Reviews from

in the past

4 stars for actual game but im gonna have to give it half a star because my playthrough was ruined by fromsoftware elitist fans who have been ableist and stupid as shit to disabled people asking for an easy mode or using summons.

I genuinely will never interact with anyone who says "youre bad if you use summons" i do not give a shit, yes its easier and you can say the boss is boring now, but i dont give a shit. I cant play games like elden ring without help because im fucking disabled in my prominent hand so having to make my fingers work and do everything needed to beat a boss drains me mentally. Oh and thats not even it because there will always be that one mentally unwell basement dweller who says "git gud"

NOTA: 10 ou perfeição

Elden Ring é basicamente tudo que eu sempre quis, desde os primordios de 2021 onde me tornei fã do gênero Soulslike e depois de todas as jornadas em Demons Remake, os três Dark Souls, Bloodborne e Sekiro, o grande Miazaki junta mecânicas principalmente vistas nos Dark Souls, mantendo e superando no quesito trilha sonora e direção de arte, introduzindo-as em um mundo aberto.

Tendo experienciado esse game desde 2022 constantemente, decidi que seria a vez de platinar no PC e não me canso de admirar o que para mim torna esse game o meu preferido de pelo menos da última década: sua flexibilidade. O gênero torna os inúmeros confrontos do game engajantes e sempre dá para o player opções ao se deparar com um adversário formidável: Utilizar summons? Chamar um amigo ou aleatório? Tentar diferentes equipamentos e builds? Ou simplesmente virar as costas e explorar/upar.

Fora isso, a exploração de Elden Ring é surreal, o game utiliza muito do mapa e o retrospecto de excelência em level design para construir dungeons com variedades de materiais de upgrade e equipamentos com diferentes weapon arts. Mesmo que os chefes se repitam.

A lore de Elden Ring é uma das coisas que eu acho que ficou meio desperdiçada, a temática é fantástica e ainda contou com o auxílio de George R.R.Martin e por mais que faça parte da proposta do game, sinto que poderia receber mais destaque.

Minha maior crítica ao game fica em seu NG+, os inimigos e chefes de pelo menos até a boss fight do Radahn não evoluem nem perto do que o player após a conclusão do game, além dos diversos atalhos e builds bem roubadas, esse trecho em questão fica muito fácil e me da sempre uma sensação de querer skippar simplesmente.

Um dos pontos que me fez jogar por horas e horas é o coop especial em apenas 2 pessoas, pois utilizamos da flexibilidade do game para se nerfar em momentos e eu pude aproveitar e usar algumas armas que nem sempre no solo teria como, ou se não, precisaria de uma boa adaptação. Em especial no PC, nossa gameplay veio acompanhada do excelente mod Semless Coop e Harder Coop, o que derruba as barreiras do coop e torna a run pelo menos 5 vezes mais complicada.

De maneira geral, a versão de Elden Ring de PC foi a melhor escolha que eu já fiz, por si só já fui capaz de variar a jogabilidade em relação às minhas 500+ horas no PS5 por ter jogado no Rog Ally, como os mods que citei tornou a gameplay ainda mais genial. O sucesso desse game é eminente e abre portas para o gênero souls like se tornar menos nichado, recomendo muito para aqueles que querem iniciar no gênero e para aqueles que ja conhecem, é simplesmente experiência obrigatória. Chega logo 21 de junho, não aguento mais esperar pela DLC.

Simplesmente a masterpiece do gênero souls like!

Eu amei jogar Elden Ring.
É um dos jogos mais... jogos que eu já joguei.
Daqueles que você não precisa estar necessariamente muito atento ao que ocorre ao seu redor, pra entender a história (que vai ser muito melhor contada pelo Vaatividya no youtube) e assim aproveitar o jogo na sua completude.
Pode parecer redundante, mas o "jogar" é o que esse jogo tem de melhor pra oferecer.
Pontos fracos pra mim são as mecânicas de bosses gigantes e repetição de alguns bosses iniciais que decidem virar mobs no decorrer do jogo, criando uma "banalização" do que é ter uma barra de vida de boss, algo que costumava me fazer prender a respiração em outros jogos.

they had me in the first half, not gonna lie

Wish I could experience this again for the first time. One of my favorite experiences in the medium. What an achievement

The avengers endgame of dark souls games. Everything FromSoftware has made since Demon's Souls culminates into Elden Ring, possibly their best game to date. This is Breath of The Wild if Link stumbled into the Eclipse from Berserk.

7 full playthroughs with different builds and characters.
I am SEETHING as my core screams for the DLC to drop.
I am not addicted, i just feel bad and mad when i'm not playing or thinking about it.

Great Game, only played DS3 but i already think this one is the best soulslike from fromsoftware

These are one of those games that sucked me up for weeks till i finally finished and it was awesome. This intricate and misterious world was a pure joy to explore and uncover its secrets. The bosses were great and the combat and all the builds possibilities increadible. Its a must play

2½ years and 120 hours of gameplay later, I finished Fromsoftware's latest masterpiece, Elden Ring, just in time for the Shadow of The Erdtree DLC. Everything from the gameplay, music, atmosphere and world building is at its peak in this game. Fromsoftware took everything great about their previous games and made it into one gigantic love letter to the player base. This game probably is not my favorite in the series, but goddamn is it another generational masterpiece of a video game. 9.8/10

Terrible game, no bed of chaos 0/10.

It'd be perfect if the endgame was balanced and also it has 'meh' bossfights compared to the other souls games hopefully dlc will feature better fights.Overall great game


The Culmination of my 12 year obsession with souls games. Incredibly well done open world. Full of discovery, danger and all sorts of other fucked up shit that you can't wait to uncover.

"Whew," the enamored g@me play0r sighs out in reverence as the boss clearly designed by someone who thought they were on a job for a mediocre Platinum title did three SICKASS ANIMEY slow-mo front flips, each dealing 70% max health damage to the player with around 8 quintillion HP (which was only reasonable to invest a few points into after getting some from the eleventh Piss-And-Shit-Smeared Tree Spirit overworld boss fight that also netted a BAD. ASS. spirit ash to help you circumvent said bosses in the future except it's objectively worse than half the ones you already have) which they got to by trekking across seven hills, seven lands, seven seas and seven hells, each populated by more barren stretches of land than the last with s p o o k y copy-pasted caves and catacombs breaking up the monotony of running into small platoons of disinterested enemies you can't even be assed to to swing a sword on horseback at on your way to the next 𝓛𝓮𝓰𝓪𝓬𝔂 𝓓𝓾𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓸𝓷 (VERY important areas they put all their ACTUAL level design into! which is why half of them are directionless slogs where everything looks the same and with enemy placement done by the one only Mr Miyazaki'ˢ ⁸⁻ʸᵉᵃʳ⁻ᵒˡᵈ ˢᵒⁿ who really liked the funny jump battan) so that they can find an NPC which mysteriously vanished one Saturday night a few weeks into the playthrough but is crucial for the conditions of one of the many different-colored endings outlined by the Purposely Vague and not frequently Irritatingly Nebulous lore (which is totally okay because that's how they always did quests dude :P it's NOT comically archaic in contrast to the world design xP) but at least there's some World Essence and Snail Drippings to pick up on the way in case you ever find a cookbook that teaches you how to MacGuyver the two into a portable ICBM and then not land the shot because the Lands Between Olympic Champion you're chucking it at read your input had superior reflexes, "From the Software has done it again!"

I gotta be honest man I think this formula has the studio stuck spinning their wheels and given ER's astronomical success they're probably not gonna try reinventing it anytime soon. The game isn't bad. I'll still play the DLC. But seeing it heralded as the zenith of the genre let alone Fromsoft's masterwork gives me a fucking migraine.

i only played for like 10 minutes and had to get off cause it was so easy i was honestly getting bored. will be returning it

Easily the best open world game I've ever played. Putting souls gameplay into an open world is genius and works perfectly. The game is massive but the quality of items, bosses, areas, music is excellent and consistent throughout the entire game.
A couple of the areas like some of the dungeons were a bit underwhelming but you go through so many interesting areas throughout the game that a couple bad ones are whatever.
Despite souls games being known as hard and stressful this game is just chill and you can explore and fight at your own pace

Game of the generation. More open world games need to feel like real worlds that don't waste your time.

i never played it but had to sit through my bf playing it and it was SO BORING sorry i had to be a hater for a second

Going to keep this short, Elden Ring is a game that I have very mixed feelings on, I REALLY wanted to love this game, but I just can't. Now I'd be lying if I said there was nothing I liked, I did enjoy some aspects of the game, the music, some bosses, the voice acting, designs, but that's about it. I'd like to start off with my biggest disappointment, the open world. Starting up the game for the first time it feels magical, but halfway through the game it feels very bloated. There's undeniably a lot of content, but it feels very samey, especially in regards to ruins, mines, and catacombs, they felt very copy and paste. It was fun in Limgrave but after that my excitement for exploring really died down.

Onto bosses, there were some I really enjoyed (Morgott, Malenia, uhm, uh), and I'd say for the most part the mandatory and shardbearer bosses were pretty solid (I felt that the complaints revolving around Elden Beast were a bit overboard and complaints for Malenia extremely undeserving, I think everything about her is perfectly fair for a "secret" late game boss), only ones I didn't like were Radahn, Rykard, and the Fire Giant. Thought Radahn was a bit boring, Rykard I just don't like gimmick fights and it's also really hard to see what is happening later in the second phase, and finally the Fire Giant, I really dislike this fight, it's extremely boring swinging as his legs and running around when he rolls away, and sometimes in the second phase I can't see what is happening (when locked on). Not going to list my complaints for the optional non-shardbearer bosses individually, but generalizing it I'd say for the most part they are rather boring and simplistic.

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like this game is just unnecessarily big and didn't need all of this content, I feel as if it would have been better on a smaller scale, with focus more on making the dungeon content and their bosses unique over just having the same dungeons/ruins more or less everywhere with generic bosses.

I died more on torrent than the boss fights

Art direction 10. Combat design 10. Story and dialogue 10. System mechanics 0. If I see another random input drop and outdated systematically wrong mechanics in the next fromsoft game I turn Miyazaki into Miyafucky.

One of my favorite games of all time.


This game becomes way more fun if you use a guide ignore the open-world aspects and play it like an old Souls game. Hype for the DLC.

The best Souls game by far and the most polished. They put their heart, sweat, and tears into building up their series and this feels like a perfect culmination of all the games in one. 10/10