Reviews from

in the past

bought most of the dlcs during steam’s summer sale, much better bang for your buck compared to the sims 4

mucho mas arrecho q la mierda de los sims 4

fun house building simulator, shame about all the dlcs

Ah, the Sims. The strictly forbidden game according to Mom, while I was under 13. That was so frustrating, I could watch my older siblings play it but I wasn't allowed to. I get why that was a rule, but back then I'd just adopt kids. I was innocent, didn't know about things until I was a teen and erm, came across it playing this game. Anyways, so yeah, once I became a teenager, I was allowed to play this game. And boy, did I! I remember spending the vast majority of my summers playing this game, as well as most of the free time I had. What if that whole thing is what made me a dedicated gamer? What then?

El mejor de Los Sims. Desborda personalidad, mejoró muchos elementos del HUD y herramientas de creación. Las animaciones son superfluidas y podía pasar horas jugando, construyendo y adornando mi casa al ritmo de uno de mis soundtracks favoritos. De lo que ha desarrollado Maxis, creo que este es su mejor juego. Un mundo en el que cualquiera podría desaparecer por horas y horas.

My sister played this a lot and it was fun watching her play.

For personal reference more than anything else.

Played for over a couple of days because I was in the mood for it and also I wanted to write this. Have played this a lot over the last 10 years and it was my first PC Sims game. Will be like what I wrote for This Sims 2 and will look at how this game feels while taking the rest of the franchise into account rather than trying to look at it on its own or for when it came out.

To start off with, I really like this game and due to it not only being an important milestone in my history of The Sims but also my main Sims game for a fair few years, I'm a bit more positive towards it compared to a few of the other games in the series. With that said though I'm still going to note what issues I have with it.

But first is Create-A-Sim and its a massive improvement over the previous games, there are so many options when it comes to customising your sims, you can make a supernatural sim straight from CAS and there's been an overhaul of the personality system. The points are gone and now there's traits, I really like the traits and I think its the best way of giving sims distinct personalities. While I was playing I saw sims dumpster diving, wanting to tell my sim their plot to take over the world and when speaking to a couple I would learn one of their traits which made me re-evaluate how I was interacting with them (a sim I was considering as the romantic partner for my sim turned out to be unflirty so I decided to scrap my plan and go for someone else). There are a lot of traits to choose from (I was playing base game only and was surprised by just how many there were) and having 5 slots makes it so the sims feel more multifaceted in their personality, even with all the years I've played I still haven't used them all and there are some that I could easily see bringing a new way of playing (like a challenge of sorts). The aspirations have now been replaced by lifetime wishes that also have a fair amount to choose from and I'm also a fan of.

I quite like how the sims look in this game (although I do think that I prefer how they look in other games) and I don't really have the issue of creating sims that look alike, because altering specific parts of them feels like it works quite well and is quite simple. The hair and outfits are generally good and there's a good amount that I really like but due to the time the game/expansions came out, some things are very much a product of their time and in all honesty just look really bad to me but there's enough choice so that I don't have to feel like I choose a hair or outfit I don't like.

Unfortunately though CAS and the game as a whole can have a pretty big problem and that's how it runs. While I don't use a gaming PC or laptop and never have done, the laptops I have had over the years (including my current one) are at the recommended specs of the game (at least going off of what it says on the EA App thing) and yet the game can run pretty terribly if I try to use more than 2 or so packs. If I have more than this then the game will run very slowly and start crashing after about an hour and a half of playtime in a save and CAS will take ages to load all of the clothing options, making choosing outfits in this game feel very annoying and not worth doing just to save me the hassle. I really don't like this as creating a sim is one of my favourite parts of these games. I wouldn't have too much of an issue if it wasn't for the fact that I know this is an incredibly common problem for this game and also that Sims 4 (where I'm pretty sure I've got more packs than I do with this one) doesn't have this issue for me, yet came out 5 years after this game. As it stands though, this is my biggest problem with this game and the reason that I struggle to come back to it.

However, one aspect of this game that is probably the reason why it can run so badly but is also one of if not the main reason I come back to it is the open world. I don't always get a chance to fully explore the worlds in this game but the fact its there and that it really brings something to the standard Sims gameplay makes it one of my favourite things that the series has done. Being able to just go anywhere at anytime is great and even though a lot of the locations are rabbit holes that doesn't really matter to me as the areas that aren't, like the park, beach and graveyard are fun to go to and do whatever in, but also it still makes the world feel real and I just love it. This game being the only Sims game to implement this (aside from the Wii port of this game from what I've seen) really helps the game stand out and gives me a reason to come back to this game as often as I do.

Something else this game brings to the table is an unbelievable amount of what I consider to be improvements, most of the things I had an issue with in Sims 2 are gone. You can have more than one save file, lifespans are not only changeable but are so good that you get a really specific lifespan with each life stage being the length you want it to be. There's a map so its now incredibly easy to get to anywhere you want, you don't need to go out of your way to get groceries or a mobile phone, you actually learn things about other sims and can find out what their personality is like and whether or not they're single. Playing through this game not long after Sims 2 and also re-reading what I wrote for that game really opened my eyes as to how much changed and I am so grateful as it makes the game less annoying and quite fun to play.

As for the DLC for the game, its quite good and it feels like when it comes to this game's take on the series mainstays it manages to get it the most right I think in a couple of cases. University Life is at its best purely because of the open world, that is exactly what a pack like that needs, it also has a gameplay loop that feels different from the core Sims gameplay. Pets is also at its best here as you can actually play as the pets themselves which offers its own type of gameplay that is pretty fun.

Seasons is good as the festivals are nice to do and can just feel like a special moment as its fun to take part in the activities and can be great for something like a family day out or a date. Late Night gets a special pass from me as it was the first expansion pack I got, but in all fairness I do enjoy the city-based packs as I really like living in the apartments. Ambitions is decent enough as while I'm kind of lukewarm on the professions in this pack, I've always loved the inventing mechanic (mainly for when you get the ability to detonate objects as I get great enjoyment from going into other Sims' homes and blowing up their toilet or whatever).

Supernatural is the second pack I got and I really liked it when I was younger and was even really looking forward to it before I got the game which was why I asked for it. But having played the supernatural type sims in 4 have kind of made me look at them in this game and notice how little there is to do with them and how they get kind of boring a bit too quickly. Generations is neat I guess but I don't really use much from it outside of CAS items (probably because I don't play with families all that often). Showtime is sort of interesting but the showbusiness theme doesn't interest me much here (I greatly prefer Get Famous from 4 when it comes to the celebrity stuff in this series) and while I enjoy a city pack for each game I don't exactly feel like I need more than one for each game. World Adventures seems good but almost never gets used by me. Into the Future is admittedly quite a cool concept and I enjoy when an entry in this series will try something different but I don't really think it actually works all that well as a Sims experience and I severely dislike the CAS items from this pack so much and the teleporter appearing two seconds after you start a new game every time (same can be said for recruitment Llama from University).

So while most of the packs offer at least something for me, something to note is that I'm pretty sure that this game has the most things in it. Every pack feels like it brings a high amount of stuff and that is another thing that gives Sims 3 its identity, but in all honesty its something I have mixed feelings on. I like the idea of there being a lot of stuff to do in the game but I feel like if I ever try to engage with it, I don't spend too long before I'm done with it. Supernatural has multiple types of supernatural sims but they just don't feel like they offer much gameplay outside of a five to ten minute play around and then moving on to something else, the professions in Ambitions each feel different from each other and are fun to use like once but then they just get repetitive and then there's just the packs that feel like they do so many little things like Generations but realistically get used once or twice by me before I forget about them and never really feel the need to use them again. There are some things that certainly stick for me though and I use them a fair amount.

The thing is though when the game is itself recommending to not play with too many packs and one of the biggest things about this game is how much there is to do (at least that's the way I see it), it becomes all too apparent just how little time I spend with the various stuff the expansions bring. But saying this, playing with nothing but the base game can still lead to a great time and the game doesn't need all that other stuff to make it interesting as it does the Sims experience really well by itself, I came out of playing base game only still really liking it and that shows what a good game this is at its core.

A couple of scattered thoughts:

• The music is good but I don't quite think its as strong as Sims 2's music.

• Building houses in this game is great and I have no real issues with it.

I think this is a great game and because of when I played it and my relationship to it, its really special to me. I don't exactly come back to it all the time and I do have some issues with it but the good absolutely outweighs the bad here and its more than likely one of my favourite Sims games.

Specification-breaking for its time.

mais conteudo base do que o the sims 4, mas que sofre do mesmo problema

Poucos jogos assumem para si a proposta e ambição de ser um "simulador de vida" e, mesmo com todas as suas limitações, The Sims 3 é o maior e o melhor expoente do gênero.

Antes de tudo creio que produzir uma crítica à The Sims 3, ou qualquer outro jogo da franquia, se utilizando de "parâmetros tradicionais" e uma lógica padrão de avaliação de jogos de simulação é um tanto quanto equivocado. As mecânicas e sistemas de The Sims podem parecer simples e rasos para o jogador de simuladores médio, mas The Sims funciona de uma forma muito singular que busca produzir um fantasia (ou fantasias) muito específicas. A complexidade e longevidade das mecânicas de certa forma pouco importam, além de que elas trabalham de forma mais silenciosa que o normal, os seus pontos brilhantes não são tão aparentes, mas qualquer alteração feita sem muita ponderação acaba por criar uma experiência simplesmente desagradável, como em The Sims 4, que é um lixo.

The Sims 3 é simplesmente perfeito em sua proposta, o esforço mais refinado da série e que se mantém muito agradável em tempos atuais, a ênfase no aspecto social da vida, os avanços gráficos e mecânicos que melhoram a qualidade de vida da fórmula, é até difícil falar algo sobre esse jogo que não seja apenas elogios repetitivos.

Muito mais sobre aquilo que o jogo te deixa fazer e os desafios mecânicos que ele proporciona, The Sims é, em sua essência, sobre a fantasia de simular uma vida, uma aventura, principalmente para o público que passa por uma socialização feminina.

Algo que se repete muitas vezes nas descrições sobre The Sims é:
"É como brincar de boneca virtual"

Assim, pelo menos ao meu ver, o mérito de The Sims 3 está na sua capacidade de gerar cenários e situações que em muito se assemelham à uma brincadeira de bonecas e os cenários que nelas são imaginados. The Sims 3 pode não contar com desafios ou sistemas super complexos e imersivos, mas essa é a intenção.

Assim como Doom te dá fantasia de ser um super soldado lutando no inferno ou Fallout te dá a fantasia de um sobrevivente num mundo pós apocalíptico, The Sims busca a fantasia do "imaginar uma vida", imaginar uma família, criar uma casa, ir ao trabalho, cozinhar, uma ludificação da vida cotidiana que muitas vezes é ignorada.

A "fantasia do cotidiano" por algum motivo é tratada necessariamente como inferior ou chata se comparada à maioria das outras, mas ela também age como uma válvula de escape e até mesmo celebração e representação de elementos tradicionais da socialização feminina que, não por acaso, também são tratados com menor importância na vida real.

Por mais que a versão base de The Sims 3 por si só já seja o melhor expoente de seu gênero, não é difícil ver uma problemática muito grande em como The Sims 3 se vende como produto e experiência.

No "boom" dos conteúdos extras pagos para download e da internet nos jogos num geral, The Sims 3 foi completamente REPARTIDO e vendido separadamente, decisão não tomada pelos devs do jogo, o pessoal da Maxis, e sim pela MALDITA EA Games. Por mais que a versão base de The Sims 3 seja um ótimo jogo, ter que não ironicamente pagar 1500 reais para ter tudo que um jogo de 2009 pode te proporcionar é simplesmente abusivo e qualquer chance de piratear algo da EA é uma oportunidade a ser capitalizada.

Expansões como a vida de universidade ou a temática da Isla Paradiso são adições muito interessantes e bem trabalhadas, mas estão presas atrás de um paywall absurdo que só se intensificou na indústria.

This one I remember blew the mind of my ex as her old PC couldn't play more modern games (for the time) but my laptop could! So they build upon the previous game, however, at this point in history EA were starting to get greedier and the amount of additions were dizzying!

The options for traits to make your character unique were always a major selling point and that was still true with this game, just not the next one coming up. However, the idea that you could fulfil all kinds of aspirations and become your ideal self!

The many hours I spent in this game cannot be measured and I believe this was during the time they were forcing you to use EA's "Origin" platform which, as of typing this review, has simply been called EA because they probably realised too many people took offense of the company wearing the flayed skin of one of their kills (Origin Systems), as a bit too tasteless.

I think I bought this with the special Plum bulb thumb drive, however, no idea where that is today! Could be anywhere. Regardless, lots more memories and customisation that was pushing the boundaries and improving the game greatly.

I did just look over it and remembered the disgusting "Simpoints" where you pay real currency for this "Freemium" kind of cash to purchase all kinds of items to unlock for your game. The existence of this system certainly soured my taste for this game and my experience of it too.

who needs sims 4 when you have sims 3

Really difficult game to review just because of how different the experience can be for everyone. I got really addicted to it over a couple of weeks, but feel pretty burnt out now. It was a lot of fun, and definitely something I'll come back to here and there. Just wish more content was in the base game rather than locked behind DLC.

Joguei bastante no xbox quando adolescente. Só isso mesmo

better than 4 in almost every way but fuck the performance man

I grew up on this game, so I don't think I can give it the most objective rating. This game was the best thing that happened to childhood me. I got to act out all of my imaginary scenarios, and shockingly picked up lots of English from this game. I think the open world and edit town features of this game makes it much more immersive than the Sims 4. The CAS of this game has unfortunately aged badly. There is nothing that looks good according to modern trends (understandably), so don't expect to have good-looking sims. Also, Bridgeport is the best world argue with the wall.

Fun game with great packs. It's laggy and a bit of a slog to run, but genuinely I think it's the best sims game out there.

Até que foi um bom sucessor, mas definitivamente não foi o melhor

You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me

Other than the ugly clothes and spaghetti code it's still a classic!

The Sims 3 foi o auge da franquia, e muito do conteúdo proporcionado aqui seria a base responsável pelo que hoje é The Sims 4. Apesar de incrivelmente divertido, o preço cobrado atualmente pelo jogo beira o ridículo e chega a ser insultante. Não importa o quão incrível o jogo possa vir a ser, ele não vale o valor que é cobrado.

Первая игра в которую я поиграла на своем собственном компьютере. Моя самая любимая игра в серии. Единственная игра где я смогла держать династию в пяти поколениях.

Единственный минус, долгая подрузка и фризы. Ну а чего я хотела, у меня был древний компьютер, а игра вообще-то с открытым миром

Um dos melhores The sims, extremamente divertido, os criadores parecem que criaram esse jogo realmente com amor, a função de andar pelo mapa todo sem loading, foi simplesmente incrível, quem joga esse jogo pela primeira vez, independente de quando, vai se surpreender com o quão divertido é.

The sims 3 is so funny to play but unfortunately due to an enormous amount of bugs it’s almost unplayable without mods

k traigan d vuelta el rasgo desafortunado. m mudé, apenas tenía dinero pa un sofá y la primera noche m entró un ladrón y se lo llevó

my silly game, favourite of them all

Best Sims game

Get mad about it if you want to lower your mood