Reviews from

in the past

Really easy game, easy to get all trophies on the PS4 and a big open world with lots of things to do but you just really don't care because are pretty useless, this game turns your ps4 in an photo album

a história é tão boa q eu shipei um casal hetero

Complete beautiful package. It gave me everything I need in a game while not overstaying its welcome.

Very prevalent cons however:
- Cutscenes half the time are super bare-bones.
- In the latter half, it got a little too easy with all the tools and crowd control you got with the enemies barely getting stronger alongside you

O jogo é maravilhoso, já zerei uma vez, porém a segunda no PC tive que engavetar, pq perdi o save kkkkkkkkkkkkk

been wondering how do i even write this to be honest, somehow i feel this game is important to me despite never playing it till now.
i always been a PC player through and through, i was finally able to play it but it came with such a baggage, in a time where people rather follow the drama surrounding a game, sony barely scraping by, making pc ports not because they want us to experience it but because they wanna break even with costs, then the game comes and its finally time to experience it but the port is so-so.

despite it all i loved it, a bealtiful tale about human struggles and how imperialism can fuck up an entire family bloodline them loving each other a whole lot.
this is a sad game that i somehow managed to avoid spoilers for half a decade and i'm glad i did.
gameplay wise this game tackles my favorite aspect about games, the abbility to gamefy the romantism behind a genre, the same way rdr 2 romanticises the western, how ace combat is a romantization of flying jets, this pretty much is the very best aspects about the romantization of the samurai genre, everything must be tied to give you that feeling of being a suited up samurai cutting homies and doing honorable poses while doing so, people spouting one liners about sad stuff and sad stuff happening all around them, its like i'm playing with samurai toys and making the most effed up plot imaginable, comparing games to toys is not a bad thing, sometimes its exactly the feeling i'm looking for, the romantization of playing with a certain genre and not necessarily needing to be realistic but still maintaining a degree of believabillity. this is exactly why i play video games.. man, this is it.

if i loved it so much then why is it 8 and not a 10 ? dinky port
i've seen it all, memory leak making the game perform worse the longer you play, forcing you to restart the game.
FSR 3 crashing the game, the sky turning black, a button literally not working, and those actually costed me deaths, fortunally the checkpoint system is really good.

i will remember this game in the future, i still have to do the dlc, just decided to stop on the main story because 60 hours on a single game is rather exhausting despite how fun the game is.

SPOILER AHEAD : man i fucking hate that jin became homeless after everything he did, i hate imperialism.

I really enjoyed playing Ghost of Tsushima. The story had a rough start for me, especially the part about gathering troops, but by the middle of act 2, the story really hooked me, and act 3 carried it even further. The ending was emotional and left me genuinely satisfied with the game.

My favorite part of the game is definitely the scenery. It's one of the few games that can rival Red Dead Redemption 2 in terms of scenery. The landscape is truly breathtaking, and I loved exploring the environment by riding and running around.

Unlike the newer Assassin's Creed games, Ghost of Tsushima isn't overly bloated. Even though it's an open-world game, it's relatively small and quite linear. What's impressive is that the side quest NPCs offer a lot, such as new regions and abilities. This makes doing side quests feel rewarding and not just like another side quest.

My main complaints would be the extremely slow camera on PC. I know this isn't just a PC problem because I found multiple Reddit threads complaining about the camera speed after doing some research. I also didn't like some of the camera angles, as they made it difficult to fight multiple opponents at times.

Overall, I enjoyed playing Ghost of Tsushima. Is it one of the best PlayStation exclusives out there? For me personally, no. However, it definitely satisfies the Assassin's Creed itch better than the actual Assassin's Creed games, which is a shame for Ubisoft but a huge win for PlayStation Studios.

jogo delicinha, port perfeito!! Nixxes é foda

4/5 (Starts off slow but delivers some amazing moments coupled with a phenomenal ending
5/5 (Every frame looks drop-dead gorgeous)
5/5 (Insanely satisfying and fun)
3.5/5 (Really slow at the start but picks up in Act 2)
4.5/5 (Phenomenal game)

I am not your son. I am the Ghost of Tsushima: Directors Cut (2021)

Waited way too long to get my hands on this - approx. two years for this (yes). This game was really good. The main missions were good, in fact too good, I wanted to focus on the side missions to get as much runtime as I can from this pretty expensive game. It did dilute the game as some side content were just really boring and at that point, I was forcing myself to do all the tales but some were really good. The game unfortunately does fall into the "Ubisoft Open-World type game" which makes the game really bland - from an open-world perspective. It is beautiful to look but nothing to interact with. The music was pretty good but the ending was fantastic. I have yet to finish the Iki Island expansion but looking at where I am at with my backlog, it is going to happen never.

The Ghost army comes to tear up the Mongolian soldiers. A classic samurai story with a bit of spice. Beautiful scenery and depiction of Japan.

Ubisoft style open world game: :(

Ubisoft style open world game, Japan: :D

I genuinely loved this game though, was worth all those years waiting for the PC release.

This review contains spoilers

GOT is a flawless masterpiece by sucker punch, always hyped for new sony exclusives coming to PC and no doubt this game will compete in a top selection one day.

Top notch satisfying sword combat with stealth and maybe the most gorgeous game. Open world with lots of side content and even a huge multiplayer with many skill points to earn, level up get new gear change the camo of the gear and so on the customization part is great too and a somewhat long main quest line with 3 acts.

You're Jin Sakai, the son of born in the clan sakai, a man who lost his parents and the only family he has is his uncle Lord Shimura. During the first mongolian invasion Jin and his uncle went to defend the island of Tsushima with their samurai forces aganist the mighty and cruel Khotun Khan at the Komoda Beach, the mongols were too many and they outnumbered the remaining samurai and failed to protect the beach. Shimura was taken by Khan and Jin was left alone in the battlefield but shortly saved by a thief called Yuna who needed Jin to rescue her brother, but first he knew that reinforcements will be needed to rescue his uncle at the Castle Kaneda. Needing to talk with his sensei, lady masako and his oldest friend Ryuzo to encourage the soldiers so he can rescue his uncle. Once he saved Taka, and some villagers from a burnt village the locals started to nickname Jin as the Ghost, his uncle feared he might turn aganist his code as the mongolian leader Khan told him about his recent killings. Jin was left alone without his uncle and memories from the past stroked him with his father's death and so on. Helping Ryuzo and the others to make a plan to rescue Shimura was a success, prints of the mongols were already shown in Tsushima. Ryuzo seemed a bit sketchy, his straw men needed resources of food to live and he was manipulated by the Khan to turn aganist Jin and so when the invasion of Kaneda happened he turned aganist him and was forced to fought with his no longer loyal friend, they had a history together with the sensei as well because Jin was the preferred student but that did not count as Jin said if he stops to fight he will turn him into a samurai like him. Jin spared his life and continued to push forward and so he found his uncle, barely touched but alive. They captured the castle but Khan's next move was to capture Shimura's castle, one successful mission will lead the forces of Jin and the others to regroup and so Yuna and Taka had to leave but Shimura declined their offer until they get rid of the mongols so they can sail with safety. Jin and his uncle had to call for reinforcements so they had to contact the shogun himself to send samurais with the leader Sadamune. One thing after they were done. Ryuzo was found to alive in a fort and Yuna and her brother had green light to leave the island and so after a goodbye to Jin one thing was to be punished and that was Ryuzo. Jin headed forward to the fort but they were too many of them, but in a surprise Taka came back to help him because he felt brave enough, even tho he was alerted by Yuna to don't come. He had to alert them to leave the fort and so Jin can sneak in but not he got ambushed from the back and was left unconscious, seems like they took Taka as well and the leader of the mongols were there too. Khan forced Taka to kill Jin but he refused and so he was killed by the Khan, in a desperate rage he rescued himself and fought with the straw men and then Yuna came to check on and she felt in rage with the willing to kill everyone in that fort but it was not enough to avenge her brother so after she buried him he swore to help Jin and his clan with the shogun's reinforcements and even Jin was prepared with his father's armour and a new poisonous weapon to kill the enemy thanks to Yuriko. Everything was ready, the mongolian patrol was killed by Jin and his uncle and the soldiers were ready for a long tale and adventure to take on. Pushing to the castle of shimura fighting in their way a bridge was ahead and they stopped and Shimura sent his men across it but it was destroyed and so the soldiers died on that bridge. A huge loss happened, the lack of soldiers affected Jin and the others so another plan had to be made quickly. Jin could not stand his uncle's orders he knew that if he's gonna follow it almost everyone will die in return so he talked with Yuna to poison the mongolian soldiers even tho that's not the way in his code, he had to save his men so he broke the code and sneaked in to put poison on their food, by doing so he met with Ryuzo for the last time as he fought with him because the bounty on Jin's head was high enough, he saw what Jin did with the mongols and he was surprised by it but that did not took long because he was killed in action but after that his uncle came and confronted Jin about his behavior and so he said to him that he's no longer Jin, he's the ghost of the island as the myth everyone said and so he gave up and was locked in his room with the offer of his adoption to be declined by his uncle to make him his son. After sometime a friend of Jin came back help him and get him out of there to meet with Yuna but almost failing to escape after his horse was shot by arrows and then his death came in close on the road, he had to meet with Yuna to regroup with everyone and he was luckily saved by her once again and the mongolians killed the remaining families in the island near Shimura's castle and so he had to capture one of their outpost in the nordic mountains for a new base, after that Yuna tells Jin about Takeshi a former friend of her who can help with archers and some reinforcements because everyone was there including Ishikawa,Masako,Norio and Yuna. They need to gather control over the stronghold in port Izumi to find the mongolian leader and end his life and invasion. With the help needed Jin had to contact his uncle for reinforcements by sneaking back to his castle and leaving a message to inform him about the last push to Khan. Everyone gathered at the temple planning the strike and so everyone was in range and a single fire of arrows was needed to alert them and so the battle has started Jin had to reach the Khan alone and so he did by finally confronting him after all this time, it was not easy because the Khan knew how powerful the ghost has become so he ran away in his boat but even if he called reinforcements it was useless, Jin took his head and so killed him in action and ending the invasion and the lives he took away. A victory was achieved, the good side won and the land of Tsushima is safe once again, one thing tho... Jin was called by his uncle to meet with him for the last time so he accepted the offer and went directly to him where he met him near his family graveyards for a final lesson. Shimura was like a father and the best sensei for Jin, but he corrupted his code and so the shogun ordered his death and Shimura took that as a punishment to kill his family, in his eyes Jin was no longer a lord not even a warrior but only a traitor after all this time and a final duel in a beautiful nature with the trees and the light had to come fully bright for this moment, the last sword fight in the game with a decision to make after, kill or spare lord shimura, might sound easy but killing him will honor his death but personally I choose to let him live and so the game ended there and Jin officially became a traitor among the samurai but the game does not end there, there's still much more to seek after he stopped the invasion.

La DA est magnifique, les combats super cool, musiques très belles qui collent à l'ambiance, histoire vraiment sympa, quêtes secondaires qui sont pour certaines cool et d'autres juste ok c'est la
Open World grand et super joli mais surtout openworld trop grand avec des activités super naze a faire... Super répétitif sur ça, trop d'inspiration Ubisoft malheureusement. Après peut-être que c'est de ma faute? Après tout j'ai fait le 100%

Simple story, uninteresting characters, decent combat, too many mediocre cutscenes, got flashbanged every now and then

This was a perfect masterpiece of a game until a bug made the weather become relentlessly shitty no matter my playstyle. The thunder and lightning just followed me around non-stop. I had to use a flute literally every few minutes to reset it. :(

Sucker Punch I'm begging you, please ditch that weather mechanic in the sequel.

This review contains spoilers

Eu entrei esperando um jogo da sony, 3ª pessoa, com mecânicas de stealth e uma visão especial, foi o que recebi, mas eu esperava uma história cativante como costuma ser esses jogos da sony. Um grande problema do jogo é que ele não conseguem passar o peso do que ta acontecendo na tela, a luta contra o Ryuzo era para ser puta emocional, mas parece só mais um duelo, a própria batalha contra o nosso tio é bem mais ou menos, pelo menos na DLC eles conseguiram melhorar um pouco esse aspecto e a batalha final foi mais emotiva. Assim, como 90% dos jogos da sony ele cumpre a check list, mas pelo menos o combate é bem interessante, me surpreendeu e foi o que fez eu não dropar do jogo.

Ghost of Tsushima takes the cake as the review I've thought the most about recently regarding score. Some parts of me wanted to drop this score to a 9 since there are a couple minor things like technical issues that did annoy me. However, the fact this game has completely changed my thoughts on open-world games in general solidifies it as a modern masterpiece for me. One that shows that, despite all that's been said about some of the minor annoyances with open-world games, remedying those issues ultimately makes for a much better and tighter experience.

The biggest changes by far are in exploration and resource collection. You can fast travel to any point of interest you've been to, and your only guide to these points of interest are through question marks on the map and the wind leading you in a particular direction. It creates this satisfying gameplay loop where you never know what you're going to discover next, even if these POIs are taken from a small pool of possibilities. It could be a Hot Spring to increase your max health, a Pillar of Honor to acquire a new sword skin, or even a major Mongal encampment that uncovers more question marks for you to discover. It's a constant set of feedback that rewards going out and following wherever the wind takes you, which helped me go for so much of the game's side content.

The resource collection is also tightly packed, making specific resources for one specific crafting avenue and allowing you to pick them up while on your horse. There is still the game's "money" that is used for all crafting, but having something like Iron exclusively for swords and Bamboo for bows means you never feel like you're wasting resources. It even lets you target farm some resources, provided you know where to look. You can even buy some if you're tired of farming, or sell excess once you've maxed some upgrades out. It sounds a lot simpler on paper, but I promise its not.

Even excluding some of the major innovations, it's still a great game underneath. The strongest of all is its emergent gameplay particularly surrounding the outposts. I've played every Far Cry between 3 and 6 and the formula was starting to weigh on me after Far Cry 4, so to see a game that evolves its core concepts so well is a great breath of fresh air. You still have your stealth and loud approaches like classic Far Cry, but the tools at your disposal feel much more distinct. You could use an explosive arrow and wait for an opportune moment, or go for chain assassinations on multiple targets. There's stuff for loud as well, but I don't want to spoil too many of the game's surprises. The sandbox almost makes you feel like you're in one of those Far Cry stealth montages that were popular on YouTube back in the mid-2010s. While I understand the game is a tad easy outside of the DLC and know that's a problem for some, it was never an issue for me.

The narrative was equally impressive, hinging on samurai honor and its impact both to a samurai and those around them. A handful of moments stick out in my mind (The Ghost of Yarikawa mission especially), combining emotional heft with some great action setpieces. Even some of the side content was better than expected, almost arguing they could've been the protagonist under the right lens and with some additional depth. A lot of the side content was a bit short-lived, but even then offered some intriguing and thought-provoking stories.

All of this, wrapped in a game that four years on is stunningly beautiful, especially on PC. I'll take maybe one or two screenshots when playing a game to send to friends, but this game had me taking screenshot after screenshot with glorious vistas and a rather robust photo mode. This got even better for the Iki Island expansion, though I'll leave that spoiler-free.

While the technical issues were a tad annoying, Ghost of Tsushima currently stands as my favorite open-world game period. The fact that I got every achievement outside of the multiplayer mode and NG+ is a testament to that, especially with how rarely I 100% games.

A game that reaches such fantastic visual heights paired with visceral and--thankfully--challenging combat all wrapped up in an a very safe, often very boring game.

I liked it, I definitely got my money's worth, but after finishing Act 1 I'm left more exhausted than excited to keep liberating bandit camps, following foxes, and gathering resources.

It's a personal thing, but basic Samurai Stories rarely connect with me. They can be exciting when it's personal or come with a twist, but I don't give a dog's ass about honor or duty or loyalty to a lord. The soft "twist" of having to forgo that honor to be a pseudo-ninja is fine, but not enough to carry a story that offers no choices, berates you for playing it as designed, and doesn't even let you have the decency to skip cutscenes or lines of dialogue.

I'm sure I'll eventually finish it, but for now it goes on the shelf. I have way too many great games to spend another few dozens in an unengaging, safe triple-A Sony title.

Loved the fact that the horse will catch up with you to allow you to jump on without breaking your stride, it's the neat things like that which make Ghost of Tsushima really immersive!

The last boss battle legit gave me chills! So good, everything about this game is amazing! From gameplay to graphics to music to sound.

However, the missions are very repetitive but it was fine with the main story since each mission had a different goal etc. But after you finish the main story, they just become a bland boring rescue mission. After the main story, there isn't much going for it besides the DLC if you want to play that.

amazing story world visuals graphics characters and combat this is everything you want in an open world game does better than assassins creed

Oh man, I do not know where to begin. This was a game I initially had spite towards without having played it because I wanted Sucker Punch to go back to Infamous or Sly Cooper so bad, and knowing a Ghost of Tsushima sequel is on the way, I felt even more resentment. In saying that, I felt I should at least give it a try and see what all the hype is about, and man did this game not hold back. Out the get go, it impressed me so well, with a great cinematic opening act that really makes you feel like you are caught in between a war between the Samurai and the Mongols. This game has color to it like no other, with a world filled to the brim with detail. This game is an open world game that is much unlike others where you follow pinpoints across a vast empty map, instead, this game has you paying attention to its world, whether it is following foxes down secret holes, or following birds or the wind towards your next destination. I felt that many of its characters and locations felt extremely real and purposeful, with no space really feeling too similar to the other. Each section of this worlds huge open world map felt unique and new, with enemies that improved in both their gear and weapon techniques as time went on. Enemies did not get harder in the sense that they gained more health, rather, they improved in their fighting styles and became much more cohesive in their attacks as the games story goes on. The combat is definitely the highlight of this game, with many different ways of approaching enemies whether it be through ghost weapons (stealth) or full-blown frontal assault. The soundtrack is phenomenal and truly pays off when it has to, especially in the most gut-wrenching emotional scenes. The duels and boss battles in this game are like no other. I got chills every time the heavy drums and orchestral score began once you and your foe opposed each other with sword in hand, ready to strike with beautiful, vast, centerpieces making the backgrounds. Everything feels real, feels badass, and it truly just makes you feel like a samurai.

While its collectibles are fun, it can be overbearing at times. I feel this game has much padding added to it through its side missions and bases, which fun at first, can feel like a drag if you decide to take on this ambition of clearing all of Tushima islands pins, which is what I decided to do. I felt at times was it worth pursuing the 100%, but convinced myself to go off into the main story once again and come back to the side content once I was getting too tediously distracted with all of its fluff. Granted, that is a criticism that can be said for many open world games that force you to take on that said side content, and it was great that Ghost of Tsushima respects my time and allows it to be optional. While the 100% was fun, I feel I would have had a better time simply playing through this games fantastic main story, however, it was at no detriment of its own as this game was glorious in every sense of the term. I look forward to what Sucker Punch has in store for us next.

Will be playing the DLC and updating this review*

5/31/24 - I just finished the DLC and got the platinum, and I stand with my review. The DLC was fun, the Eagle was a great villain and we got to explore some cool new enemy challenges, events around the world and got to see a little bit more in Sakai’s past. I love this game.

Amazing pc port and a fantastic open world action adventure game.
Jin's story of becoming the ghost was so compelling and makes you feel like a badass when you master the combat in this game. Sucker punch cooked with the art direction and made reach region of the island very unique which made it interesting to explore. Where ever they take this series in the future I will be there and hands down one of the best playstation ips in recent times.

Bringing half a star up because of the addionts on Iki and overall enchanching the game, especially with ps5 version.

Un juego de acción y aventura excelente, con una gran historia sobre el Japón feudal, con interesantes personajes, una jugabilidad intensa y dinámica, muchísimo contenido gracias al Director's Cut y un apartado artístico que es tan precioso que asombra. Jugarlo con Dualsense solo eleva el juego a otro nivel.

Análisis de la versión de PC:

Beautiful locations and a great photomode. Combat is great when it gets going. The late game story gets a bit too rushed and characters start to slowly unravel. Overall highly enjoyed it though.

Surprising amount of content.

potansiyeli varmış ama harcanmış.
oyunun en iyi yaptığı şey o dönemin atmosferini çok iyi vermek. sanat tasarımıyla, görselliğiyle, şiir yazmasıyla, bambu kesmesiyle, zırhlarıyla, katanalarıyla, karakterleriyle çok güzel atmosfere sokuyor.
combat mekaniği de keyifli ve tatmin edici fakat bir noktadan sonra tekrara düşüp sıkıcılaşıyo.
oyunun en başarısız yönü de görev dizaynları. neredeyse tüm görevler aynı oyunda yan görev ana görev fark etmeksizin ilginç diyebileceğim toplam 1-2 görev vardır. oyunun ilk 10-15 saatinde olabildiğince oyunun ekmeğinden suyundan faydalandım. tüm yan etkinlikleri yaptım yan görevleri yaptım haritadaki her noktanın peşinden koştum ve act 2'ye geçtiğimde bi anda bi sıkkınlık bastı ve fark ettim ki eğer yan etkinlik yapmaya devam edersem ben bu oyundan çok sıkılıcam ve direkt dümdüz ana görev abanarak bitirdim oyunu ondan sonra. arkada yarım hikayeler kaldı yan görevlerde bir sürü ama maalesef görevler o kadar birbirinin tekrarı ki aşırı sıktı. git konuş birlikte at sür önüne moğol devriyesi çıksın onları kes konuş biraz daha at sür iz takip et etrafı incele. aynı şeyleri yapıp duruyosunuz tüm görevlerde. en azından ana görevlerin daha uğraşılmış sunumları var da çoğu ana görevde alttan alabiliyosunuz bu durumu.
çok güzel zırhlar, kılıçlar var. barbie giydirir gibi karakterin sürekli zırhını maskesini miğferini değiştim. rp yapar gibi savaş zırhı, gizlilik zırhı, ve öyle boş gezme kıyafeti diye ayrı fitler yaptım falan.
hikaye klişeydi. villain'ın sonu hiç tatmin edici değildi ama asıl final etkileyiciydi.
jin sakai oyun boyunca çok fazla karakterini etkileyecek etik kararlar alıyo ve çoğu zaman benim almayacağım kararlar alıyo bu noktada oyunun seçimler sunmasını biraz daha rpg olmasını isterdim. çünkü karakterle kurduğum bağ zedeleniyo bu şekilde. bir tek oyunun en sonunda bi seçim var en azından.

Jogo muito bom com um combate delicioso mas ele fica extremamente massante depois de um tempo. Missão de seguir rastros, seguir gente, ir lá e matar pessoa, liberar acampamento, mundo aberto com uma ambientação linda, mas em exploração e variedade de missões não tão interessante, não mentiram quando falaram que era igual Assassin's Creed.

I initially dropped this game for a couple months after completing Act 1. Completing each and every item in the first part of the map just left me absolutely drained. It was so so so so so so so repetitive.

But, the PC release came around so I decided to give it another shot. Watching Shogun helped too.

It was still very repetitive, but the changes of scenery and story beats helped make it a lot more tolerable.

Story itself is not all that interesting and neither are ANY of the side characters. I hated several of them and dreaded seeing them every time I had a mission with them.

Ending was nice.

Iki DLC was cool too.