Reviews from

in the past

I am Corvo. This game is still sick as fuck. Blink is one of the greatest abilities in any game ever made. Game still holds up even after not having played it in maybe 8 years. I love everyone's big meaty grabbers, 10/10. Imagine if Deathloop was as well designed as this game (I've never played Deathloop). I'm going to have whiskey and cigars for breakfast tomorrow. Also,

Guys please, I'm no traitor, I'll kill everyone to make you understand I'm a good guy :D

beautiful gameplay and mechanics. I really like the atmosphere, world building and level design. Story is pretty standard but still fun and enjoyable

Bu seriyi çok seviyorum. Bana sadece yapacağım şeyi söylüyor ve gerisi tamamen bende. Herkesin içinde bir suikastçi sevdası vardır. Bu hissi bana en iyi yaşatan oyun ise bu.

Great stealth and atmosphere/world.

Not immersive.
The setting should be entirely down my alley and it manages to not be.
The powers aren't that good, the responsiveness is rather clunky and the tone of the game in general is super bland, similar to any bethesda non-doom product, probably due to it trying to be a rather serious story about a plague and power while bethesda only knows how to do violence and curious little dudes being exceptions to the rules stablished by an already existing IP just cuz that sells more than trying to write actual good and sound things in a interesting and appealing way.

Um ótimo exemplo de como o level design pode ser tudo em um jogo. Dishonored não possuí uma história ruim, longe disso, suas fundações são bem sólidas, mas o que brilha aqui são seus levels e a forma como jogador interage com eles. As mecânicas de stealth são satisfatórias e ajudam na sensação de imensidão dos níveis.

Back when I played this game, I thought it was fine if a bit mechanically clunky. I adjusted though and enjoyed the story a lot. Then, years later, I came back to try to replay the game after playing OG Thief, and realized that holy shit I hate this stealth system. I hate the way it treats player visibility. I hate the way it treats sound and movement. I hate the UI for guard alertness. I hate the takedowns. I've soured on the gameplay immensely. Then I decided I'd do something very stupid and play every Thief game ever made. Long story short, I now hold Dishonored personally culpable for how they massacred my boy in 2014.

Does Dishonored still have a cool story and world? Absolutely. Moreover, that world has inspired other great stuff that I love to this day. Looking at you Blades in the Dark.
But the act of playing it feels wretched, and it's legacy has largely turned my fond memories to ash in my mouth.

May this stealth system never see the light of day again.

my ex bought this game for me because i told her i liked deathloop. i hope she dies but she got me a good game at least.

I haven't played that many stealth games, but more importantly, I haven't played that many games that "punish" you for killing people, which is kind of a problem for me. I like virtually killing people, but I'd imagine Corvo doesn't.

It's somewhat of a shame too because for all of the benefits of not killing people in Dishonored, this game has some hilarious ways to kill people. Cutting off someones head and killing someone else by throwing it at them over and over again. Using a rewire tool on an Arc Pylon and purposefully drawing guards towards it to watch them get turned to dust. And I can't not mention using the wind blast to throw people off of a building. Dishonored is its own little sandbox of death.

But I decided that Corvo and even the cursed Daud didn't want to kill anymore, so I attempted to not kill people. Of course, there were accidents. A few unconscious people accidentally thrown off a roof. Some guards that got herded into a group of rats. Disgruntled thugs who missed their shot on me and instead hit their brothers. But even through all that I didn't want to kill!

And playing the game this way made it super engaging, I had a great time! I'm sure I'll play this again some day and go Ultrakill mode, making quick work of everyone that I come across and generally causing more chaos, but for now I'm proud of my work.

I want to write a longer review for this someday — for now:
Along with the cool powers and beautiful art direction, this game is noteworthy for a reason I think is often overlooked. It carefully inherits a superficially frustrating but in practice magical choice from Thief (1&2): make an immersive sim almost solely focused on Combat, and encourage the player to never fight. The entire game lives in negative space (often literally, as a player takes a fight and then reloads their save or checkpoint to undo it.)

Es un juegazo, no lo terminé porque en esa época no jugaba mucho a videojuegos, pero tengo pensado acabarlo.

القيم بلاي : اجمل شي فاللعبة.. يعطيك كمية ادوات وقدرات واكثر من طريقة لتجاوز المنطقة
القصة : ما حسيتها واو مجرد قصة عادية ومملة نوعا ما مو جوي
الجرافكس : جرافكس متوسط
الموسيقى : ما في شي مميز
تقييمي : بصورة عاملة اللعبة جميلة ختمتها مرتين مرة حاولت ما اقتل فيها احد والمرة الثانية ما تركت فيها شخص عايش واستمتعت فيها

the best immersive sim
great for stealth, okay story
non-lethal is the only correct ending

Just couldn’t get into it. Stealth games are not my jam.

it's pretty mid. it tries to do the immersive sim thing but can't really commit all the way because it was gen 7 and everything had to be dulled for mainstream sensibilities.

No le di suficiente oportunidad. En su día no me gustó pero ahora creo que me gustará más

Me acabo aburriendo pero seguro que le dare otro try cuando sea el momento

Had this sitting in my backlog for a while along with the second game. While I do feel this game shows it's age a little bit, the setting and groundwork it laid out are undeniable. Feels super slick, interesting world, slightly abrupt ending (Did not play the DLC which may have expanded upon it) but most importantly a hefty amount of player choice in how they deal with the problem. Think this would have blown my mind if I played on release. For now, it's just very good.

Remember playing this game when I was somewhat little probably one of my most found gaming memories

im gonna name one of my fish corvo