Reviews from

in the past

Everything about Undertale is brilliant, unique, and just fun. It impacted indie games in a MAJOR way for years to come.

Overrated asf
Gameplay boring
Story is shit
Has a charm I just don’t like its charm
Gay characters ew


One of the best stories ever with arguably the best characters in gaming. And once you beat it there is hundreds of fan content to engage in and play like Undertale Yellow

There's a little something for everyone

undertale is one of those games that is pretty cool, but people are a little too annoying about how you play it.

Não tenho palavras para descrever o quanto esse jogo é importante pra mim. Obrigado Toby Fox.

Fun and clever little game.
Simple at first glance but gets deep at the end. Great character development.

And simply amazing soundtrack.

PEAKK, such a good story and the fact you have to play it multiple times to fully understand and grasp everything is amazing.

This review contains spoilers

Undertale is such an important game for me, its been with me since junior high and I've always come to replay it often every year. Because I have so many hours on it and know the story well, I usually replay it for the neutral route, but I don't shy away from true pacifist or genocide either. Anyway, today after talking with a friend about the game recently, I decided to do another neutral route: I only attack when I get hit. I've played the game so much that I only ended up killing a few monsters: Two Vulkins and Muffet. But here's the thing about Undertale that makes it so special: I was also hit by the Royal Guards. After telling RG1 to whisper to RG2, I couldn't bring myself to go through with it and broke my own rules. The fact that Undertale is able to make me care for characters with minimal screentime that I've seen over and over again just goes to show how great the writing is and how much charm the game has. All three routes are fantastic, especially True Pacifist which has a super emotional ending and a perfect final boss. Genocide is a pain to get through, but the two exclusive bosses are the most fun to fight and make it worth it, though nothing will make the ending worth it due to how awful you feel after. I'm sure a lot of people know the story by now so I don't need to go full into detail, but just know this game is perfect in every way. Overall, Undertale still remains one of my favourite games to this day and is a masterpiece.

generational game that took over the internet, gave us sans undertale haur haur haur 😭😭

You had to be their. The game singlehandedly had Youtube in a chokehold from 2015-2018. Being a part of the fanbase was pure bliss. Love this game and it's heartwarming message.

Unique bullet hell/RPG mechanics I absolutely adore but absolutely suck at. Iconic characters and music and all the rest, very solid game

I really love this game it has coolest storyline and also I love how the game has different endings depending on what you do this basically and the endings I got was the ending you didn't have to kill anyone which was a great ending plus mettaton boss fight is peak. After I did the kill nobody I did the opposite where I kill everyone which had different dialogue and bosses fights my favorite probably undyne the undying I love the music.

All time gaming experiences for me idc

lo jugué con 0 fe ya que por las lenguas de aquel entonces lo pintaban como la venida de cristo, después de hacer mi primera run y luego las siguientes, entendí perfectamente el porque la gente aprecia bastante el juego, lo recomiendo ampliamente

this GAME made me the way i FREAKING AM MAN!! not only do i love the moral this game sends but i love how the game showcases the result of going against said moral. the music is incredible and I love the characters. honestly i love this game, only bad thing i can say is that the graphic and art is kinda dull, and i wish we could’ve had more time with characters

The game that has an actual soul in it