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Portal-esque puzzle game where perspective is everything. My mind was tricked on numerous occasions, I would love to play more like this in the future. Very short, would have preferred more challenging puzzles.

The game had a really cool existential theme going for it, but then they totally abandon it in the end to make the message more general..alright then, I guess.

The gameplay is kind of same-y, but it really really get old. They find new ways to make the same mechanics have many many uses. This game is really creative, and definitely worth checking out

of all the things video games learned from Portal, I'm glad "you're allowed to be short and to the point" is one of them

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esse jogo é complicado pq é muito legal de se jogar mas MUITO MESMO, porém o role metaforico profundo etc etc de first person pós stanley parable nao colou im sorry

one of the best puzzle games i've ever played. so many original ideas, the game kept me going "no way" throughout the full game. apart from one puzzle I didn't have much problems.

Mechanics meet text meet subtext meet mechanics again, just one colossal wheel of kaleidoscopic madness. And, best of all, it just so happens to have a tremendously sweet beating heart, underneath all of the cubes, rubber ducklings and fire alarms.

Change your perspective, change your life!

Superliminal is a must-have for fans of puzzle games. The main gameplay mechanic involves manipulating your perspective of objects relative to your position in order to traverse a bizarre and surreal dreamscape. While the main story can be easily completed in a sitting or two, the final portion of the campaign is a major highlight.

Workshop support has also been added, and at the time of writing, custom level tools have been implemented, which is always appreciated.

Un puzle gigante que rompe con tus expectativas constantemente, es imposible de explicar la sensación más que no para de sorprenderte durante TODO el juego. Increíble juego, precioso mensaje y de lo mejor que he jugado en mi puta vida, dios es increíble

Game made me feel sick as fuck and was the same shit on loop

I'm a sucker for puzzle platformers, and Superliminal does not disappoint. The game revolves around a key concept - Perception IS Reality - which sounds simple on it's face but gets weirder and more complex the further along you get, both in the gameplay and in the story. Reminds me at points of Antichamber, which is high praise as far as I'm concerned. If you played and liked Antichamber, either Portal game, or The Stanley Parable, I would definitely give this a shot. It's a bit on the short side, but the core conceit is well-explored, so it doesn't feel like you're missing out. There's also an option for user-generate content on Steam, although I haven't messed with it much, and I imagine that comes with all the normal pitfalls of UGC.

While it wasn't the tricky, mind bending puzzler that I expected - Superliminal's range of puzzles feels exhausted by the midway point - I still came out of this one completely satisfied.

It's not a puzzle game, it's a walking sim. Excellent visuals, trippy and creative scripted sequences, and an engaging story told largely through solid voiceover work as you explore the games surreal world.

A couple of hours long, can be played in one sitting, definitely worth taking a look at


In einem Rutsch beendet. Ein fantastischer Knobler, der mit der Perspektive und dessen Manipulation arbeitet, und dabei dem Spieler ein gesundes Maß an räumlichen Denken abverlangt. Zwischen den Aufgaben wird auch eine Geschichte eines Schlaf- bzw. Traumexperiments erzählt, währenddessen gibt's – ganz PORTAL-2-like – Seitenhiebe in Richtung des Spielers, wenn eine synthetische Stimme uns zum x-ten Mal ermahnt, die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen missachtet zu haben oder der zu behandelnde, allwissende Arzt über ein Kassettendeck mit uns über uns redet.

Der Valve-Vergleich kommt nicht von ungefähr: Diese liefen mit einer ähnlichen Idee – seit Veröffentlichung der ORANGE BOX – jahrelang schwanger, haben daraus aber nichts gemacht, obwohl der Pitch für ein PORTAL-Prequel eingereicht wurde. Nach Veröffentlichung von SUPERLIMINAL wurde bekannt, dass Valve diesen nun an ein anderes Studio abgetreten hat. Dieses Spiel namens PUNT sollte aber schon letztes Jahr erschienen sein... nichts Genaues weiss man nicht.

Was SUPERLIMINAL aber dem Quasi-Vorbild voraus hat: Das Ende.
Dies werde ich hier natürlich nicht spoilen, aber wie hier die Prämisse des Spiels auf etwas höheres und wichtigeres gemünzt wird, hat mich wirklich unvorbereitet aus den Socken kegeln lassen.

I loved every Minute of this Game!
Once again Indie Developers blew my Mind with such great Innovations.
This is by far the most mindf*cked Game i played since Portal 2...maybe even more! :O
The whole Time i was thinkin' how they programmed such Puzzles and Mechanics - It's like MAGIC!

Buy it if you like Puzzle Games like Portal or Quantum Conondrum. Or even if you want something more Relaxing. And also, if you want to be in constant "Whoa" ;)
But don't buy this Game, if you want senseless Action.

Puzzles are easy and controls are frusturated me a lot. I have complaints about game design but the story wrapped up everything good.

This was great! I just wish it did more with its fantastic main mechanic. Story was kind of “there” for most of it but it strangely made me emotional during the final moments.

How dare this awesome little puzzle game get me all emotional by the end

It's a bit longer than I'd like (and the controls are a bit too finicky as well), but the final stretch is one of the most visually arresting sequences I've ever played. I haven't played a game that leveraged the medium to its advantage this well since The Beginner's Guide.

easily one of the best puzzle games i've ever played. will make your head hurt in a good way

Dreams, their curators, and the dreamers that perceive them. Takes on a bit much from Portal in its opening half with the humorous quips and jabs at the player but settles into something exponentially touching as it closes. It may be obvious to say this evokes Kaufman like vibes but the influence is there and it feels deserved. Whatever the game lacks in conceptual ambition it makes up for in sheer brevity. It does enough to make the simple two-three hour experience fly by and for a game that moved me to tears that is all I could ask for.

It's a creative idea for a game....that didn't quite hit right for me. I'm glad I played it, but that's about it.

So...that was one of the greatest things I've ever played.

I've never been asked to think this way before. That alone makes Superliminal a worthwhile experience, but it's so packed full of ideas pushing it further and further and further that it ascends to something truly great.

Playing this game is like getting to experience as an adult what it felt like to be a toddler playing with simple toys and random objects just to figure out how the world works. It awakens that long-dormant part of the brain that I haven't experienced since being a young child myself. It's fucking magical, and nearly every area I was dropped into gave me multiple of those pure giggles that come from making something work in a way you'd never considered before. It's the sheer stress, fear, uncertainty, and joy of learning condensed into the most tightly bound package possible. Plus the genuine love for the player that Superliminal radiates feels like a warm hug.


I will say: take the derealization / dissociation warning seriously. I've struggled with these things and this game was not a trigger for me, but I can absolutely imagine it being one if I played it in the wrong moment. Just know your limits...I think this has real therapeutic value when it comes to those issues, but the risks are real too.

cool as fuck, does a lot of very interesting stuff. only problems with this game is that it's too short and that i wasn't a huge fan of some the puzzles near the end of the game, but most of the puzzles in this game are great and the presentation is really good too. try not to look anything up if possible since you're gonna get a better experience if you solve it yourself, but that's kinda a given for puzzle games

Bought and played through today. Pretty pog and cool as a concept. A few times were pretty solid and immersive. Kinda like stanley parable in that its just weird and a very Unreal Engine feeling third person movement game but still pretty good. Really liked the effect of heavier things making different noises and phsyically shaking the screen. Solid work throughout

One of the best story-based puzzle games we played last year. It didn't overstay its welcome but we also secretly wish there were more puzzles in the game...

A very nice little puzzle game.
Big fan of the concept, executed very well.

Really cool puzzles I've never seen before in video games. Has an interesting message at the end of the game and it is the perfect length for a puzzle game. Basically Portal 1 but newer.

Good game my only wish is that it was a little longer because i felt like some new mechanics were dropped too fast

great game remember liking the story