Reviews from

in the past

T1, also known as Truck1, is a South Korean truck rental company that has recently been exposed for their money-making scheme of running a top-tier E-sports organization "only" to reach second place in the LCK. This has triggered diehard fans, forcing them to rent out trucks secretly owned by Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok--part owner of the organization--to voice out their dismay and demands. Allegedly, whistleblowers have pointed out that Joe Marsh is merely a scapegoat and the true mastermind behind the scheme is his long-time friend Nick "LS" De Cesare who, when reached out for an interview, mentioned that the core of his scheme is "abusing the enemy's bad decision-making and mental."


Lo juego porque es el único juego que puedo jugar con mis colegas hablando y escuchando música (900 euros, fckng riot)

the community can rly make you hate this game, but at its core it is one of the best moba’s ever.

Love hate with this game and I can't play for long before I start hating myself and who it makes me. JK the game is fun and there's a lot of hate for this game but takes time getting into. The highs in this game are amazing but the lows are super low and make me want to punch my monitor. Game says it's free but you might end up paying Riot a lot of money.

Eu simplesmente odeio esse jogo, mas não consigo parar, portanto, a droga perfeita

Inúmeros amigos sofrem dependência dessa podreira imunda. Eles estão doentes e precisam de ajuda.
Also: A gameplay é uma bosta

theyve kept in just enough systems as to qualify it as a moba, but removed any ounce of player decision making and skill. what remains is a tedious endeavor where your win or lose state relies on the 4 other animals youve been shackled to for an hour at a time.

Just play dota instead

I dont like this game. It has taken my friends

não existe jogo melhor pra arruinar sua noite ^^

I think that playing 1000+ games has done irreversible damage to my mental health

Facilmente um dos jogos mais nojentos da atualidade.

Se qualquer jogo on-line lança atualmente sem voice; sem um matchmaking bem feito; todo desbalanceado; com um client podre; uma engine de 2011; sem modos de jogo variados; sem o menor apoio ao jogador; sem ouvir um A da comunidade, esse jogo seria flopado em menos de 4 meses.

Porém LoL se mantêm, pelo simples fato de ser o único MOBA bom. Sim Dota é lento e chato de mais e MOBA mobile não conta. LoL só existe, pois não há um concorrente que tenha se dado o trabalho de tentar fazer um jogo à altura.

Qualquer empresa que faça um MOBA e dê o básico (itens que citei antes) já estará anos a frente desse jogo.

Dito isso, jogo todo dia.

I ain't downloading a computer bricking spyware just to play Gragas. It's been fun. 15% of the time.

It's fine and even fun when you play casual modes and do not touch ranked. Lore is cool too

Played this way more than I'd like to admit to, friends still ask me to hop on from time to time. It pains me, but (ONLY) sometimes it can be fun.

Okay, so the entire world hates and shits on League of Legends and I was in that camp for almost my entire life... until November 2023 when my Val friends got me to play a couple of games and now I'm addicted and depressed.

All chat is really fun, can't speak to the rest of it.

possibly the worst tilt i've ever experienced but it's fun to play arams with friends i guess