Reviews from

in the past

The base ultimate roster already had me content, after the initial 69 were unveiled I just along for the ride, I didn't really care. Whenever I'd get forced to answer the titular question, I would just say Banjo and Kazooie. That Monkey's Paw had some plans for me then

Pretty epic fighter(s) to get, even after Microsoft purchased Rare.

EN MI OPINIÓN, el mejor de todos, al igual que Byleth, realmente no agrega nada nuevo, pero, al ser muy similar en algunas cosas a Mario, se me hace mucho más fácil de maniobrar y hacer buenos combos, así como tener un escenario que ojalá fuese un juego nuevo....

40 year old man babies wanted this character. They played him for 2 seconds, realized how boring this character is, and dropped him. Maybe the most disappointing character in the game

If you wanted Banjo in Smash that's very cool, I just don't care and apparently you don't either since I see no one play as him.

Animations are A1 but actually playing them is kinda miserable. Their entire gameplan is to annoy and frustrate you with weak eggs until you forget to dodge Wonderwing. Moving around is a pain in the ass 'cos their airspeed is sooo slooooooow. As a Banjo-Kazooie fan, I'm really disappointed, and my faith in Sakurai to design fun characters has never recovered.
Look at how they massacred my boy.

Still the highlight of the DLC though.

this and Dragon Quest in the same day, Sakurai was aiming at me in particular

Somehow better than Hero. All I can really say right now.

outside of watching old YouTube videos of it back in the day, I can't really say that I really grew up with the Banjo-Kazooie franchise so my reaction ended up just being "oh whoa they finally did it that was unexpected" on top of that I just think the pack is alright. nice gameplay, nice stage, nice music but nothing too mind-blowing.

that said, seeing all the people who did grew up with this game and characters cheer and cry tears of joy when these two were revealed put a big smile on my face, so that's deserves a high rating in my book :^)

Minus one star because they're not Crash

they listened to my smash ballot vote i made in 2015…. you’re welcome….


Love them so much, such a good representation of the characters, the absolute best animated characters in the game, seeing them and Spiral Mountain rendered like this after so long was an unreal feeling, i really like how their moveset let you set your own pace for the match just like playing BK and feeling the difference in the raw power of Banjo and the sharp hits of kazooie that add up with just how persistent she is with her attacks i so good. Love the Spiral Mountain stage it looks beautifull and plays well, the remixes of old songs are fantastic too, just wished theyd have some from Banjo-Tooie that goes for the stage cameos too, though the ones we do have look fantastic

"We are a celebration of gaming history!" proceeds to make the first representative of a major rival gaming company a character that's entire legacy is being used as a console war forum-weapon against them and nothing else

Pretty well-balanced for a Smash DLC, but that isn't saying much. Doesn't exactly portray the British wit of the source material all that well (not having a fart sound for down B is a felony). Nice to have some unremixed, tinky-tonky N64 music though. Ultimately, as I said, there's no justification for putting these two in before a true Xbox character, and the fact Nintendo is selling plastic toys of characters people voted for on the ballot without payment makes any inclusion influenced by it icky, even if I end up liking that pick.

Reveal: 4.5/5
Character: 3/5
Stage: 3/5
Music: 4/5

Banjo himself is fine, but you just had to be there for the reveal.

"What's The Name Of The Brown Bear From We Bare Bears?"
– "Grizz"
"Grizz And... Bear Fri- No Actually, Grizz And Woody Woodpecker"

that side B is just devastating. a war crime.

Several years on and I still don't care about this series. Happy for the people who wanted him tho

Banjo-Kazooie were my most wanted characters in Smash. Their moveset is faithful to the games and I am somewhat decent at using them. Spiral Mountain is a cool stage too and the music selection is good. Overall, I'm very satisfied with the bear & bird's inclusion in the most ambitious video game crossover.

An absolute love letter to fans of the N64 classics.

3* - a great lesson to be careful what you wish for, beg too hard for a character and they might end up shit

They're a really good choice but I have no fun playing them.

Even as someone who's never played a Banjo game but knows about the series through YouTubers I watched as a kid, I remember being blown away when these two were revealed as playable Smash characters at E3 2019. I straight up dropped my phone when the jiggy bounced and I couldn't image how actual Banjo fans felt at that moment. The character himself imo is fine. It's not a playstyle that personally clicks with me but I don't find it infuriating or disappointing like many others tend to see it and I like all the references to the source material packed in.

The stage and music are really the best that they could do when it comes to Banjo Kazooie. Spiral Mountain was the go to pick from the beginning and Freezeezy Peak's theme is all I needed.

Inclusion: The score might tell you otherwise, but I don't really mind Banjo as an inclusion. I'm not super fond of the games he comes from but I'm aware that he's pretty beloved by the community, even if I think his relevance in gaming is grossly overhyped. Now that the passes are done, he also stands out from all of the other DLC by being a "scrimblo" as people say. He fits well with the other legacy characters and his looks have a ton of personality.

Fighter: I don't like how Banjo plays at all. His playstyle is incredibly boring when played optimally both as or against him, and his agressive manuvers aren't super interesting. There's another DLC character that's far worse in this regard, but Banjo is definitely one of my least favorites in Ultimate or this.

Stage: This stage would be perfectly fine, I like the setting and think its a really strong environment. But the moments where the stage spins ruin the whole thing for me. Beyond how it affects the layout, like how the bridge to Gruntilda's lair just appears and disappears in rotation, the way the whole stage spins independent of the characters makes it incredibly disorienting to play on, far more than any other stage with moving parts. It's one of the first Ultimate stages I turn off with random settings.

Music: I'm not too passionate about the music, but I think it's really cool that they actually got Grant Kirkhope to compose an original remix for the game, especially since he's the only western composer to do a remix.

Yeah, aside from his existence and the music, I don't really like anything about this pack.