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Já esperava ser um jogo muito bom, mas ainda assim me surpreendi demais. Traduziram perfeitamente as mecânicas características da franquia para um novo formato, mesmo sendo o primeiro Kirby que não é de plataforma, conseguiram acertar em cheio! É muito satisfatório progredir nesse jogo, a exploração é ótima e você é sempre recompensado de alguma forma, seja por achar uma passagem secreta, fazer algum minigame, salvar Waddle Dees, ou até msm jogar na máquina de gacha... Tudo nesse jogo funciona bem dmsss, é um game design muito exemplar. Ah, um detalhe ao fato de que você pode acenar para os Dees no meio da cidade, isso é muito fofo (admito que perdi muitos minutos só acenando para cada cidadão que eu via pela frente XD). Enfim, game recomendadíssimo, joguem se tiver oportunidade, é a melhor porta de entrada pra franquia na minha opinião.

Incrivelmente divertido e interessante do
Começo ao fim

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Now when I have played this game to completion, I have realized that this is way better than I have it credit for.

The small number of copy abilities is compensated very nicely by the few there are being upgradable, and the last ones are so broken that you don’t care one bit (Masked Hammer and Morpho Knight Sword go brr).

The difficulty is on the easy side, no doubt about that, but that’s just for the story mode. The side content increases the difficulty for those who want an extra challange. It gave me a few mission where I had to restart. And you of course can’t go wrong with balls-to-the-wall Kirby lore, which made for a great post-game.

The biggest critisism I have is how annoying it is that this is yet another game where you have to take the long way around if you fail a mission and must restart.

And that’s it. That was my biggest complaint, and it’s for something that is optional, and that shows to me how much I’ve reevaluated this.

the best kirby, when this game came out idk what it did to me but it made me the happiest i've ever been

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is a delightful platformer, full of secrets and charm. Kirby's classic copy abilities as well as the new "mouthful" modes are utilized very effectively to provide a lot of play variety. The audio-visual presentation is gorgeous, and the premise of the forgotten land makes for some interesting set pieces. The game overall skews pretty easy, but was still able to keep my attention with extensive optional challenges and immaculately designed levels. This the platonic ideal of a Kirby game.

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Thank u elfilin for not being a twist villain

Muy buen juego, agradable cambio en la jugabilidad

It's so cute until you realize that Kirby lore is freakin' insane!

A primeira entrada da franquia no 3D e faz parecer que Kirby trabalha com isso há anos. Cada canto e cada detalhe desse jogo é feito pra ser o mais animador possível, tanto o design quanto a apresentação fazem com que seja impossível se sentir entediado por um segundo sequer durante toda a duração do jogo (É uma característica de todos os jogos da franquia mas aqui em especial vale sempre dar muita ênfase nessa apresentação, das músicas até as animações o Hal Laboratory é sempre impecável em proporcionar a alegria mais pura para o jogador).
A alegria dessa vez em um cenário muito interessante e muito diferente de qualquer outro jogo do Kirby, não estamos no mundo de fantasia de onde ele vem e sim em um cenário urbano desolado e sem vida, mas somente em aparência pois o level design da vida e cor pra cada prédio, cada beco, cada cano destruído trazendo a magia da Dream Land e a alegria do Kirby pra esse mundo destruído. Ver esse cenário apocalíptico se enchendo de cor é o que torna Kirby and the Forgotten Land uma experiência tão revigorante, é impossível não esboçar um sorriso e sair mais feliz depois de jogar uma fase sequer desse jogo. Comfort na certa!!!
Claro que o jogo também não fica nem um pouco pra trás no seu plataforming e combate, aplicando a mesma lógica e proporcionando um sistema de power ups e habilidades que fazem com que seja impossível não se divertir muito, com uma infinidade de formas diferentes de abordar o combate e os chefões (Alguns MUITO intensos, principalmente pro final do jogo e o pós). Só consigo recomendar que todo mundo jogue, em um mundo que as vezes parece tão cinza e esquecido é sempre bom ter uma bola rosa de alegria pra te lembrar que existe cor e existem sonhos.

the first kirby game to dethrone superstar imo. extremely well designed 3d platformer with a truly insane finale, and a great couch co-op game on top of that

Can't believe it took all this time to get a full 3D kirby game, but it does not disappoint. Still gotta do the post game content.

I won't be forgotten this land any time soon yknow hahaha

Its really cool seeing kirby in a 3D game. I really enjoy Kirby games, even though they are pretty short and easy, so that makes it really cool playing this in 3D. I think its definitly harder than most kirby games because its in 3D, but thats not a problem at all. Its really fun and just a game i enjoyed to play just mindlessly when i was bored. It was also nice because most kirby games are like 2 hours and this was something like 10 so its nice to have more time in that.

Kirby demorou muito para ter o seu primeiro jogo 100% 3D, desde a época do GameCube era cogitado um jogo do Kirby que mesclava 2.5D e 3D, mas esse projeto (Kirby Adventure GCN) acabou sendo engavetado e depois retrabalhado no "Kirby Return to DreamLand" para nintendo Wii. Finalmente depois de muitos anos e só na oitava geração de consoles ganhamos nosso primeiro jogo totalmente 3D da bolinha rosa mais poderosa do universo.

A maneira que a HAL adaptou a jogabilidade do Kirby, fazendo com que o kirby não voe para sempre e tenha um tempo limitado para voar foi uma solução bem inteligente pra não quebrarem o jogo, já que se tivesse como voar infinitamente daria para pular todas as fases. Não vejo porque alguém iria querer pular tudo, já que a graça do jogo é jogar (holy moly), mas ta aí.

As habilidades desse jogo são as melhores da série, devido a mecânica de "blueprints" que são umas receitas que você pode encontrar pelas fases, e utiliza-las para fazer upgrades, o que faz o jogador não ficar utilizando os mesmos movesets o jogo inteiro.

Gostei bastante das bossfights, principalmente a ultima que é MUITO ÉPICA, Kirby Truck Supremacy.

A trilha sonora achei meio esquecível, a única música que eu lembro é a dos créditos "Welcome to the New World!", me vejo cantarolando essa música de vez em quando kkkk.

Achei a ambientação de Mundo destruído muito refrescante, já que todos os outros jogos se passam num mundo mágico(esse também é, mas você entendeu o que eu quis dizer).

As transformações do Kirby, consiste em ele consumir... engolir... possuir objetos inanimados, é a mecânica principal do jogo e a mais nova também, ela é de longe uma das coisas mais criativas do jogo, faz a gameplay ficar muito mais diversificada e divertida.

O jogo é muito bom, com certeza um dos melhores jogos do Kirby.


For some reason, the title of the game says that "Kirby forgot to land".... I can't disagree more: I think Kirby landed flawlessly.

Kirby's first jump to full-on 3D was surprisingly incredible. The core formula of the series made a solid jump, which lead to a gameplay that feels familiar, but also different thanks to a nerf of the air mobility and the momentum of the dodges.

The Forgotten Land itself is a giant chage of pace from Dreamland, and it's able to add a lot to Kirby's world and overall "lore". Not to mention that Kirby's main side characters had some great time to shine here... even tho I kinda wish one more classic character was involved into the story (ADO WAS PERFECT FOR THIS SETTING WHY IS SHE NOT HERE)

I don't think it is my favorite in the series. I feel the smaller roster of the Copy Abilities can be heavily felt: I get that most of them were hard to translate in 3D, and the upgrade system is an okay addition to enrich the ones that made the cut. Though it is weird for me to have a modern kirby game without Beam, Ninja or Fighting.

Another nitpick is that I kinda wish it had more "open levels": most of them follow a formula similar to stuff like Super Mario 3D World, which is fine... but I kinda wish more level led to open areas (similar to the first level of the Desert world, where you are able to explore a larger landscape and do different tasks as you want).

Regardless of these personal nitpicks, Kirby and the Forgotten Lenad is amazing. Definitely one of the best Switch platformers, that i feel can go toe to toe with super mario Odyssey. If you are not into Kirby, you will be after trying this!

I didn't think they could one-up themselves after Planet Robobot, especially on their first (real) attempt at a 3D game, but I couldn't be more wrong. The exploration, the minigames, the boss fights—everything translates so well to the third dimension that you are left wondering how they didn't attempt this before. The soundtrack is also top-tier and the level design is just as you would expect from the series: it's a breeze to just move forward and finish the stages, but if you go for the secrets, challenges, and post-game content then you are in for a more refined and engaging experience that makes the transformations mechanics truly shine. 
Highly recommended; it's a modern classic already.

i wasn't really sure how much i liked this and then, when i got to the bonus levels, i realized that i was disappointed that there weren't more. so yes i did like it!

i do feel like there's a little bit less to the game than there appears to be on first glance - the world map is pretty but kind of empty, the side content in waddle dee town is either not spaced out well or is pretty skimpy (or both), and there are so few actual levels. but those levels are so joyful and fun, so it evens out.

and there's a sense of excitement here - last level is the most obvious example, but it really feels like the devs are having fun with the contrasting tones of cute-kirby and apocalyptic-environment. it's got some real kingdom heartsy klonoaness going on, being very approachable but still a video game-ass video game at heart. good stuff.

my favorite kirby game ever. had such an amazing time from start to finish, it's amazing how they nailed 3d kirby first try. for people following the kirby lore this game added a bunch of interesting new aspects too. had a blast 100%ing this game.

after only being 2D for so many years (except for that one 3DS spin-off), I'm glad to say the first 3D Kirby game delivers. great level theming, great visuals, great music, a lot of cool level gimmicks with a great variety of scenarios and situations and a cool narrative!!
I really like how they found a way to compensate for the lack of moveset depth the modern 2D games had by giving us an upgrade/variants system (even though some of these are pretty busted). all the side-content/minigames are fun distractions and the post-game content is pretty sizeable! (even if just a tiny bit tedious if you wanna do 100%).
this game might not wow you away if you've played a lot of more complex/deep 3D platformers but I think it's hard to not enjoy yourself playing this. it is essentially the best basis could have made to expand on it with new 3D games moving forward (if that's what they plan on doing anyway!)

I didn't know Kirby had a dodge mechanic until I beat the game. Don't make the same mistake I made.

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Probably my second favorite Kirby game in the series the music is great especially approach the Roche limit and the postgame man the suprise can get you at the end also you get a really good sword upgrade.

Amazing music, visuals, gameplay, level design, length,... what more do you want?
Very impressive for a first mainline 3D game

Buen Kirby, probablemente el mejor en 3D

Such a beautiful and refreshing take on the Kirby franchise. Simple, but with enough depth to keep me entertained. The bosses and level designs were spectacular. Definitely an all time favorite game of mine.

After all these years a lot of people have anticipated and asked for a 3d kirby game. I always thought it was unnecessary, in a bit of a conservative way. Forgotten Land not only proved me wrong, it took my words and threw it in my face, by bringing me one of the best kirby games I have ever played. It's everything a classic kirby game needs: abilities and gimmicks that interact with the levels, an easy playthrough with a more difficult challenge offered to players right after, and my favorite: collectables (the waddle dees) that are an indicator of 100%ting the game. Forgotten lands does everything kirby has done before, only now its all in the style of 3d.