Reviews from

in the past

It was a good games but there was a bug ig and I couldn't pass the level so I got stuck..

meu primeiro contato com the warriors, fiquei abismado quando soube que tinha um filme

This game should be remastered

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Um dos melhores não-GTAs da Rockstar.

O melhor jogo baseado em filme, adiciona uma profundidade grande aos personagens e gangues que você não sabia que faltava ao ver o filme.

Pode ficar meio repetitivo, mas o combate é muito satisfatório, uma evolução do combate feito pro Bully

Quite possibly Rockstar's most underrated game in my opinion (besides L.A. Noire). The Warriors is a beat em' up based on the movie of the same name. The movie was a cult classic, based around the story of a gang who gets accused of shooting the leader of the biggest gang in the city, and are then hunted while trying their best to make it home to Coney Island.

It feels like such a random film to warrant a game, but Rockstar did it anyway, and in many ways, eclipsed the film. These characters from the movie that we barely know are given time to develop, so their ultimate fates and arcs are actually interesting. Being a beat em' up is the perfect idea, with satisfying bloody action being commonplace throughout this game's storyline. The game is set prior to the movie at first, giving everyone time to develop, before inevitably going through the events of the movie itself. Flashback missions delve into the backgrounds of the gang's core members even further, while free roaming around Coney Island adds extra hours of content and enjoyability to the game. The Arcade mode is a fun time too, letting players play as the different gangs that appear across the game, unlock characters for the mode, and even make their own gang to use in the Arcade modes as well. And if you like side-scrolling beat em' ups, there's a little bonus unlockable mode you'll probably love as well.

I wish The Warriors got ported to modern consoles besides the PS4, because it really is something special and unique from Rockstar's catalog. I also worry that the licensed music could expire one day, but I suppose it hasn't for GTA, so this game should be safe from delistings. Regardless, give it a shot some time if you like beat em' ups.

Score: 85

This game looks awful even for a PS2 game, and the controls feel slippery. If you like the movie, though, this might be for you.

to me, this is the best beat-em-up game of all time.

Rockstar'ın Yaptığı En İyi Oyun

Backloggd come out to Play-ay!

The Warriors is without a doubt up there with the best of the best in terms of Movie-tie in game. Handled by Rockstar themselves (Toronto Team) when they had all the time in the world to pump out games, it was great to see a Late 70s filled with mystique fleshed out in not only a direct tie in but also a prequel to the events before the big event that kick offs the plot.

Bringing in most of the original cast to reprise their roles, The Warriors game is a great beat-em-up action game that generates a ton of fun especially with co op, but some levels can be quite frustrating in nature as there is some head scratching level design, also the throwing mechanic can just go to hell and have a baseball bat shoved up its ass and turned into a popsicle (I hated it lol). The A.I can be bonkers from time to time but being able to keep em in check with the Warlord callouts can mitigate it when it works (Which it does for the most part). For its time, its probably fine as this game can be beaten rather quickly in about 8 or so hours. Not bad for a Beat-em up. Tons and tons of extras to be had here. Cheat Codes, Rumble Mode (1v1, 2v2) which you can select any gang or even civilians. What's great is that every NPC can be playable in this mode. Flashback missions which provide even more content and context into the warriors history which is always appreciate and the beat'em up arcade within the beat'em up called Armies of the night, a 2D side scroller beat'em up lol similar to double dragon.

If you're a fan of the movie, it's definitely worth checking out. If you have a friend, I would highly recommend playing the game co-op. Lots of Shenanigans can ensue like punching each other on accidently when you meant to punch another gang lol. I played the PS2 classic version on the PS3 which can be bought for less than 10 USD (I think). The PS4 and PS5 ports can be hit or miss from my understanding so I would overall recommend sticking as close as you can to the OG version. PS2 digital on PS3 did not have any issues for me.

Uma ótima adaptação do filme de 1979, talvez o melhor jogo baseado em filme que existe, pois além de seguir fielmente a história do longa, ainda expande o universo do mesmo com uma prequela e missões extras que contam a história de cada integrante da gangue antes de entrarem pros Warriors. Com um ótimo sistema de combate, áreas abertas e co-op divertido, com alguns minigames pra passar horas de diversão com as brigas violentas e cenário destrutivo.

Jueguito para entendidos, para los que saben del tema.

my cousin and i would send hours playing this game as cowboy and another warrior playing keep away with cowboys hat.

45 years later and New York City still looks like a shit hole


Yes I can, one of my favorite movies so a little biased AND grungy 1970s streets on ps2 so beautifully filthy, thank you R*!

I love this game, I love the movie. I've played it so many times, it's a shame it has graphical issues on PS5.

Fun as hell game, loved the co-op.

The movie was a mid experience for me. I certainly didn't hate it, but it's not something special in this day and age.

So my expectations were low but i wanted to give it a try because of the respect that i have for Rockstar Games. And I liked it pretty much. Combat mechanics are still good and enjoyable. They got the esthetics of the movie so well. The atmosphere is well made.

And it's sort of like a prequel too, that was a surprise for me aswell and the way they expand the story is so awesome. It's not like the best story but i enjoyed following it you know. Levels have their variety, objectives are fun to do (it's fun when you go to store and wreck everything for money lol) And boss fights were surprisingly fun too. Rockstar should bring boss fights again to their games!

Things that i don't liked:

Cops in this game is just a pain in the ass. The're always try to cuffs you and its so annoying bc it's almost only thing they do! And this prevents you from completing the objectives you have. Stealth is unnecessary and not well used in this game too.

And for the last thing: Like i said this game is a half prequel and when prequel parts is well and long the last quarter of the game is just too rushy. It's like a summary of the movie in one hour.

This game is a passion game for sure. Developers really wanted to make a Warriors game and they did. If i played this game at the time i would be blown away. But i am happy to tried it out in 2024.

Lastly: My suggestion is definitely watch the movie before you play it!

Thank you if you read all this dude. I don't know why i wrote that long...

You will not hear from me when I get to play this fucking game without it lagging.

A beautiful game, I stopped at the stadium stage. Soon, I'll get back to work on this game.

i remember crying laughing with my sister when you could spraypaint someone in the eyes during a fight

gameplay sensacional historia muito divertida e pra mim o segundo melhor game da Rockstar, valeu cada minuto jogando

The only game that needs a remake

Rockstar's most underrated game, and the best movie game ever made.

This game had no right being this good, Rockstar proving they were on top of the western video game world on the PS2 for sure.

Simplesmente uma aula de como fazer um jogo baseado em um filme, uma história que desenvolve mais os personagens e com um gameplay satisfatório de porradaria deliberada