Reviews from

in the past

Despite the cool theme, good presentation and generally solid fundamentals, this game wasn't quite engaging enough for me to give it a tepid positive recommendation. It's not bad by any means but it just didn't grab me that much. It's a decent point & click, I didn't dislike it.

I liked the story rooted in Chinese mythology, even though I know woefully little about the subject. The game was very much willing to educate with all of the journal entries which was nice. There were a handful of poignant moments which I find games struggle to accomplish without being really corny.

On the other hand the puzzles ranged from "made me feel clever" to "brute forcing a solution is the intended route" which had me resorting to a walkthrough rather than grind out solutions in puzzles not built for multiple goes.

Interesting game that didn't outstay its welcome.

Very concise and well-crafted experience. The puzzles were engaging without being too difficult, the narrative had its twists and surprisingly emotional moments. The game respects your time and cut on unnecessary backtracking or exploration. The length was just perfect - not too short and didn't overstay its welcome.

But perhaps the best aspect of The Rewinder is its setting - it's heavily based into Chinese folklore, its mythology and deities. The game deals with this in a very digestible and approachable way, with tons of glossary entries and expositive dialogue which don't feel out of place and helps us (speaking as a westerner myself) get immersed into its rich lore. I love when a media piece allows us a window into the culture and customs of a different people.

The game oozes passion and feels a labor of love. Big props to Misty Mountain Studio!

The Rewinder - A Review

I remember being interested in this game solely based on the beauty of its visuals, initially. The pixelated art re-creating the aesthetics of Chinese ink paintings was extremely appealing to my eyes.

The game has a solid narrative structure and often dives into great detail about a lot of aspects and historical elements to build its world. As you progress, it helps the player build a bond and connection with the present characters, their plight and individual journey.

At first, I didn’t think I’d connect to the extent that I did, which was quite surprising and pleasant.

The game has a lot of interesting puzzle pieces that the player is required to solve in order to advance. Each of these puzzles have very specific mechanisms behind them and demands patience on the player’s part to proceed. The advantage is that the game will provide you support and a bit of guidance on how you could solve them. Trust me, the patience is worth it and solving them feels extremely rewarding. I’d advice sitting with a notebook and pen to solve them since noting down details will help you to remember details and thus, solve with ease.

It’s also an aspect I personally enjoyed because it made me nostalgic in association to taking me back to high school days of solving logic based math problems to arrive at appropriate solutions. Nice touch but far more creative.

Though, the game goes into great detail, I would prefer to dive even deeper since the plot points and lore fascinated me to no end. I’m trying not to be specific since I don’t want to touch upon the spoilers, but I have a feeling there’s more to come and I can’t wait for it. Super stoked for it.

I’m glad I decided to invest in this game, it’s been a positive experience and I look forward to exploring more of its beauty ahead.

The Rewinder is a point-and-click adventure game set based on mythological China. In the game you play as Yun who can explore people's memories to alter the past. First off, the setting is pretty unique, the closest comparison I can compare to is Detective Di which was set in ancient China. The gameplay here though was the big selling point for me. I love when point-and-click adventure games go beyond simple combine items and talk to people puzzles. Here there are lots of logic puzzles that are really well integrated with the story. On top of that there is also the memory manipulation mechanic which involves trying to change people's mind to alter the past. I found solving these puzzles really satisfying and payed through the whole game without looking up anything other than the default orientation for a magic square. There are a few quick time puzzles I didn't enjoy, but weren't too difficult.

I wasn't really blown away by the plot or the characters and the game reuses the same scenes for different puzzles so you don't get to go on a big adventure. I know these are things that most people prioritize with these kind of games, but I recommend it based on the puzzles alone. 4/5

The Rewinder is a story based around Yaoguai and the afterlife. A well written adventure where "The Rewinder" is tasked with investigating missing souls in the afterlife from a village that has been destroyed by an unknown source. By using their abilities, The Rewinder can enter the memories of the villagers and change their decisions to save them from this reality.

The pixel art style is expressive and the soundtrack is immersive. The characters are solid and there is even a prequel DLC to purchase.

It's worth checking out if you are interested in Asian/Chinese stories.

Thought this would be up my alley as a short puzzle game with cultural horror themes, but it seemed to fall short. The puzzles failed to get more interesting and the memory levels were a really fascinating idea but after the second one they seemed to regress in complexity, which was a huge disappointment for such a great concept. The setting and narrative were great, and the lore was fascinating, but I still found myself losing grip on the game near the ending, despite it being a short experience.

There were also bugs - I lost several minutes of progress at least 2-3 times after getting in a bad state or thinking the game saved when it hadn't really.

I feel like it's probably great if you like 2D puzzle games like this.

Like the original and fresh setting as well as the art style. Some of the puzzles were fun to figure out as well. However, the gameplay mechanics are a bit confusing and took a lot of time to get used to. Could have been better tutorialized.

Too many mechanical puzzles. Blegh