Reviews from

in the past

Undertale's characters are always surprising you in hilarious, heartwarming, and sometimes even scary ways, while the meta elements question how we approach games. However, this reliance on surprise gives it very little replay value.

Very Entertaining characters with much depth. I think the comments from Toby written on the signs, that mostly insult you, were my favorite.
The fighting System is also very unique and interesting, be it timing the attack or dodge incoming attacks in a box.
Being able to decide whether or not you want to fight the monsters is also a very cool mechanic.

It isnt 5 stars for me, since sometimes the game or some characters really got on my nerves, but its a personal issue at that point.

Also the snail race is a scam.

Never really understood the hype around this. I get that it's very charming, and it's a lot gamers first time playing a "meta" experience - but the game is pretty boring at times.

One of the most beautifully crafted games that has been released in the past decade. There is not a single bad thing that could be said about it and I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing the game.

finished the normal ending it was meh but the game itself is so engaging and i loved it it was rlly fun.
Papyrus my love <3

Finished the normal ending, need to play through the other 2 endings at some point. I don't like the bullet hell combat.

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Truly a legendary indie game. Such a cool story about determination and love and betrayal. A true testament to creativity and being capable of whatever you believe in. This game really lives up to the hype it created. The internet really put this game on a pedestal, making entire fan games, alternate universes, fanfiction, and so on, but having only ever watched playthroughs of the game, coming back to experience the original still didn't let me down at all. It blows me away that this game was made almost entirely by one person. The amount of content is crazy for it to be a one man show. I played the pacifist route, and had to finish it twice actually because I forgot to go to the lab and see all of that. The boss fights in that route were incredible. Asgore's was epic, flowey was scary and Dreemur was flashy as heck. Of course you need to bring up the soundtrack when talking about this game. Every track is just banger after banger after banger. I was going to do a genocide run after pacifst, (pacificst run spoilers) , so I decided to just fight sans in a browser version of the fight, just to cross that boss fight off the bucket list. What an extraordinary fight that is by the way, took me a good 3 hours to take him down. All in all, a crazily beautiful experience. I'm very glad I came back to experience this one for myself after just watching youtube on it for years.

i didnt play this game in my childhood but my boyfriend finally got me to in 2021 and i understand all the hype around it its an AMAZING game i love papyrus

Undertale is so fucking good that Undertale fans have no idea how good it actually is.

I have been trying my hardest to avoid spoilers for this game for so long and I have finally gotten around to laying it and its amazing. The soundtrack alone makes the game worth playing. It turns turn based combat which I normally personally find quite boring into exciting through the use of the player actually needing to dodge the attacks themselves rather than just sitting their hoping it misses. With the players turn its still engaging as choosing to kill or figure out how to spare can be a puzzle. The story and characters are amazing too this will be one of those games I will wish to be able to play for the first time again for years to come.

WOOOOooooOOOOOAAAAAAH story of undertale

im glad i played this before it blew up because idk if i could take it seriously if i played it now given its place in internet culture was really fun discussing all the mysteries back then

Great RPG with a fantastic soundtrack. RPG battles involve dodging bullets like it's a SHMUP. It encourages you to go pacifist and it's a lot better than it sounds.

Amazing story and OST. Monsters can have feelings after all.

this game single-handedly proved that you don't need a gigantic team with 99999 gigashits of graphical crap in your ass AAA game to make a memorable title, just passion, love, talent and a good idea

gameplay is challenging but fair -- the bullet hell segments were great
the story starts slow but the payoff is great
a unique experience, lots of gameplay, story, and genre conventions are broken

it is a realy chill game and i had so fun playing it

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Sempre joguei e sempre continuarei jogando. É incrível como um jogo simples e uma história simples pode tocar mesmo a alguém que já escutou essa história várias vezes. O desenvolvimento dos personagens para com o protagonista é sempre muito bom de se ver. O fim da rota pacifista sempre me lembra de tudo o que posso ter com minhas amizade ao meu redor, um sentimento de sucesso, mesmo que o futuro pareça sombrio.

Great game, I liiiiiiiike MeGaLoVania. 🕷

Peak, where's Deltarune Chapter 3.

Uma mini tag não é o suficiente para eu descrever toda a minha experiência com Undertale e tão pouco irei fazer uma review sobre.

Entretanto, algo que gostaria de deixar registrado é que Undertale tem um dos melhores finais que já tive contato.

Timeless classic, the best game ever made. Amazing characters, legendary soundtrack and beautiful story.

I was a teenager when this came out and saw how big it blew up, and decided that I gotta try it for myself. Sure the internet already spoiled almost everything there is about this game for me but I still enjoyed it nonetheless. It's ultimately an uplifting story about hopes and dreams that is told very very well.

Este juego me hizo comprar mi primer poster en un salon del manga.

El arte, precioso; los personajes, carismaticos e increibles; la historia, traumatica y SANS!? Tu tu ru tu tu tu tu!!!

amazing but you knew that already