Reviews from

in the past

wow this game was better left in my memory. AI is broken, game doesn't control particularly well, the story mode is more barebones than I remember, and the game overall just is not very fun unless you use cheat codes. hard to believe this is the consensus favorite TM game.
some of the character designs (e.g. Axel) are super cool though

This is the best Twisted Metal game. Perfect tone with perfect maps. That joker face and the laugh at the beginning of the game gave me nightmares when I was a kid. The control feels a little dated. But I wish we could get a re-release of this game with an online battle royale system.

Oh yea, this is that good stuff. All the wrinkles have been ironed out of the first game and a new world tour twist has been added, leading to iconic series imagery like the destruction of the Eiffel Tower and facing off against nine opponents in a tiny Holland farmstead. The pinnacle of vehicular combat, challenged only by it's younger brother 'Black.'

They really twisted the metal twice with this one.

This is still one of my favorite games all these years later and the best in the twisted metal series.

Best in the series one of my favorite games on psx.

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

My strategy (don't tell anyone top secret): Hold X and O, and then try and ram into any enemies. It was very fun, and you get to smash stuff but it's also chaotic. I love it.

Some of the best shit you could play in the PS1 era, and probably the best Twisted Metal you could suggest to anyone - not quite as austere and unrefined as Twisted Metal 1 but not as charmless and goofy as the later entries were.

NEVER play as Hammerhead, holy shit

I was excited to get to Twisted Metal 2 after playing through the first one. It was obvious to me that it would be an upgrade over its predecessor in a lot of ways, and its the one entry in the series that I have nostalgia for, having played it when I was a little kid. I don't remember too much from it, other than playing as Axel because that character has such a cool design, and playing through the Paris level which is a lot of fun.

Playing through this extensively in the year 2023 was interesting. I learned that I actually hold it in a very similar light as the first entry, and that's not to say there weren't improvements. More characters, different health system, different levels. But the core gameplay is largely the same or incredibly similar, and so this wasn't really the leap in quality that I was expecting. But that's also not a bad thing! I still had a good time with this. I found this one to be a bit more challenging, particularly when fighting Dark Tooth. Some of those are tough and without modern PS5 rewind features I don't think I would've been patient enough to see it through.

Still, David Jaffe himself has argued that this entry better represents what the development team was striving for with the concept of Twisted Metal so if you want to play an older entry but don't want to play multiple, then this is probably the one you should play.

Platinum trophy #135
Platinum #11 of 2023

(This is a snap judgement "review", so this doesn't necessarily reflect my thoughts on the entire game)
So, I tried a Roadkill run on easy, and got a couple stages in, then found out I couldn't beat the game on easy for whatever reason. Oh well, I just restart on medium and chose Twister instead.
I genuinely couldn't get past the first stage with them OR Roadkill after I gave him a shot again, and with the proper strategy i found out. I was getting really annoyed, then I decided to try out Warthog and see how far I could get. Got to stage two after losing a life on the first, and I was feeling pretty confident.
Theeeeeeeeen I lost my two remaining lives and got a game over. And since there's no continue system, back to square one on the title screen. I promptly said "screw this" and decided not to continue the game any longer for the sake of it and my own patience.
TLDR; AI is really damn hard and the game doesn't let me beat it on easy even tho the first one did. Ugh.

much better sequel that is still fun to play

As someone who habitually plays old games on easy mode, let me tell you about what a tease this game is.

when i was really young my dad sat me down and said "hey let's beat this game :)" which he had never done. i was elated. we played through the entire campaign together on our couch and took a while to beat the last boss and at the very end it said "PLAY IT ON SOMETHING OTHER THAN EASY TO GET THE REAL ENDING" and my dad got really mad. this happened when i was like 7. im 30 now. i still cannot stop thinking about how upset he was

the cars are cool.

This is such an improvement over the first game holy hell
I think the art style for the series might've peaked in this game. Tbh

My friend got this game before I did so obviously it was rubbish and the first Twisted Metal was way better but then I got it so I immediately pivoted and this game was amazing and the original Twisted Metal was for saddos and that's what being a thirteen year old is like.

This right here. This is the shit. And if you don't agree, I'm gonna come over there and twist your metal, twice.

“Twisted Metal 2” was always a hard game. Especially given when it came out, as a lot of games then were designed to be harder, but at some point I just gave up. This was hard not by challenge but just because it’s a relic of its time. I wasn’t having fun. If you’re a fan of the franchise, maybe this still works for you, but as a fan from back then it just wasn’t hitting anymore.

This felt more refined than Twisted Metal 1 for sure, though I still couldn't get past the controls. The vibe of this game makes it feel like something that would've came out 5 years later. Definitely ahead of its time in terms of visual/audio presentation.

"In the next twenty-four hours, the entire world will know my name. They will see my beautiful work of art first hand. No one will be safe, I promise you that. Good luck driver, and Welcome to the Twisted Metal 2 review."

Twisted Metal 2 is an absolute blast and also very nostalgic! This franchise was as close as I could get as a child to "real" animated violence in the early 90s that wild to me. Granted I did play some Star Wars games here and there but this one was like another level of violence. Car battles and crazy action, what is there not to like?! When I booted up this game after so many years, bro....the nostalgia hits hard. It's still one of the best car combat games out there for the PlayStation 1.

The variety of vehicles and characters are really something to look for. There is a huge improvement over Twisted Metal 1 and it delivers it via a WORLD TOUR. Story Mode has something for everyone. Graphic Comic style cutscenes for each character and seeing what wacky twists Calypso (Antagonist) does to each character makes you want to replay the game over and over with each character. I personally am a fan of the Outlaw (Police Car) cause as a kid I always had a fondness of Police officers as they were the "Good Guys" back then. From rocket launchers to homing missiles and each car having a special ability, there was never a time I got bored blowing stuff up. From rooftops to city streets, each one is packed with obstacles and surprises albeit some did have some frustrating experiences but I do not fault the developers for trying out new things.

From memory I remember the multiplayer mode is where Twisted Metal 2 really shines. The chaos is unmatched, and the adrenaline rush is real. It's unfortunate that the idea of couch co-op or couch verses in the last decade has been hit or miss but applaud any developer that continues to try!

Overall I think Twisted Metal 2 is a great game but the graphics might be a bit dated by today's standards. The Gameplay at it core is addictive. Twisted Metal 2 is a absolute hood classic. If you haven't played it yet, do yourself a favor and give it a try. I believe it is available via PS5 for 9.99. It mentions "enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters."

(7-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

It's very deathly. But I don't like it! Because I just want everyone to drive on the road carefully. Listen to the lights! And obey the rules!

That's what I want this game to be.

Cuz I just thought it was driving on the road, being calm. I don't like it! I love driving on the ROAD.

It's not often that I feel a non-RPG "retro" game holds up decades later, but I actually think this one does. I remember the same moments as a kid playing this as I did just now and was glad to play thru this classic again. Arcade car combat at its finest, and still provides high tense moments, especially on some of the more challenging levels.

It’s fun, but only because I can rewind any time some wonky shit happens. And it happens a lot. Also it seems that the enemy AI have pinpoint accuracy, which is extremely hard to avoid and irritating. I beat it once but the last boss is ridiculous. You know the gameplay is unfair when you have to resort to cheap methods to beat a boss. It’s literally not possible to go toe to toe with dark tooth.

Bem superior ao 1o, apesar dos controles bem truncados ainda.


Hmmm. This game is the fan favorite of the PS1 games and its certainly a marked improvement over the original. Things are more chaotic, and the maps are smaller and more interesting. The only problem is the singleplayer campaign is kinda annoying. It's one of those games where despite the battle-royale design of the characters and maps, every CPU player only focuses on you like some sort of freak hivemind. It definitely makes single player emphasize defensive play at a low level which is kinda lame. Speaking of low level, this is also one of those games where the game locks content and calls you a baby if you play on easy so enjoy the higher difficulty or get bent i guess. There are also secret weapons that can only be used by doing mfin fighting game inputs while driving and the game doesnt tell you this and the manual only tells you some but not all of the input weapons, so bizarrely enough it manages to be a guide game too...? I hope the whole command-input-exclusive-weapon thing doesn't become a mainstay in the series.

despite all the qualms its still decent fun when its not hair-rippingly frustrating. I think its like a fighting game where the real meat and potatoes is in the multiplayer whereas the singleplayer is more like a hellish training mode than anything else. Would definitely rec if you have a friend, but lonely gamers might wanna try something else methinks

an improvement on every way to the original, more tight controls, a great OST, much more fun arenas and an iconic cast with amusing characterization .

its style remains representative of its era and its the ideal time capsule for it.

I Miss this Playstation Era.

A janky and flawed car combat game with a ton of charm. It’s the type of game that’s still fun flaws and all. It might not have the best graphics or even the best controls but the core loop of exploring big arenas and shooting at your foes with a variety of weapons is still a lot of fun.

Besides the flaws one thing that is truly still great are the characters themselves and their endings. Not only are the cutscenes iconic but as a whole the roster is really great and stands out as one of the best in the series. This game really shines with the colorful yet darkly humorous classic style Twisted Metal was known for and it’s not hard to see why this was the peak of the ps1 games.

The maps in particular are pretty good. Not only for their designs offering something a little differnent from the last but I really like the around the world theme the game goes for.

The real meat really lies in multiplayer and challenge match where your gameplay experience can be customized with drivers and the stage. I do wish there was maybe some more options tho.

So overall it’s a very fun game even if dated in some areas.

solid 4/5
(although it’s really annoying you can only get minion and sweet teeth through codes. Thankfully not hard to input)