é definitivamente um dos melhores protagonistas da história dos videogames e seu arco é bastante interessante. Os demais personagens não estão tão longe assim de serem bem escritos, pois Rockstar é Rockstar, eles são excepcionais no que fazem.

No mais, RDR é um excelente título e obrigatório pra qualquer fã de mundo aberto. Uma pena um jogo lindo desse nunca ter saído pra PC.

John is underrated somewhat, not alot though. Game is great but overshadowed by 2.

the story is amazing and john marston is one of most memorable protags ive played. the multiplayer was fun too, no shark cards or any of the other microtransactions.

Any given Rockstar game is only as good as the movie it's stealing from, and video games can do a lot worse than stealing from The Wild Bunch. Of course a team of Scottish coke-addicts would be Peckinpah fans.

Still has that Rockstar tone that grates more often than it gets a laugh, but when this game cooks with the drama, it genuinely delivers. If you stripped half the first act and kept the "I Know You" quest, you'd yourself have a perfect western.

Que jogo lindo, mesmo depois de tanto tempo de feito, é uma lindeza sem iguail, e melhor mundo aberto que muitos de hoje em dia, a rockstar manda no genêro.
História muito boa, e jogar com John Marston é sensacional, e como é Red Dead, o final vai ser sempre impactante.
Os créditos finais com Deadman's Gun é inacreditavel os sentimentos.
Jogado na versão de PS4 !

Rockstar captures the western setting and the spaghetti western tone PERFECTLY. John Marston is an all-time great gaming protagonist.

This was the first game that showed me that games can be art and not just fun time passers.

The closest I was to experience La Pampa