Reviews from

in the past

Superliminal's perspective distorting mechanic is gradually abandoned in favor of poorly explained, less interesting mechanics.

Some okay puzzles, but mostly really boring, though I'll give it props for spookiness. Thank god it's kind of short.

its cool, puzzles are great, but some are confusing/weirdly made. its just a decent, fairly interesting game.

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Really cool puzzle solving game with a surprisingly thoughtful message at the end.

Such a fantastic and unique little puzzle game with an amazing soundtrack. Definitely worth playing for sure, especially if you like media involving dreams and liminal spaces.

Its stanley parable but with worse puzzles and less charm

Perfect puzzle game, my only issue with it being that it was too short.

Super cool gameplay. It was short enough that it didn't really get old. But overall just felt like a tech demo :/

obviously very creative concept for the medium but also implementing the concept into the gameplay as a both challenging and fun way is very hard to pull off. yeah art direction seems colorful and clean but it feels unnecessarily sterile and without character. they should've draw a line between making a homage and directly ripping off with portal and the stanley parable honestly. everything felt soulless to me, maybe i'm too jaded.


I took this game as a suggestion from a good friend of mine. He doesn’t play games avidly, but he had some good words to say regarding Superliminal, and I just so happened to find it was on sale.

I didn’t really know what I was walking into with Superliminal, the game really went under my radar, I think that I might have seen about a second clip of one of the first rooms with the giant chess pieces and that was about it. All that I knew going into it was that it was a puzzle game, and that part on top of my pals comment is really what caught me with this game.

When the game starts, you’re greeted with your traditional set of hallways, creating some space between the starting point, and the first puzzle. Well, I don’t even know if it was a puzzle, because what I didn’t know was that I could grab that chess piece from the opposite side of the room and then suddenly make it MASSIVE. I just walked past it, and the game was like “by the way…”. The main gimmick of Superliminal is to play around with the interactable items in the levels, and use depth perception to create platforms and traverse through the rooms of the institute, eventually finding your own path, and breaking the flow that the curators have intended for you, eventually twisting the “reality” that’s been created for you.

With each chapter, it starts very similarly, waking up to an alarm clock, the time progressing with every revisit, and the scenery making a change with it. You might revisit the institution from the first lap, or you might find yourself as a guest to a luxurious dinner hall. I think that one of the best parts about the level design with this game, which goes hand-in-hand with the overall moral of the game, and it creates an entirely fresh scenario, which nearly brings it into a psychological horror realm of freaky when you throw in the audio design, and the use of dimming the lights in what I think was a recreation of one of the very first stages, suddenly it became my favorite section in the game.

I can speak plenty of praises on the overall design of the game, and I’ve spoken some praises on the use of depth perception in this game, but playing the whole game in one sitting might have soured my stance on it when you ONLY really solve puzzles with depth perception, and often the same type of puzzle. Doing the same tricks to solve very similar puzzles became tedious approaching the halfway point in this game, but luckily, there is a redemption period of the game, being able to manipulate the players size in order to solve the puzzles using a loop of doorways was a nice little wrench in the works to keep me interested until the very end.

As I mentioned, the moral of the story falls into place with the puzzles that you solve in the game, as well as the story that the game tells you in the background over the speakers and radios in the game, but if you’re looking to give this game a try, I shall leave it ambiguous, and up to you to play the game yourself to discover what I mean.

Superliminal is a nice puzzle game experience that you can either pad out for the long haul, or decide to speedrun your way through, as the game developers seem to encourage. The game gets a 5/10 from me right now, and should I decide to run for the platinum, it’ll receive a ridiculous amount of chess pieces later…

Le jeu parfait pour le youtubeur que tu detestes le +

I wish it was longer, but this is fair. Super unique, great puzzle game.

Fun little game, If only it was longer

trippy. fun. but still trippy.

The story and difficulty are a bit underwhelming, but the core gameplay and cool visual moments are really satisfying. A short and sweet experience I may go back to for the platinum.

Pior q eu gostei mto
Quando eu terminei só tinha uma vontade: Jogar mais.

Cooles Feature - trägt nicht das ganze Spiel

felt like playing a very well polished version of the tech demo that was on youtube years ago. which is not bad! i just wish the story felt a bit more interesting. the puzzles are great and the vibes are rancid (positive)

puzzle games automatically win against valorant because they require you to think at the very least

fun puzzles and trippy experience!

Really trippy, really fun puzzle game. The main puzzle mechanic is always being used in new and interesting ways across the various stages of the game which stops it from getting repetitive and boring. Exactly what I look for in a good puzzle game.

The game feels like the perfect length as well. It took me a couple of sessions to finish it but it didn't feel too long. There's some end-game completionist content you can do at the end if you want more of a challenge though.

A ideia e a mecânica do jogo é bem divertida, mas sei lá, achei meio entediante do meio pro final, principalmente o final

Leshoid gives it a: cool!
Beaten on the: 29/05/24