Reviews from

in the past

First played after getting my first gaming laptop and buying a year of Origin PC pass or whatever it was called.
At first the game seems fun and addicting but you don't realize how perfect and well-balanced it is until you play for much much longer. Got all achievements on steam and beat A20.

Still haven't hit A20 on a single character after over 400 hours. 🙃

Continuing my year filled with Roguelikes is another fantastic entry!
Slay the spire is a straightforward card battler roguelike. You pick one of 4 characters, go through levels defeating enemies and coming across random events, and further increase your deck. Runs only last around an hour at most, and the variety of enemies + situations encountered isn't extensive. That level of variety is a double-edged sword: you can learn the details of the game over a dozen runs, but once you learn it all it can become a test to blaze through it without any new mystery to uncover.
In terms of gameplay, it's a simple turn-based battler using cards. The satisfaction of planning out a turn or encounter is awesome. I'm a huge fan of action economy overall so as a JRPG/TTRPG fan it's simple to pick up and enjoy. The 4 characters are each unique and fun in their own ways due to the gimmick/playstyles as well as the specific decks and available cards they can use. For me, Defect > Silent > Watcher = Ironclad. It would be nice to have more characters or build diversity, but it's a fun set to utilize as is. Defect is my beloved, as I clamor together a power card spamming build on each run. I beat Act 4 with Defect twice (once base difficulty, once on ascension 1), which alongside beating act 3 with all characters I consider to be the game "beaten" for the purposes of this review.
The aesthetics of the game are good but nothing too special, though I appreciate the character and monster designs (alongside the fun events you can stumble into on a run). The music had minimal impact on me as I was playing on a low volume Steam Deck. The story is kind of there? It's minimal with bits and pieces of worldbuilding, but there's no cutscenes or major story beats. It's a straightforward world that serves as a vehicle to play cards and beat dudes. Passable stuff that likely won't leave a lasting impact for me.
Overall, it's an absolute blast to play and surprising I haven't gotten to this game before. Similar to other Roguelikes I've picked up like Balatro, I can 100% see myself returning to this game purely for the enjoyment factor. I copped it at a cheap price due to a Steam sale, so it's absolutely worth picking up if you're looking for a card battler and/or a roguelike to scratch your itch. Now is the perfect time with StS2 on the horizon!

Great original card based dungeon roguelike

Slay the Spire is a game that has kept my interest since I bought it. It isn't a game I play often, but every time I do boot it up, I have a lot of fun with it.

The game is good. The mechanics are simple but also deep, I never could understand enough about the game to get hooked. I just never got good at this game. But I love the characters in the game and how they play differently

I'm bad at deck building games

(Ascension 10 on Ironclad, Heart with all characters)

- If you are on Ascension 0 (default/first difficulty), losses are 100% your fault and you just need to rethink your strategy.
- Adding cards instead of skipping makes your deck stronger on average in the early game, but bigger decks are less consistent later on.
- Look for card combos for the mid-late game that stack in power over time (aka "scaling")
- Many powerful cards and potions with downsides use debuffs which can be negated with artifacts.
- The Act 3 soft counter bosses can still be beaten with those decks and you have time to pivot from the start of the Act.
- Snecko Eye isn't good because it randomizes costs, it's good because you draw 2 more cards every turn.
- You don't need to block an attack if the enemy dies.
- Kill Elites now to get power for later.
- A less consistent deck is a slower deck.
- HP is a resource you are spending to buy encounter rewards.
- Bludgeon can be card draw, block, or energy gain. Read this MTG article until you understand why:

Favorite character: Ironclad, favorite cards by character: Bludgeon, Calculated Gamble, Biased Cognition, Blasphemy.

Better balanced than your favorite RPG.

7/7 Would join another bird cult

It's nice but I'd sure love to have those 1800+ hours of my life back.

This is a game you could play forever.

"We fused card games and roguelikes together to make the best single player deckbuilder we could." That's pretty much what they did, and they nailed it. Tons of replayability already, and mods keep the variety and challenge going. Fantastic roguelike.

only got to like ascension 5 lol

log date marked for when I completed the ending with the last character I needed. I'm to dumb to try and make it to higher ascensions

great roguelike! I'm bad at building decks for TCG's but the gradual way you do it here makes it easy to figure out your gameplan as you go along. I've put tons of hours into this across like 4 different platforms and don't really get tired of it. great game.

Slay the Spire's combination of deckbuilding and roguelike mechanics gives you the freedom to create your own builds and playstyle, while still making the progression of every run smooth.

It's fun, but you sorta get to a point where you know what works and what doesn't so you just reset till you get a lucky start

Inspired a genre. The best OG Deckbuilding Roguelike. Super fun, great modding community, so much replayability.

Diversão pura, se tu curte card games ou roguelikes tu tem que jogar esse. Ele só é meio feinho coitado.

Simple and addicting, with enough variation to keep you coming back. The game is strictly balanced to a fault, but nothing beats the feeling of finally breaking it.

I went back to base game Slay the Spire recently after spending a lot of time exploring mods and other roguelike deckbuilders derived from StS's foundation - base Slay the Spire may seem basic in comparison to all the creative iterations found around the genre, but it's still really solid and remains my favorite deckbuilder. I have yet to find another one that matches the juice provided by Slay the Spire's sound design.

Uno de los mejores juegos indie que ha jugado en mi vida. 150 h le he echado

Slay the Spire is a very good game that I have some very specific gripes with. For the most part, it is an interesting deckbuilding roguelike with a lot of smart design in terms of how its systems interact. I like that each of the four playable characters have not just different cards they have access to, but multiple, wholly separate playstyles that they can focus on within their class-based cards. A lot of the cards and relics lend themselves to really fun combinations that feel very satisfying to pull off, when it works.

I say "when it works" because... what I don't like is how often the game seemingly expects you to have all the stars align to get a deck you can actually work with. Want a small deck you can quickly loop through? Too bad, you simply won't have the openings to get the junk out in time. Need a specific card on your next draw? You'll probably eat a lot of damage if you don't get it because of bad RNG. And of course, sometimes you just get a random boss battle that hard counters your deck, well past the point where you could pivot it into something else.

And I know, I know. Roguelike! You're supposed to just start another run and try again. But I do think it would be nice to have a bit more wiggle room on most things, because there's a lot of fun design here. I think it'd be even more fun if I felt like I had enough of a safety net to be free to experiment without endangering my whole run. It's something where I feel like FTL does it a bit better.

It may be the perfect video game. Excited to try the board game version later.

Remarkably addictive and satisfying to play, with a low floor and a high ceiling. Despite somewhat bland character graphics and battle animations, the UX is snappy and appealing.