Reviews from

in the past

Oh, the sweet childhood memories...

5 étoiles car avec mon pote Asreal on a construit un camp de concentration appelé Pedoschwitz

Esse jogo revolucionou d+ na época, baixar mods como mod de construção, mod do AETHER, mod que adicionava novas estruturas, mod do HEROBRINE... o tumblr para jogar online, acompanhar Monark, venon extreme, entre outros... esse jogo me marcou d+, sei lá, uma realidade alternativa que em que esse jogo não existiu, não consigo imaginar como teria sido minha adolescência...

Honestly, I have a lot of fun playing when I'm in the mood for it! It's just that I can only really play it in short bursts at a time, but that's completely a me problem I will admit XD

The classic digital Legos. Minus the nostalgia goggles, not that interesting compared to more modern games.

preciso falar alguma coisa? é minecraft.

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Boy oh boy where do even begin. Minecraft... honey, my pookie bear. I have loved you ever since first laid eyes on you. The way you drive into the paint and strike fear into your enemies eyes. Your silky smooth touch around the rim, and that gorgeous jumpshot. I would do anything for you. I wish it were possible to freeze time so would never have to watch you retire. You had a rough childhood, but you never gave up hope. You are even amazing off the court, you're a great husband and father, sometimes even call you dad. forvever dread and weep, thinking of the day you will one day retire. I would sacrifice my own life it were the only thing that could put a smile on your beautiful face. You have given me so much joy, and heartbreak over the years. I remember when you first left clevenland and its like my heart got broken into a million pieces. But a tear still fell from my right eye when watched you win your first ring in miami, because deep down, my glorious king deserved it. just wanted you to return home. Then allas, you did, my sweet baby boy came home and I rejoiced. 2015 was a hard year for us baby, but in 2016 you made history happen. You came back from 3- and couldn't believe it. I was crying, bawling even, and heard my glorious king exclaim these words, "CLEVELAND, THIS IS FOR YOU!" Not only have you changed the game of basketball and the world forever, but you've eternally changed my world. And now you're getting older, but still the goat, my goat. I love you pookie bear, my glorious king, Minecraft.

you can't go wrong with a good game of minecraft. undoubtedly better with friends. the updates mojang drops bore me, but they dont change the baseline of the game. as long as you can build a house and get a dog, it's gonna be good.

Honestly 5 stars just for the built-in ability to go back to older versions of the game, it's crazy other long-running games don't do that!

Always been more into the cave spelunking than building, but it's a testament that even when you've got a digging system down it's still intense whenever the monsters show up.

Jogo desde criança, me marcou muito desde sempre. Seja por seus criadores de conteúdo tanto pelo conteúdo do jogo em si.
Porém, o jogo vêm perdendo o brilho. Pode ser algo só para mim, mas eu venho percebendo (não só eu) que o jogo tem ficado mais preguiçoso em suas atualizações, e quem joga está se contentando com muito pouco.
Sinto que o jogo está preso num limbo onde ele dificilmente conseguirá sair.
Entretanto, a comunidade de mods realmente salva esse jogo.

It's kinda fun for 26 minutes. Then it's like, why aren't you just playing Terraria right now?

How the hell do you rate Minecraft? Idk I have gotten a lot out of it in the past, just seems hard to find the time and effort for it nowadays. We don't stay young forever

probably the game i played the most at a certain time of my life
if your bored with building u can start exploring, if urbored of exploring u can go online, if ur bored with servers u can add mods
ull never run out of things u can do in minecraft

there need to be serious changes for this game to be good again. alternatively, just play older versions such as 1.13

Its hard to review this game, since it was my childhood. I mean, its minecraft. I can only give it a lower score given how little is added to this title on a consistent basis, its almost ridiculous how slow content is added.

This game sucks, it's overrated, it has bad graphic = bad game, open world with nothing but barren lands, there's no gun, no cars, no prostitution, the animation looks weird, gameplay's unfair, pointless, waste of time. Without a doubt, the worst GTA type game of all time.

Definitely a game I would argue is one of the most important games of all time, on the level of games like Mario and PAC-MAN.

Though me personally, I feel the game becomes pretty stale after a little while of playing, but that could be due to my complete lack of creativity when it comes to building.

Still though, I see why people like it and it’s definitely a good game.

Quem teve infância ou quem tem bom gosto já jogou ou joga Mine pelo menos uma vez na vida, jogão apenas

Loved this game as a kid. I feel that it has lost some of the simplistic charm it had with all the updates.

Le jeu all time, les souvenirs...

Modern mechanics are often superfluous but the core gameplay still remains one of the best out there.

Le meilleur jeu de tout les temps , tellement c'est un jeu incroyable que j'y ai joué au pad numérique pendant 3 mois avant d'acheter un souris

evento canônico na vida de todo homem